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"utterly moronic racist nonsense" - Strutt & Parker Notting Hill estate agents advertising

I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.
I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.
I hope you've furnished him with direct quotes you lying bastard.
And then they've said "some people are born to..."

Join the fucking dots

Some people don't want to...it's uncomfortable and rage inducing. I don't blame people for wanting to avoid this shit but ffs I refuse to be brow beaten into believing the things I know to be true are not.
I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.

You really are an utter cock
I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.
Ffs, it's mushroom season - given that's all you ever do, why not go do that?
I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.

You did what?
1.How many of us are White on this thread exactly?
2. Please share with us the direct quotes you have used to completely misrepresent the discussion here.
3. Your projections and attempts to misrepresent the discussion, plus your focus on Mr Elie says bundles about you...you hold him repsonsible, not us. Why do you do that? who's responsibility is racism exactly?
No, I hope he'll feel ashamed when he sees the use to which his image has been put - a sense of "shit, I should have checked out what they were going to do with it first".

You are assuming that he didnt know what his image was to be used for, - on what basis do you make this assumption?

Perhaps he knew exactly what the advert looked like before it was put up, and perhaps he was completely happy with it, if that was the case how would that effect your view of him? What if he doesnt agree with your assessment that the advert is racist?
Actually, I'm being thick. I'd actually wager that they will have paid at least £10,000 for him to appear in the ad. And they'll have their name on stuff in the dance academy.

Less than the commission on the sale of one house. And all the while, they will actively push to get the remaining poorer people out of the area - the parents of many of the kids in the classes, no doubt. Complete the transformation.
You did what?
1.How many of us are White on this thread exactly?
2. Please share with us the direct quotes you have used to completely misrepresent the discussion here.
3. Your projections and attempts to misrepresent the discussion, plus your focus on Mr Elie says bundles about you...you hold him repsonsible, not us. Why do you do that? who's responsibility is racism exactly?

1.At least 2 that i know of
2.I provided links to this discussion and to the blog article+comments (this thread demonstrates very clearly what the attitudes towards his role in the advert are, it doesnt leave any room for misinterpretation)
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You are assuming that he didnt know what his image was to be used for, - on what basis do you make this assumption?

Perhaps he knew exactly what the advert looked like before it was put up, and perhaps he was completely happy with it, if that was the case how would that effect your view of him? What if he doesnt agree with your assessment that the advert is racist?
I think we'll live. Maybe a few people would have a few things to think about. And we'll know that on top of your anti-climate change, anti-vaccination and associated other loon-theories nonsense you're also a right wing pc gone mad prick.
You are assuming that he didnt know what his image was to be used for, - on what basis do you make this assumption?

Perhaps he knew exactly what the advert looked like before it was put up, and perhaps he was completely happy with it, if that was the case how would that effect your view of him? What if he doesnt agree with your assessment that the advert is racist?

And so what if he did...does that mean we all have to agree it's okay? Again, you attempt to make this an issue for Mr Elie and of consent. You do this because you have no defence of the ad, the problems of it have been clearly illustrated to you but you insist the responsibility is his alone...If only Black people weren't Black and didn't have to be Black and would just accept racist representations of them eh?
Actually this whole conversation reminds me of a time I went into a local this n that store to find two fucking huge baliffs, suited and booted, standing over a teenage shop assistant bellowing 'where is he, when will he be back, who are you, is he your dad?' I lost my shit, I didn't know her but I knew this shop and the scene was fucking nasty...I asked them why they were standing over and attempting to intimidate a teenager...they accused me of stereotyping them :rolleyes: That they were just doing their jobs. Holding them responsible for this behaviour made me anti-baliff.

I went next door to the two closest shops and told the guys there what was happening...6 people later and the baliffs decided to leave...funny that.
You are assuming that he didnt know what his image was to be used for, - on what basis do you make this assumption?

On the well-informed assumption that about 70%-plus of images that ad agencies use are stock images, and as the subject of a stock image will have to have signed a model release form for the photographer taking the image (if they don't, a picture agency won't use it), then they're not consulted about usage. That means that the balance of probability is 70/30 in favour of my "assumption".

Perhaps he knew exactly what the advert looked like before it was put up, and perhaps he was completely happy with it, if that was the case how would that effect your view of him? What if he doesnt agree with your assessment that the advert is racist?

Perhaps he knew all about the usage his image would be put to - that's his shout. The issue isn't my view of him. If he chose in an informed manner to let his image be used, and either didn't think about the wider implications, or didn't care, then (again) shame on him.
As for whether he agrees with my assessment of the ad or not, his agreement or disagreement is irrelevant except insofar as the ad affects him personally as an individual. What is relevant is how the ad represents black people, and specifically black males in a particular role.
I have attempted to contact Mr Elie via the contacts section on the Portobello dance website to see how he feels about all this, particularly how he feels about knowing that there are some white people on the internet who think he, as a black man, should be ashamed of himself for modelling his profession in the way that he has in this estate agent's advert. It will be interesting to see if i get a response.

If he reads the thread, all he'll see is that some sad twit called Joe has misrepresented what's been said.
That is, of course, if you've actually contacted him, which frankly, is subject to a Jimmy Hill chinstroke.
On the well-informed assumption that about 70%-plus of images that ad agencies use are stock images, and as the subject of a stock image will have to have signed a model release form for the photographer taking the image (if they don't, a picture agency won't use it), then they're not consulted about usage. That means that the balance of probability is 70/30 in favour of my "assumption".


He isn't just some actor or stock photo model.

Am I on ignore or something? Does half of urban not actually read through threads?
salem said:
He isn't just some actor or stock photo model.

Am I on ignore or something? Does half of urban not actually read through threads?

Talking of not reading through threads, I didn't claim Mr. Elie was "just some actor or a stock photo model". If you'd bothered to read my post properly, you'd have noticed that I wasn't stating that the guy was a model, I was merely explaining the probability of the photo being a stock photo, and that if the photo was a stock photo, that the person featured in it would have no say in its' use, as they would have signed a model release form.
So what? What difference does this make?

I've posted a few times why I think it's relevant. Maybe you disagree with me and whether those points are relevant and that's fair enough but if people keep posting about it being a stock image/actor then it's clear they haven't read the thread and it just makes the whole point of a message board seem a bit futile. Like people are just broadcasting their opinions without reading others.

I am finding this thread a bit odd as I don't really want to be trying to defend a big estate agency firm. The fact that some people have pointed some under representation of minorities in their staff is something to be probed sure. But the advert I think I've just got a fundamental disagreement with the bulk of posters here on. That's fine and I've spent the time to read through every post and link. I think Pickman's model is an arse but he has at least read and engaged with me. I think I fundamentally disagree with yourself, butchersapron and editor but again you've at least read the thread and engaged.

Why do you imagine we have all heard of him and that his FAME is instantly known to all?

Him being local changes nothing to the dodgey representations of that ad.

I don't assume anyone has heard of him but the fact he is a locally relevant dancer rather then just some photo found searching for 'black dancer' on istock makes me think the whole thing is a lot less sinister rather then intrinsically dodgy. I don't think they should then decide not to run the advert because it might be misinterpreted. I really doubt most people would make the negative connection without it being pointed out and to pull the advert because the guy is black would be absurd.

Talking of not reading through threads, I didn't claim Mr. Elie was "just some actor or a stock photo model". If you'd bothered to read my post properly, you'd have noticed that I wasn't stating that the guy was a model, I was merely explaining the probability of the photo being a stock photo, and that if the photo was a stock photo, that the person featured in it would have no say in its' use, as they would have signed a model release form.

If you'd read the thread you'd know that the probability of the photo being a random stock photo is 0%.
I've posted a few times why I think it's relevant. Maybe you disagree with me and whether those points are relevant and that's fair enough but if people keep posting about it being a stock image/actor then it's clear they haven't read the thread and it just makes the whole point of a message board seem a bit futile. Like people are just broadcasting their opinions without reading others.

I am finding this thread a bit odd as I don't really want to be trying to defend a big estate agency firm. The fact that some people have pointed some under representation of minorities in their staff is something to be probed sure. But the advert I think I've just got a fundamental disagreement with the bulk of posters here on. That's fine and I've spent the time to read through every post and link. I think Pickman's model is an arse but he has at least read and engaged with me. I think I fundamentally disagree with yourself, butchersapron and editor but again you've at least read the thread and engaged.

I don't assume anyone has heard of him but the fact he is a locally relevant dancer rather then just some photo found searching for 'black dancer' on istock makes me think the whole thing is a lot less sinister rather then intrinsically dodgy. I don't think they should then decide not to run the advert because it might be misinterpreted. I really doubt most people would make the negative connection without it being pointed out and to pull the advert because the guy is black would be absurd.

If you'd read the thread you'd know that the probability of the photo being a random stock photo is 0%.

As I said - its like you can't see any further than the end of your own nose.
People with profiles on Strutt & Parker's website.

Head office 138 - All white

London City 19 - All white

Knightsbridge 9 - All white

West Chelsea 9 - All white

Chelsea Sales 6 - All white

Chelsea Lettings 4 - All white

Fulham 7 - All white

Kensington Sales 6 - All white

Kensington Lettings 3 - All white

And you still think comparing a black dancer with an estate agent working for Strutt & Parker is not racist?

Fairness and opportunities for all.
Strutt & Parker is committed to the principles of equality and diversity in employment, and seeks to adhere to the provisions of the Equality Act 2010, by opposing discrimination, victimisation and harassment on the grounds of all recognised protected characteristics, including age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.

The practical application is reflected in the firm's recruitment and employment policies, which are designed to embrace diversity and provide fair and equitable treatment for individuals, ensuring no misuse or waste of human resources alongside fairness and opportunity for all.
I really doubt most people would make the negative connection without it being pointed out and to pull the advert because the guy is black would be absurd.
How do you think the power of advertising works? Do you think it relies on concious thought? It works through association, suggestion and repetition.
I really doubt most people would make the negative connection without it being pointed out and to pull the advert because the guy is black would be absurd..
you're actually making me quite angry now so I'm going to leave you alone. But not without first shouting this at you

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