Of course.
I think, given a difficult engineering challenge, there are a few possibilities:
a) there is a solid technical answer but it could fail in practice because of non-engineering (e.g. social) issues like uptake or availability or privacy concerns, so build it and find out
b) there might be a theoretical technical answer but it could fail in practice because of real world practicalities, and you can only find out by large scale experimentation, so build it and find out
c) there might be a theoretical technical answer but it is very likely or certain to fail in practice because of real world practicalities, so don't take it seriously
d) there is no viable technical solution at all, don't bother
In my opinion the best hope, the Apple/Google element of this thing, was always a dollop of (a) but mostly (b) and (c), a bit of a longshot. The UK government's and its suppliers' approach was always and has been mostly (c) and (d), an objectively/scientifically predictable failure. I think most people involved will have known it too.