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UKIP Take £25,000 from Totally Wicked


baseline neural therapy
  • Ukip leader appeared in 90-second film attacking EU plans to ban devices
  • After puffing on screen he says he could 'very easily' give up smoking
  • He criticised plans to outlaw refillable e-cigarettes made by 'entrepreneurs'
  • Pillbox38 Ltd, which makes Totally Wicked refillable e-cigs, gave £25,000
  • Donation made to Ukip in May 2013, but bosses now say they regret it

Apologies for the Mail link

So whilst we do need people standing up for e-cigs, I'd rather it wasn't that shower of cunts. If nothing else it shows just how easily they can be bought.

I'll also be avoiding buying anything from Totally Wicked again. I tend to avoid them due to prices, but buy the odd bits and bobs as they have a local shop and are quite nice in there. :(
Increasing hard to think of well known smokers, should have gone with June Brown sorry, watching Line of Duty, thought it was Farage does e-fag ad. As it is its just lobbying - who do you want them to give money to - Lib Dems? Think Farage is the only smoking party leader
I got my first Tornado from Totally Wicked, and all my replacements and supplies from them for years after until I relapsed on to analogues. They had a good deal of cash out of me overall.

Having just got myself an EVOD and switched back to vaping I'd likely be using them again. But they'll not be seeing a penny of my money after donating to that shower of xenophobic cunts.

I sincerely hope this thread shows up when they're 'researching their online profile' or whatever, and they read this.
Just read the end of the article, and to be fair Totally Wicked do say they regret giving money to UKIP and wish they'd donated it to other parties.

The tories and lib dems.

:facepalm: :rolleyes: :facepalm:

May their morning frosties be contaminated with cockrot shavings.
I don't really understand the reason for banning e-cigs, I know a lot of people who couldn't give up smoking who are now smoking them and have given up cigarettes completely. Seems like a good thing. Is it because of Big Tobacco or for tax reasons?

Probably both. Of course they're claiming it's in our interests due to health reasons.

Read this good blog earlier which sums what effect the changes will have. It will take it out of the hands of small business, which has led to loads of innovation over the last few years and put it back in the hands big tobacco. Just to rub salt in the wound if I had to use the kind of products they're so keen to push, I'd probably be back to 50g of baccy a week. :mad:
I don't really understand the reason for banning e-cigs, I know a lot of people who couldn't give up smoking who are now smoking them and have given up cigarettes completely. Seems like a good thing. Is it because of Big Tobacco or for tax reasons?
Smoking is morally wrong. So cheating with efags is also morally wrong. That's one strand of it, the puritan strand. Why can't you give up properly like proper people do?
Smoking is morally wrong. So cheating with efags is also morally wrong. That's one strand of it, the puritan strand. Why can't you give up properly like proper people do?
yeah, also having a long time board member for BAT in the cabinet is of course in no way a conflict of interest when compared to say a £25k donation to a party with zero actual power.
Wouldn't want anyone becoming addicted to gum & patches now would we!
Ah, but people enjoy their efags, that's the problem. I've been using one for over a year and have no immediate plans to quit. You're not supposed to enjoy the thing that gets you off fags. It's meant to be medicine, and difficult, and a bit of payback for having been a smoker.

Plus of course, they are both cheaper and more effective at stopping people smoking than either gum or patches.
Ah, but people enjoy their efags, that's the problem. I've been using one for over a year and have no immediate plans to quit. You're not supposed to enjoy the thing that gets you off fags. It's meant to be medicine, and difficult, and a bit of payback for having been a smoker.

Plus of course, they are both cheaper and more effective at stopping people smoking than either gum or patches.

Will I be able to get tax free baccy on the NHS if e cigs are banned?
EVOD are crap. Their batteries are crap, & their tanks are crap. imo of course.
I've nothing since my old Tornado to compare it with, but that doesn't seem to be the consensus. Seems to be pretty good for me so far too :confused:

I've read that there are more knock-offs of EVODs than other models though - to the point that Kangertech have started putting 'authenticity' certificates in the packs! :hmm:
Was yours definitely legit?
To be fair I tried e cigs, and mine just gives me a sore throat and leaves yucky tasting gank all over my lips.
To be fair I tried e cigs, and mine just gives me a sore throat and leaves yucky tasting gank all over my lips.
Sounds like you got a poor quality e cig that leaked and also the juice you were vaping had a too high PG content for you. A higher VG content would probably sort out the sore throat problem.
Sounds like you got a poor quality e cig that leaked and also the juice you were vaping had a too high PG content for you. A higher VG content would probably sort out the sore throat problem.

It was a dirt cheap one..... but tbh I only really smoke when drinking, and tend to smoke pot at home, so I think im probably better off getting a ganja vape than an ecig.

Which reminds me, I must got look at the thread again.
So despite them saying sorry I see that they still have a letter from UKIP on their website. Thought this was worth a bump in case anyone missed it.


Dear Mr. ******Thank you for your email outlining your concerns with the EU draft Directive on tobacco and smoking. UKIP, being strongly libertarian, agrees with your personal rights to take tobacco and the like for whatever personal pleasure you take from it. We believe that the EU should have no jurisdiction over us either as persons or as the United Kingdom in these matters, and that we are entirely able to take these decisions for ourselves as responsible individuals and as an independent nation. We will certainly oppose this legislation at all levels, from votes in committee, speeches as opportunity arises, meetings with industry lobbyists (BAT are in contact with us), and final votes in the Strasbourg parliament.

In a more rear-guard manner, it may also be possible for UKIP to put down amendments to the legislation to water it down in progress, or loosen the limits for such things as milligrams allowed for OTC sales. Unfortunately, our chances of success in these votes and amendments are small as the three old parties all vote against us and in line with the EU band-wagon. The EU is entirely against personal liberty and freedom, and certainly wishes you to be forced to be healthy in the way it decides for you, which is for your own good, in their view. Of course, eventually the EU will see fit to ban all tobacco, let alone other nicotine products, so then only the black market will exist, much as things went in the USSR and Red China.

As a further fall-back position it may be useful to prepare yourself for the worst with research into non-EU controlled sources of nicotine fluid and the like which may spring up in a free market response to the EU Big Brother-Big Nanny State approach to these things, or even be available now. The UK alone does an excellent job of regulating such things, and the EU intrusion is as unnecessary as it is unwelcome.

Please support UKIP by voting thoughtfully in all available situations, we are the only party fighting the EU on these and all other aspects of being ruled by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. As you did not elect them you cannot vote them out, withdrawal is the only way.

Yours sincerely

Benjamin Wrench

Office of Nigel Farage, Brussels
To be fair I tried e cigs, and mine just gives me a sore throat and leaves yucky tasting gank all over my lips.
You may need a new coil/atomiser or a better device and fluid - there are some pretty bad ones out there, incl poor copies of better kit.
You may need a new coil/atomiser or a better device and fluid - there are some pretty bad ones out there, incl poor copies of better kit.

At the risk of derailing my own thread, what the tanks do have going for them is they are virtually indestructible and cheap as chips for when I don't want to carry my nicer kit around with me.

Funny how much things can change in 9 months. Of course TW are still selling a lot of that gear.

Anyway main e-cig thread here.
"Of course, eventually the EU will see fit to ban all tobacco, let alone other nicotine products, so then only the black market will exist, much as things went in the USSR and Red China."

Russia and 'Red China' banned smoking. Really?

The phrase 'Red China' is in itself LOLsome. What is this, 1950s America?
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