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Vampires seem to have it made

What would you be "turned" into

  • "Cool" Vampire

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Seriously "Uncool" Vampire

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Run of the mill Zombie

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Werewolf

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Generic "UnDead"

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Some form of plague victim but has some "powers" but not cool powers

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Obligatory comedic response

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Monster from the Black Lagoon

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Rabid, Flesh eating, "monster" type blood thing

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Tory

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Other - non-specific, yet instantly recognisable "monster" - please describe

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters

High Voltage

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at least the "cool" vampires do at any rate - they seem to have the best parties (Underworld) - but then being a Werewolf only happens once a month so the rest of the time you're human

Once a Tory - always a Tory - Bleh!!

Now your plague victims always have the option of a "cure" but for how long and would you be the trial cure patient or "yer actual" cure patient

I'm coming down on the side of Vampires at the moment

I am not a fan of the more "specialist" horror genre so there maybe some others out there that I've not mentioned - hence the last option
Do I want to ask what Kristen Stewart was fucked by - if I have to Google any "vague" terms (think Tub boy/girl*) then I am So not interested in doing this

* I can't remember which anonymous non-descript thread that this was mentioned on - but it could have appeared on Suburban or Transport - so in all innocence I Googled this and there is NOT ENOUGH BRAIN OR EYE BLEACH IN THIS UNIVERSE TO TAKE AWAY THE IMAGES I GOT ON PAGE FUCKING 1=! of google
Vampires have immortality. Imagine how much reading you could get done if you were immortal.

good werewolf book by Glen Duncan 'The Last Werewolf'

Its no way near as good as his Satan book 'I, Lucifer' but its still good.

as usual, if you want the epub PM me an email addy
Underworld - isn't that the knicker factory in Coronation Street?

I would opt for being a spectral orb just floating about the place
Vampires have immortality. Imagine how much reading you could get done if you were immortal.

good werewolf book by Glen Duncan 'The Last Werewolf'

Its no way near as good as his Satan book 'I, Lucifer' but its still good.

as usual, if you want the epub PM me an email addy

Yeah|! BUT . . . . the Vampires in Till Dusk to Dawn - have a not very nice Immortality - granted the "hot" Vampires do dance around with their tops off - but most of the other Vampires are pretty Sleazy

Now yer Werewolf a la Underworld did have the trappings of an enviable life style - and they had guns - now not many Werewolves have guns - they seem to rely more on teeth and physical prowess - but you can't beat a large calibre, high powered, hand gun - 'specially with UV / Quick Silver Bullets

And when you chuck in a large dose of Buffét the Vampire Server - then that's a whole different kettle of fish altogether
as a teenaged goth and lost boys obsessive, i'd be a seriously cool vampire. think debbie harry with fangs.

i never understaood why, in vampire films, the 'hero' was saved from having to become a vampire. i mean yes, you have to kill people but they're just hypothetical people anyway, so fuck yeah - sign me up!
...i never understaood why, in vampire films, the 'hero' was saved from having to become a vampire. i mean yes, you have to kill people but they're just hypothetical people anyway, so fuck yeah - sign me up!
Hollywood propoganda...you don't have to kill them...you just enslave them :)

btw Debbie Harry vampire..nomnom
If we can extend the question to less generic monsters, then I'm thinking lead Canonbie, a la the original Hellraiser - countless aeons of torture and suffering have fried your dopamine receptors to the point you can no longer distinguish between pleasure and pain (cool), and you now spend your days dreaming up ever more horrendous ways to torment those who have fallen for your evil trap, treating each subject as a blank canvas for you to practice and perfect your artform - the 'exquisite' depths of human suffering.

I'm not saying it'd be okay, but it would be different.
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