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Waterloo Station - proposed redevelopement

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Reaching out
I see that Waterloo is to undergo a London Bridge style makeover. Can't they think of something a little different as opposed to a London Bridge style undercroft?
https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2024-03/WSM_Summary Vision Statement.pdf

This looks great, especially the improvements to the main entrance and the big roundabout. Just like at Old Street, Elephant and Highbury they're closing one side of the roundabout, connnecting the IMAX cinema to the station forecourt.
Moving much of the concourse downstairs also opens up the possibility (in the far flung future) of reconnecting the line through Waterloo East, allowing through running. A "South London Crossrail" if you like.


Isn’t that more or less the plan for Liverpool Street, too?
No. Liverpool Street platforms are already below ground level. While the circulation area could do with improvement, it doesn't really need a massive overhaul. The proposed over-site development there is a cynical money grabbing exercise.
This looks great, especially the improvements to the main entrance and the big roundabout. Just like at Old Street, Elephant and Highbury they're closing one side of the roundabout, connnecting the IMAX cinema to the station forecourt.
I'm reserving judgment on Old St to be honest as not sure it's ever going to be bloody finished. It's only been going on since 2019 after all.

(Yes, I know Covid etc but IIRC it was meant to be a two-year project.)
I went running up there the other day, Looks like there will be loads of shops and things under the bit that used to be the eurostar. Bit dead now (just how I like it) but might end being quite interesting.
I went running up there the other day, Looks like there will be loads of shops and things under the bit that used to be the eurostar. Bit dead now (just how I like it) but might end being quite interesting.
There are already a few shops under there.
Some of these ideas were scudding around just before the economic shit hit the fan in 2008-ish. The place I worked at the time (consultancy) got as far as an initial think about getting involved from the buses angle before the whole project got ditched.

1897 map here showing the rail link from Waterloo to Waterloo East. I understand the last time it was used was for troop trains during the 1914-18 war.

The bridge for it is still there (Street View here) - it's the lower level red painted bridge that's now only used for storage. Until the last major project when the new higher level bridge was built, it was part of the pedestrian access between the two, which meant having to cross the cab / bus road. I'm not quite sure if it's wide enough for two tracks, though - 1897 map suggests it was a single track.

One thing this doesn't seem to address, which would help flow of traffic / buses on Waterloo Road is a pedestrian access from the east side of Waterloo Road, for people getting off buses from the Aldwych / Holborn direction, and people walking to / from offices etc that side of Waterloo Road, which means the pedestrian crossings are heavily used. Only obvious solution though would involve taking out a chunk of the 'Wellington' pub and turning that in to a station entrance...
The bridge is definitely wide enough for two tracks, even if one was only ever laid. It would probably need replacing anyway after all these years with little maintenance. But it's never going to happen really. Not only would it be super disruptive to Waterloo station, it would join onto the "wrong" pair of tracks. The fast line is on the south side of Waterloo East and you'd want any kind of crossrail-like service to take the slow services.

However, it does look like the new scheme would do away with the high-level link by pedestrianising the cab road.
One thing this doesn't seem to address, which would help flow of traffic / buses on Waterloo Road is a pedestrian access from the east side of Waterloo Road, for people getting off buses from the Aldwych / Holborn direction, and people walking to / from offices etc that side of Waterloo Road, which means the pedestrian crossings are heavily used. Only obvious solution though would involve taking out a chunk of the 'Wellington' pub and turning that in to a station entrance...
This already exists although it's rather pokey. Behind the Wellington on Sandell Street there's a staircase up to the link bridge. No lift though.
This already exists although it's rather pokey. Behind the Wellington on Sandell Street there's a staircase up to the link bridge. No lift though.

Yes - I'm not sure many people would use that to get in to waterloo (main) station, though - think it's really only ever been intended as a way in / out of waterloo (east) - the barriers at the top let you in to waterloo east, and you'd have to go out the other barriers to get in to waterloo (main)

and that's before the prospect of going up all those stairs...
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