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Virgin pendolino trains - awful things

My first experience of Virgin running the West Coast line was being chucked out at Crewe on xmas eve and being told to make our own way home.
Well if you missed the last train through your own fault that's nothing to do with Virgin is it?

and they locked out the tilt mechanism years ago.
Um no they didn't. Super Voyagers (operated by Virgin) tilt. Voyagers don't

They didn't order enough trains with enough cars. So the seating's crammed in as dense as possible with no luggage/bike space. This is the main fault of the type, but it's not the fault of the train or of Virgin. It's a government that's content to subsidize the railways to the tune of tens of billions but cuts corners in stupid places that's to blame.
There is bike space, there's space for 4 bikes, like I said earlier.
I don't recall saying that ... why did you feel the need to make it up?
Um you did..as good as. You said Virgin asked you to make your own way home. It's pretty obvious that this is because the trains had stopped for the day as train companies are obligated to get you to your destination in the event disruption preventing you. It's simple logic.
The train was scheduled to go to Liverpool, it stopped at Crewe, and the passengers were left to fend for themselves.

If you are trying to say, 'If you trusted Virgin's last train to Liverpool on xmas eve to actually arrive in Liverpool or if prevented from doing so by a combination of technical issues and lack of staff, provide alternatives like a promise to re-imburse taxis, then it's your own fault' then you'd be correct, but I'd never had any trouble like that with BR's last train on xmas eve, so this was my opportunity to discover the difference ...

The Virgin bloke did not make any such commitment, instead he threatened the angry mob of passengers (mostly asking for a promise to reimburse cab fares) with the police.
The train was scheduled to go to Liverpool, it stopped at Crewe, and the passengers were left to fend for themselves.

If you are trying to say, 'If you trusted Virgin's last train to Liverpool on xmas eve to actually arrive in Liverpool or if prevented from doing so by a combination of technical issues and lack of staff, provide alternatives like a promise to re-imburse taxis, then it's your own fault' then you'd be correct, but I'd never had any trouble like that with BR's last train on xmas eve, so this was my opportunity to discover the difference ...

The Virgin bloke did not make any such commitment, instead he threatened the angry mob of passengers (mostly asking for a promise to reimburse cab fares) with the police.
If it happened the way you say it did, did you put in a complaint to Virgin, and request reimbursement for travel expenses making clear them their obligations under Section 43 of the NRCoC and ask why this was not followed?
It was the virgin train of horror that put me off ever travelling alone with my boys again.
Seven hours to get from Oxford to Leeds. Two of those stationery with no clue what was going on. Train couldn't be arsed stopping at Leeds. Had to be chucked off at Sheffield and fend for myself. None of the assistance came I'd booked. The seats we'd booked also weren't there, as wasn't the carriage and we were packed like sardines.
If it happened the way you say it did, did you put in a complaint to Virgin, and request reimbursement for travel expenses making clear them their obligations under Section 43 of the NRCoC and ask why this was not followed?

What I did is neither here nor there.

... and TBH if it wasn't for all the other shit things about Virgin Trains, then I'd probably have forgotten my first experience of them being such a nightmare by now.

I'm much more concerned that they've systematically made rail travel significantly worse for everybody who isn't either rich or on expense accounts generous enough to travel First Class.
Anyone know why they made the overhead luggage rack so shallow?
Because the top of the train is narrower than other trains, because when it tilts, it has to fit inside the same overall envelope.

Some pendolinos are being upgraded to 11 cars now, mind.
Because the top of the train is narrower than other trains, because when it tilts, it has to fit inside the same overall envelope.

Some pendolinos are being upgraded to 11 cars now, mind.

Seems like the new F and U cars are the ones with even smaller overhead storage. As small as that in the buffet car of the 9 car ones.
Always found (Super) Voyagers just as cramped and uncomfortable as Pendolinos (but hey, they beat riding a Pacer), but Class 222s, which are part of the same family are quite nice, it could be argued that comfort wise that they are on a par with old-style HSTs, when I first rode on one I had to ask if I was actually in Standard Class :)
Seems like the new F and U cars are the ones with even smaller overhead storage. As small as that in the buffet car of the 9 car ones.
However thought it was a good idea to have Coaches F and U next to each other really was on another planet that day :facepalm:
The only real design fault is the loos.

There's also the seat/window arrangement that forces you to sit in darkness if you choose a bad seat and, as is often the case, the overhead light isn't working.
That a statistic that people like to trot out, but unless you're comparing exactly the same kind of service over the same distance with the same frequency of trains with the same popularity with the same level or less of government subsidy it's meaningless.

I don't need to do too much research, I've travelled a fair bit by train in several other countries in western Europe and the service has always been vastly better than ours. Italian long distance trains are enough to make a grown man weep; double decker carriages, really long trains with an entire carriage for bikes with actual proper bike stands so you don't have to stand there holding your bike up for the whole journey, staff milling about not to hassle you for a ticket but just to check that the trains are clean and tidy and the passengers are happy, no cunt with a trolley full of 4 pound tins of warm lager making sure you can't get up and go to the bog, air conditioning that actually works, utter bliss.
European trains can be wider and much longer than ours, just because the loading gauge is wider and their stations are twice as long
I don't need to do too much research, I've travelled a fair bit by train in several other countries in western Europe and the service has always been vastly better than ours. Italian long distance trains are enough to make a grown man weep; double decker carriages, really long trains with an entire carriage for bikes with actual proper bike stands so you don't have to stand there holding your bike up for the whole journey, staff milling about not to hassle you for a ticket but just to check that the trains are clean and tidy and the passengers are happy, no cunt with a trolley full of 4 pound tins of warm lager making sure you can't get up and go to the bog, air conditioning that actually works, utter bliss.
1) We can't have double decker trains as there isn't the space.

2) Having longer trains isn't just a case of bunging on a few extra carriages you know? There's platform lengths and all sorts of other stuff to consider as well.

3) Can you imagine the uproar if one carriage of every train was set aside for bicycles? That's space that's more effectively used for seats, and I doubt there is a demand for so much cycle space on every train. And they do have bike racks.

4) God forbid a member of staff might like to check that you've actually PAID for your journey......There's enough trouble round here with chavs who think they are entitled to a free ride. And we have people to pick the little up on trains (left by the PASSENGERS I might add). Why do you need more than that? Sounds like a waste of money to me.

5) I'm quite sure you'd be grateful of the "cunt with the trolley" if you wanted something to eat or drink. In any case they are not there the whole journey so you just wait a minute or two for them to pass through the carriage. It's not hard is it?

Do you think everything in Europe is "perfect"? It isn't. They have their delayed trains and other problems just like we do. The trouble is the UK is full of old moaners who always want to see the negative in everything here and never take into account the practicalities of what they're moaning about, and think that everything abroad is perfect.
European trains can be wider and much longer than ours, just because the loading gauge is wider and their stations are twice as long

Sounds like a programme of long-term investment with the public good in mind is required.

Oh wait, we have Richard fucking Branston instead ...
Sounds like a programme of long-term investment with the public good in mind is required.

Oh wait, we have Richard fucking Branston instead ...
This is exactly what I was talking about: not taking into account the practicabilities. Don't you realise what you want would involve raising every single bridge and anything else that crosses the railway, re-digging every single tunnel and raising every single piece of cantenary. And you can't just extend stations just like that, what if there isn't the space? Basically it would be re-building the entire network. Would you prepared to put up with that disruption (no trains would be able to run through the tunnels while they were being re-dug) and cost?

And who the fuck is Richard Branston?
It does seem to be a particular trick of Virgin's to dump passengers out at random stations. They did this to be at Manchester years ago. I just went to ticket office, explained what had happened and asked them to get me back to Edinburgh. Only took an extra 4 hours, via Glasgow and two changes of train.

I hate virgin trains.
It does seem to be a particular trick of Virgin's to dump passengers out at random stations. They did this to be at Manchester years ago. I just went to ticket office, explained what had happened and asked them to get me back to Edinburgh. Only took an extra 4 hours, via Glasgow and two changes of train.

I hate virgin trains.

Yeah and they're useless at communicating with people about that kind of stuff, probably due to being understaffed as much as any actual policy of keeping customers in the dark about what's going on when things go amiss.

They dump you at Milton Keynes say, and tell you to get on another train, but don't give you coherent information about where and when that other train might be going.

So run around trying to find someone who can help, but they're all in hiding and by the time you find out what platform you're supposed to be on, you get there just in time to watch it go.

Or you catch it but find that it's some horrible stopping train and you'd have been much better off getting a different one slightly later that they didn't tell you anything about.
1) We can't have double decker trains as there isn't the space.

2) Having longer trains isn't just a case of bunging on a few extra carriages you know? There's platform lengths and all sorts of other stuff to consider as well.

3) Can you imagine the uproar if one carriage of every train was set aside for bicycles? That's space that's more effectively used for seats, and I doubt there is a demand for so much cycle space on every train. And they do have bike racks.

4) God forbid a member of staff might like to check that you've actually PAID for your journey......There's enough trouble round here with chavs who think they are entitled to a free ride. And we have people to pick the little up on trains (left by the PASSENGERS I might add). Why do you need more than that? Sounds like a waste of money to me.

5) I'm quite sure you'd be grateful of the "cunt with the trolley" if you wanted something to eat or drink. In any case they are not there the whole journey so you just wait a minute or two for them to pass through the carriage. It's not hard is it?

Do you think everything in Europe is "perfect"? It isn't. They have their delayed trains and other problems just like we do. The trouble is the UK is full of old moaners who always want to see the negative in everything here and never take into account the practicalities of what they're moaning about, and think that everything abroad is perfect.

1) I know that, doesn't change the fact that double decker trains are better.

2) I know that as well.

3) This sort of attitude is the reason there is hardly any luggage space on British trains, because getting rid of luggage racks means you can squeeze in an extra seat or two. It's all about what's good for the train operators, never mind people who need to get somewhere and have paid through the nose for the privilege.

4) If the trains weren't so shit and overpriced I wouldn't feel motivated to try and scam a free journey wherever possible.

5) Selling food and drink on trains is fine, charging what they charge for it on British trains is not. If you offer me a can of carlsberg for £3.50 or whatever it is you're not actually trying to sell me anything, what you're doing is actively taking the piss out of me by suggesting I might be the sort of person stupid enough to pay £3.50 for a can of carlsberg.

I don't think everything abroad is perfect. I think in many places the trains are a lot better than in Britain, and cheaper to boot. The reason I think this is because it is true.
I was very impressed with the RER trains on the Paris metro. Double decker trains, underground! They were a bit scruffy inside though.
I was very impressed with the RER trains on the Paris metro. Double decker trains, underground! They were a bit scruffy inside though.
they have less seats to make better space for people to hold on round the maypole in the middle:cool:
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