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Ukraine war: British troops must prepare to fight in Europe once again, says new head of Army


Active Member
According to the news.

We must prepare to fight the coming war in Europe.

Would any Brit, other than those who have to.

Actually be willing to go to war for the UK?
I mean leaving aside all the wider discussion around it, it would be a pretty shit UK military that was unprepared to fight a war in Europe, so suggesting it might be prepared for that is headline grabbing, but hardly earth shattering news surely?

And is there an article to go with this 'according to the news' scoop?

Or is your post just a shit attempt at a haiku?
If it came to it (call for volunteers) I think that I'd sign up to fight even though I know I'd simply be canon-fodder.
At my age I think I'm pretty low down on the likely to be called up list but yes if the UK was in active danger of being invaded (in some version of the current kerfaffle in Ukraine) then yes I would probably be willing to do my bit, though what that bit was or if would be of any conceivable use to the resistance could end up being the source of an interesting conversation.
I'd volunteer. I'd do it more to defend EU and my family/friends than specifically the UK though.

If I were young and healthy enough I'd sign up now. Preferably for the Spanish Legion. ¡Novios de la muerte! But I'm not, I cannot imagine anyone having me except in a guerilla war.
I mean leaving aside all the wider discussion around it, it would be a pretty shit UK military that was unprepared to fight a war in Europe, so suggesting it might be prepared for that is headline grabbing, but hardly earth shattering news surely?

And is there an article to go with this 'according to the news' scoop?

Or is your post just a shit attempt at a haiku?

There's this

New UK Army chief issues Russia rallying cry

The new head of the British Army has issued a rallying cry to troops - telling them they need to be ready to face Russia on the battlefield. Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, who started the job last week, addressed all ranks and civil servants in an internal message on 16 June, seen by the BBC. Russia's invasion of Ukraine shows the need "to protect the UK and be ready to fight and win wars on land", he says. He adds the Army and allies must now be "capable of...defeating Russia".
The guy's only been in the job a week and it looks like he's up for a scrap already...
I would prefer to be in tanks, I mean if I have to go into battle at least I could be sitting down!
Tanks catch fire quite often when hit, usually with those inside engulfed before they can escape so that they end up burning to death. Which is a horrible way to go.

If I had to risk death in a battle zone I'd rather take my chances outside and risk being shot or blown up. Greater chance of the death being quicker and lesser chance of being burned alive.
I am completely against US or British forces being involved in any way in the conflict in Central Europe.
Well as the old song says

"And if those cannibals keep trying
To sacrifice us to their pride
They soon shall hear the bullets flying
We'll shoot the generals on our own side."

As I've said elsewhere the above sentiments seem to have inspired at least some in the Russian Army. Journalists are rather more cagey about how many Ukrainian generals have gone the same way.

Personally, I'd rather British troops just deserted and stuck flowers in their rifle barrels
Wouldn’t that inevitably lead to nukes? I mean with the better training, superior weapons technology, etc NATO would end up getting the upper hand.
I have done europe and the middle east, so IM not bothered about going there. Come up with a new exciting war in hard to reach destination where I can get a tick and I'm in. I hear the Pitcairn island have been bad mouthing us recently . and Bhutan as well. bastards
what is the upper hand in a nukefest?
I mean NATO would end up getting the upper hand in a conventional war. Which could lead to a escalation to nuclear. If Putin feels the glory of the Rodina is threatened. Peter the Great and all that.
Tanks catch fire quite often when hit, usually with those inside engulfed before they can escape so that they end up burning to death. Which is a horrible way to go.

If I had to risk death in a battle zone I'd rather take my chances outside and risk being shot or blown up. Greater chance of the death being quicker and lesser chance of being burned alive.
Ex-girlfriend's dad was a very young tank commander in the battle of Kursk. He survived it, and lived until 1979 as a shell of a man with a host of chronic health problems, although he continued in a variety of menial jobs and fathered three children.

She was taken to the scene of the battle in the early 1980s on a school trip. She described a ghostly landscape where, apparently, nothing can grow, and no bird or animal is ever seen.
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