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Bag not allowed in Wembley

I’m gonna walk it from the top of Ladbroke Grove, few tins and plenty of loo stops along the way :thumbs:

When I was last in Wembley for a kickball game the bars all only served Budweiser apart from one Camden Brewery outlet that is tucked away somewhere.

Also no beer allowed back to your seat but I think that is standard at football games isn't it?
Just bobbed in the pub and met a load of smelly Mancs, swapping a bag of coke in-front of the kids that were there with them in their company.

Their whole modus-operandi was to take the piss.

Fucking degenerates!

It’s just pure pettiness, straight-up pettiness.

Thank you to all of those who have helped me over the last week. Big Love


Forgot to mention too, big Mick was at Wembley with me yesterday:

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