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Watson demands...

Watson is right though. Labour stands to lose a lot more votes from remain voters than they do from leaves ones. The local and Euro elections shows as much. It's high time Corbyn stopped his ambiguous, keep everyone happy approach and backed a second referendum.
Watson is right though. Labour stands to lose a lot more votes from remain voters than they do from leaves ones. The local and Euro elections shows as much. It's high time Corbyn stopped his ambiguous, keep everyone happy approach and backed a second referendum.

Lol Guardian comments this way ->

It would be a stupid move. And in the end a political party has to be both pragmatic and also focus on whats right. A second refurendum in the current climate would be incredibly divisive and there is no guarantee remain would win in some sweeping democratic triumph. This is pure delusion.
Lol Guardian comments this way ->

It would be a stupid move. And in the end a political party has to be both pragmatic and also focus on whats right. A second refurendum in the current climate would be incredibly divisive and there is no guarantee remain would win in some sweeping democratic triumph. This is pure delusion.

There's nothing right about allowing the Tories to push through Brexit almost unchallenged. Corbyn, like the Tory Brexiters, is of the delusional belief that he can somehow secure a better deal with the EU than what May managed. He can't. The EU have made that clear.

No, there isn't a guarantee that remain would win a second referendum and it would be divisive, but it's the right thing to do in my mind. We have parliament in deadlock and surely the people should get a final say on the terms of any deal? We know a lot more now than what we did back during the referendum campaign where people were lied to and offered a vague choice between in and out.

A majority of Labour voters also support remain and the overwhelming majority of Labour members. I thought Corbyn said he was listening to their wishes. History will judge Corbyn harshly if he aids a Tory Brexit. To date, that is exactly what he is doing. No surprises considering he's an avid eurosceptic and always has been.
A majority of Labour voters also support remain
This could be true-but, if it is true, it will only be because of large numbers of life-long Labour supporters who no longer self-describe as such because they wanted Brexit and do not see Labour as the party that is likely to deliver it anytime soon!
A latter day Dick Dastardly trying to stop that Brexit, with Alistair Campbell as his Muttley.
He has a valid concern about labours wishy washy position and as a senior member of the labour party he is right to express his opinion.
The choice was very clear, in or out of the European Union. It’s just some are struggling to accept the answer.
There's nothing clear about a choice of in or out. The vagueness of the question left it open to interpretation and doesn't take into account that a trade deal has to be secured. Norway, Turkey and Switzerland are all outside of the EU but have differing trade arrangements with them. It's not as simple as cut all ties and have done, with all the economic consequences that will bring. That wasn't explained.

Those on the left supporting Brexit need to ask themselves whether their vision of a socialist state is more or less likely. With avid right wing Tories running the show, there's only one answer to that, and that's less likely as they will have a free reign to rip up our regulations and protections that ensure workers and environmental rights and stop our NHS from being privatised to name a few.
This could be true-but, if it is true, it will only be because of large numbers of life-long Labour supporters who no longer self-describe as such because they wanted Brexit and do not see Labour as the party that is likely to deliver it anytime soon!
I believe the figure is around two thirds of Labour voters back remain, as well as 90 per cent of the membership and the vast majority of its MPs. Party policy is to listen to the membership. That's what Corbyn promised. What went wrong?
I believe the figure is around two thirds of Labour voters back remain, as well as 90 per cent of the membership and the vast majority of its MPs. Party policy is to listen to the membership. That's what Corbyn promised. What went wrong?

Watson not calling for Remain, for a start. Calling for a "People's Vote" is not a call for Remain, its a call for a referendum that Labour wouldn't control, probably wouldn't run and might not even lead the official Remain campaign for. Corbyn is 100% right to oppose it in these circumstances, as it is a daft idea.
Watson not calling for Remain, for a start. Calling for a "People's Vote" is not a call for Remain, its a call for a referendum that Labour wouldn't control, probably wouldn't run and might not even lead the official Remain campaign for. Corbyn is 100% right to oppose it in these circumstances, as it is a daft idea.
He clearly is calling for remain.

Take this quote from the Guardian article.
"It is my firm belief that we should. The majority of Labour’s members and voters are Remain. Our hearts are Remain and our values are Remain.”

Let's be honest. Most people who want a referendum are remainers. I am too and make no secret of it.
He clearly is calling for remain.

Take this quote from the Guardian article.
"It is my firm belief that we should. The majority of Labour’s members and voters are Remain. Our hearts are Remain and our values are Remain.”

Let's be honest. Most people who want a referendum are remainers. I am too and make no secret of it.

Then you should argue to revoke Article 50. What is the point of another referendum, especially one that this Government would oversee?
Then you should argue to revoke Article 50. What is the point of another referendum, especially one that this Government would oversee?

Because it's the democratic thing to do. Give people the final say on any deal alongside the option of remaining. Then go with that outcome.
Because it's the democratic thing to do. Give people the final say on any deal alongside the option of remaining. Then go with that outcome.

It isn't though. It is expecting the most incompetent regime for many years to run a referendum they didn't want, which they'd probably oppose throughout, with huge amounts of money being poured into the Leave side and with a Remain side led by people who despise each other.
It isn't though. It is expecting the most incompetent regime for many years to run a referendum they didn't want, which they'd probably oppose throughout, with huge amounts of money being poured into the Leave side and with a Remain side led by people who despise each other.
All true. That's why it shouldn't just be left to the government to run. A citizens assembly should be set up with ideas generated from that used to set the future direction of Brexit policy.

A second referendum isn't the perfect option but it's the best we have. The alternative is parliamentary deadlock and no deal.
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