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What have people got against motorists?

I did what I normally do in these situations which is to stop walking and stare directly at the driver until they fucking sort their ideas out and stop
I think you'll find that most 'normal' people would jump out of the way. Something to do with car trumping person in a fight.
I think you'll find that most 'normal' people would jump out of the way. Something to do with car trumping person in a fight.
Only if the car has sufficient momentum. I've taken a few lights out on a black cab that tried to push me (on a bicycle) out of the way at slow speed.

Some people might say I had no right to walk in front of the car but this was a stretch of road where there's a T junction maybe every thirty yards, and you have to pass at least ten to walk quarter of a mile. If I had to wait at every junction, for cars that weren't even going anywhere but might decide to at some point, that would double my journey time. It's busy around there, you have to cross when you've got a chance. I fail to see why getting in a big metal box, making a lot of noise and spitting out toxic fumes suddenly makes you more important than other people, why others without noisy, ugly, poison-boxes have to give way to you in almost every situation. It comes down to violence at the end of the day, to the implicit threat of coming off far worse in any confrontation. That's the real source of a motorist's right to have pedestrians wait for them.

As a regular pedestrian as well as a weekend motorist I can relate to some of this. I do always try to let peds at the end of my road cross if they are trying to.

As for the noise and the toxic fumes, hopefully something can be done about that, even if electric cars will still take up valuable road space and won't solve the priority problem either.
I said it was what I normally do, I never claimed to be normal. My mum told me to always stand up to bullies.
You didn't stop to think for a second that the driver may not have seen you? And in standing in front of the car you were putting yourself in danger?
I was run over once by a car exiting a side road in a similar scenario to the one you're talking about. The driver hadn't seen me step into the road before she decided to pull out, and she still didn't see me until I was on the bonnet of her car. I got the usual "I didn't see you. Where did you come from?" As if I'd fallen out of the sky onto her bonnet.
You really should be careful using that approach of yours.
The driver hadn't seen me step into the road before she decided to pull out, and she still didn't see me until I was on the bonnet of her car. I got the usual "I didn't see you. Where did you come from?" As if I'd fallen out of the sky onto her bonnet.

they seem to in NCIS quite a lot I noticed . . . . .
Today I had to help a disabled elderly bloke up off the floor and back onto his motor scooter because some festering syphillitic bellend of an excuse for a sack of shit had parked across the dropped kerb at the end of the main pedestrian path leading to the city's main hospital. This bloke was therefore obliged to take his chances driving his scooter straight off the high kerb, resulting in him being spilled onto the road where he was at the mercy of other traffic. Several other cars drove past this person in obvious distress without stopping or doing fuck all to help.

If you block facilities for disabled access, or if you park your car so far onto the pavement that a wheelchair or mobility scooter cannot pass, then you should have both your legs broken. No excuses, no anaesthetic, just a nine iron to the shins and good luck trying to get around town for the next few months.
The other day a car was stopped at a t junction, unable to pull out because someone else was turning in. I crossed the road in front of this car, but as soon as the other car was out of the way he started driving on. Even though I was right in front of him, not a metre from his front bumper. The fact that he considered himself entitled to drive on apparently trumped the fact that you're not allowed to run people over.

The fact that you are already crossing means you have right of way. A lot of drivers don't seem to know this. A white van man screamed at me the other day because I was crossing when he came flying round the corner at speed and didn't look like stopping so I had to break into a jog to get out of the way. If he knew his highway code then he'd know it was my right of way but quoting a rule book isn't going to help me when i'm in the hospital with a broken leg.
Every driver should know where rights of way apply ffs. It's in the Highway Code, if you drive a motor vehicle on a public road you should know that shit, or be actively trying to learn (and ideally apply) it all.
I'm pretty sure every driver knows you're not allowed to deliberately drive your car into people.

Yes, of course. But a lot of drivers get arsey and beep their horns because they think you shouldn't be in their way when you have every right to cross and they should be giving way.
I hate driving. I just like to drive along, at a responsible speed, give plenty of space to others, be sensible when pulling out of junctions, and if there's traffic, wait my turn because none of us are going anywhere fast anyway. I'm fucking sick of dickheads tailgating, cutting me up for the sake of getting one car in front, beeping at me for leaving junctions clear in a traffic jam, weaving dangerously in and out like they're top notch fucking drivers, well if that's true why does EVERYONE HAVE TO BRAKE FOR YOU OTHERWISE YOU'D HIT THEM. I find myself having to be more aggressive just so people don't put me in risky situations and cut me up, I hate it, some people just seem to lose all respect when they get into a car.

Although having said that there are many courteous and polite drivers on the roads, it's a shame a significant minority make it so stressful for everyone else.
Just took a walk out to the post office depot to pick up a couple of parcels. I walked mostly by back streets but then along the one-way-system (Kingswood, A420). Altogether about a 20-min walk.

On the way there and back I counted fourteen people driving while using a phone (looking at it, not just talking on it). One woman was eating an apple in one hand and texting with her other. At least three (including her) were using a phone while driving directly into blinding sunlight. Two I noticed were stationary at the time, though they were still in moving traffic and hadn't pulled over to the side of the road.

These were town-centre roads where anyone might cross at any moment.
Just took a walk out to the post office depot to pick up a couple of parcels. I walked mostly by back streets but then along the one-way-system (Kingswood, A420). Altogether about a 20-min walk.

On the way there and back I counted fourteen people driving while using a phone (looking at it, not just talking on it). One woman was eating an apple in one hand and texting with her other. At least three (including her) were using a phone while driving directly into blinding sunlight. Two I noticed were stationary at the time, though they were still in moving traffic and hadn't pulled over to the side of the road.

These were town-centre roads where anyone might cross at any moment.

Fucks sake. The ban on using a phone whilst driving, and the recent points increase has had an impact then...... :( <rolleyes>
I know. My favourite was one lad who saw me looking and yelled out, "What? What d'ya want?"
It's pretty much impossible for me to come on this or any other social media and speak up for motorists when folk are doing things like that. Twat.
One woman, four cars. No stopping after each of them hit her.

Police trace drivers after woman killed in multiple hit-and-run

There's some doubt, I think, if this really was cuntish driving or actually a deliberate attempt to kill someone.

I do have a serious problem buying the fact that even the worst drivers, the people who use smartphones and stuff, would just run over a fellow human and not give a shit. I don't think we are that far gone as a species yet. I hope I'm not wrong.
Three years for drunk driving, gbh and attempted murder. Fucking hell.

Driver jailed for ramming car into cyclist after he confronted her for using a mobile phone at the wheel

Few months late but was talking to an ex-colleague of the victim's today.

I see no mention of 'drunk driving, gbh and attempted murder', am I missing something?

I am guessing that if the cyclist hadn't kicked her car, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did.

She was a complete twat, and clearly guilty of 'causing serious injury by dangerous driving', 3 years seems like I result to me.
I see no mention of 'drunk driving, gbh and attempted murder', am I missing something?

I am guessing that if the cyclist hadn't kicked her car, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did.

She was a complete twat, and clearly guilty of 'causing serious injury by dangerous driving', 3 years seems like I result to me.
That's some astounding victim blaming there. Did you watch the video? You think she should be out in eighteen months?
That's some astounding victim blaming there. Did you watch the video? You think she should be out in eighteen months?

I'll repeat...

I see no mention of 'drunk driving, gbh and attempted murder', am I missing something?

Perhaps you would like to explain your claims?
Where does it say he kicked her car?

I remember it being reported at the time.

Here you go...

Doughty, who is 38, confronted Henshaw-Bryan over her use of the handset and she responded by shouting and swearing at him. Angered, Doughty then kicked her wing mirror when they met at the next set of lights, the court heard. Henshaw-Bryan chased the cyclist down and used the vehicle to send him into a tree, before driving off.
Driver jailed for three years for ramming cyclist in north London

She clearly shouldn't have reacted the way she did, but if he hadn't acted they way did, it's likely she wouldn't have reacted in such a manner.
I'll repeat...

I see no mention of 'drunk driving, gbh and attempted murder', am I missing something?

Perhaps you would like to explain your claims?
I was misinformed about the drunkeness. I've read a further article and it seems she was pregnant and unlikely to be drunk. The gbh and attempted murder are my own opinion. If you drive a car directly at someone you're trying to kill them and the young man was put out of work for several months.

But yeah out in eighteen months and driving again six months after that is fine. It's a 'result' after all it was just a cheeky cyclist who was upset because he'd been hit once by an idiot driver who was on the phone when she should have been paying attention to the road.
I remember it being reported at the time.

Here you go...

She clearly shouldn't have reacted the way she did, but if he hadn't acted they way did, it's likely she wouldn't have reacted in such a manner.
It's lucky he wasn't wearing a short skirt or he might have got raped as well as nearly killed.

What was his reasonable comeback for being hit by a driver who was breaking the law?
But yeah out in eighteen months and driving again six months after that is fine.

Beyond struggling with facts & logic, you seem to also struggle with reading - she was also given a four-and-a-half-year driving disqualification.
Beyond struggling with facts & logic, you seem to also struggle with reading - she was also given a four-and-a-half-year driving disqualification.

So it's okay that she will be allowed on the road again after driving her car directly at another road user. That's okay with you?
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