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Unpopular opinions on climate change

The water pipes inside the boundary of your property are the responsibility of the property owner.

Yes, I know. However: 1) water supply testing is still the job of water companies; 2) public health is still the job of the government.
Once we knew what the situation was we installed an undersink water filter, and the landlady pitched in for up to the value of a basic filter. But we couldn't do this if we didn't know that the water supply is contaminated in the first place.
Yes, I know. However: 1) water supply testing is still the job of water companies; 2) public health is still the job of the government.
Once we knew what the situation was we installed an undersink water filter, and the landlady pitched in for up to the value of a basic filter. But we couldn't do this if we didn't know that the water supply is contaminated in the first place.

It's the property owners job to test the water for lead piping in their property
It's the property owners job to test the water for lead piping in their property

Really? That's interesting. Where do they bury this information? No one I spoke to about this had even heard of it. I still think the government should be responsible for the safety of tap water (or providing accurate information). We hear all the time how great tap water is and I'm kinda pissed for having been poisoned for years (and god knows how many years prior to that since I've lived in a lot of old buildings in the UK). I can tell my landlady she needs to fix the roof if it's leaking; I cannot ask her to sort a water issue if neither I nor her know about it.

You may be right about the legal responsibility to test (I haven't looked into it) but in practice, none of this is even designed to work. The policy clearly is "it can be tackled if someone's ill" but then it's far too late for that person, and the connection might not even be apparent.
Really? That's interesting. Where do they bury this information? No one I spoke to about this had even heard of it. I still think the government should be responsible for the safety of tap water (or providing accurate information). We hear all the time how great tap water is and I'm kinda pissed for having been poisoned for years (and god knows how many years prior to that since I've lived in a lot of old buildings in the UK). I can tell my landlady she needs to fix the roof if it's leaking; I cannot ask her to sort a water issue if neither I nor her know about it.

You may be right about the legal responsibility to test (I haven't looked into it) but in practice, none of this is even designed to work. The policy clearly is "it can be tackled if someone's ill" but then it's far too late for that person, and the connection might not even be apparent.

If you ever buy a property, you are advised by your conveyancing solicitor to check for lead piping if the property is a certain age.
If you ever buy a property, you are advised by your conveyancing solicitor to check for lead piping if the property is a certain age.

Not good enough. The flat I'm renting was inherited by my landlady, not purchased, and if my government can make my employers insist that I lift boxes a certain way to protect my back, they can damn well make sure I'm not being poisoned through my water supply.
I'll leave it here. I don't have anything to add and the thread is actually about climate so I'll let it get back on track.
Not good enough. The flat I'm renting was inherited by my landlady, not purchased, and if my government can make my employers insist that I lift boxes a certain way to protect my back, they can damn well make sure I'm not being poisoned through my water supply.
I'll leave it here. I don't have anything to add and the thread is actually about climate so I'll let it get back on track.

It's your landlady's responsibility.
“I don’t want the government to tell me what to do but also they should monitor every aspect of my life” is the true urban dilemma
We should do away with the cut flowers trade. One of the most disproprotionally self-indulgent, pointless and climate-irresponsible industries today.
I work in a smaller supermarket (northampton) we sell absolutely shit loads of bottled water....pallets and pallets of the stuff...the vast majority from our large immigrant communities....maybe we need to have some sort of information campaign to get over to people that the tap water is safe.
If i'm at home I'll drink tap water and nothing else. I've had a few meal deals lately and the only option is bottled water unless you want some sugary shite. I only really drink water, the occasional hot drink and very rarely soelmething alcoholic so sort of stuck. A bigger problem is a lot of places even if you have a bottle it is hard to find somewhere to fill it.
If i'm at home I'll drink tap water and nothing else. I've had a few meal deals lately and the only option is bottled water unless you want some sugary shite. I only really drink water, the occasional hot drink and very rarely soelmething alcoholic so sort of stuck. A bigger problem is a lot of places even if you have a bottle it is hard to find somewhere to fill it.
They're breaking the law: Free tap water - obligations for pubs and restaurants - Freeths | Legal Specialists for Drinks, Hospitality and Leisure
A bigger problem is a lot of places even if you have a bottle it is hard to find somewhere to fill it.
I agree that there should be more public refill stations. Greater Anglia, and possibly other train operators, have started sticking a few in stations. they're obviously proud of doing so, as they have a ticker on them, saying how many plastic bottles they've prevented from being disposed of.
I'm gonna have to agree it's the boomers. Some weird way of thinking among that generation generally. The only good to come out of it is all the generations following seem to be a reaction to it.
Fuck off whoever said it's a boomer's fault. Millennials and everything else that came after that are much worse. They are doing nothing but having their faces glued to a fucking phone 24/7 watching fucking tik-tok dances and taking selfies. The world is doomed and when the magnetic sun storm reaches the Earth they won't know even how to hold a pencil HHAHAHAHHAH! HAHAHAHAH!
Fuck off whoever said it's a boomer's fault. Millennials and everything else that came after that are much worse. They are doing nothing but having their faces glued to a fucking phone 24/7 watching fucking tik-tok dances and taking selfies. The world is doomed and when the magnetic sun storm reaches the Earth they won't know even how to hold a pencil HHAHAHAHHAH! HAHAHAHAH!

Ok, I'll bite. What is a 'magnetic sun storm' exactly?

And did it make the H and A buttons on your keyboard stick?
Ok, I'll bite. What is a 'magnetic sun storm' exactly?

And did it make the H and A buttons on your keyboard stick?
‘Magnetic Sun storm’ doesn’t sound so bad an occurrence to me. I’d love it if some giant magnetic wave were to sweep through Earth and scoop up all the trillions of metal fragments littering the surface of the planet.
Admittedly my lazy nature may have influenced this opinion, but imagine how much energy we would save if we were to do away with ironing clothes? And dry cleaning can get lost too other than for any garments or fabrics whereby there genuinely is no washing machine-compatible material.
Admittedly my lazy nature may have influenced this opinion, but imagine how much energy we would save if we were to do away with ironing clothes? And dry cleaning can get lost too other than for any garments or fabrics whereby there genuinely is no washing machine-compatible material.
People still do ironing? We don’t even own one.
Fuck off whoever said it's a boomer's fault. Millennials and everything else that came after that are much worse. They are doing nothing but having their faces glued to a fucking phone 24/7 watching fucking tik-tok dances and taking selfies. The world is doomed and when the magnetic sun storm reaches the Earth they won't know even how to hold a pencil HHAHAHAHHAH! HAHAHAHAH!

Is this satire?
Yes, it will be when it happens (laughing emoji because you don't understand anything else).


What on earth are you on about?

Shall I try again; is your post berating the younger generation satirical, or do you actually believe such ill informed and cliched rot?
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