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war on motorists

TBF, I don't feel under attack as a car owner - I don't pay ULEZ (my car is a 12 year old Golf) the local LTNs just mean I don't drive down those particular streets (which are now lovely to walk down) 20mph was an adjustment (2 fines) but now is quite relaxing tbf - I don't understand why people object to seatbelts - they've been law for decades, and I never touch my phone when I'm driving .
TBF, I don't feel under attack as a car owner - I don't pay ULEZ (my car is a 12 year old Golf) the local LTNs just mean I don't drive down those particular streets (which are now lovely to walk down) 20mph was an adjustment (2 fines) but now is quite relaxing tbf - I don't understand why people object to seatbelts - they've been law for decades, and I never touch my phone when I'm driving .
I'm very much the same, although I'm just outside London and there are fewer 20mph zones. My car is also 12 years old and ULEZ compliant (a petrol BMW). I have found the 20mph zones a little difficult to adjust to when I (rarely) drive into the outskirts of London but I don't think of it as a great imposition.

They are having a consultation in my part of Surrey about introducing some 20mph zones and I've seen some hostility on the local Facebook groups about it. There's always someone who reckons it's the start of a grand scheme to restrict everyone's movements. Although there's also some reverse NIMBYism going on as well with the same people arguing that people drive down THEIR roads too fast and it should be a 20mph limit but that road they use to take the kids to school or drive down to go shopping shouldn't.

I drive, I walk, I cycle and I use public transport. I use whatever is the most suitable for my journeys but I suspect there are a lot of people who have been conditioned into thinking that, if they travel, it can only be by car. The supposed war on motorists is only really a way to redress the balance a bit by discouraging unnecessary car usage to make everyone's life a bit better.
A real "war on motorists" would be investing heavily in a functioning public transport system - that way, they could make motorists into an oppressed minority :D
In London, the public transport system is pretty good, we also have congestion charging and ULEZ yet still the roads are congested. By comparison, I noticed that Birmingham is devoid of cars.
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