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Ugggh...Broadway market - wank city central

Despite my earlier post, I have to say that when I was walking through Broadway Market yesterday the people sitting outside the cafes and pubs all looked absolutely ordinary. Maybe the twats only go there at weekends.

I finally saw that Goergian restaurant, too - I never had any idea what people were talking about and thought they meant a different restaurant, because the Georgian one isn't actually on Broadway Market.
it's the e9 mandem that really run tings, e5 and e8 got gentrified ages ago.

you've not been to Hackney Vill-age then Boycey? thats E9

It tries to be achingly trendy y'know

We've still got two estate agents although the undercover porn shop has gone

and an organic butchers:eek:

the village tap still lingers on faithfully

what about an urban drinks in E9 victoria park - the britannia is two minutes walk from me...humm:hmm:
organise the drinks miss shelf..if im around ill do my best to come
ive been in the britannia once..serafina steer was playing her harp:)
dont they have a film night on thursdays...?
i keep meaning to go to that
I finally saw that Goergian restaurant, too - I never had any idea what people were talking about and thought they meant a different restaurant, because the Georgian one isn't actually on Broadway Market.

It was until a couple of years ago - then they moved to their current premises - don't know the details but I'm led to believe the move was a result of an unaffordable rent hike on the previous premises.
you've not been to Hackney Vill-age then Boycey? thats E9

It tries to be achingly trendy y'know

We've still got two estate agents although the undercover porn shop has gone

and an organic butchers:eek:

the village tap still lingers on faithfully

what about an urban drinks in E9 victoria park - the britannia is two minutes walk from me...humm:hmm:

yeah but that's south e9 :rolleyes:

(you do all realise i was taking the piss right?) :hmm:
Well I live 5mins away & I happen to like Broadway market/London Fields, the people and all that goes with it, yes there are a few twats but thats the same everywhere in London, and at least they're relatively harmless and quite funny to take the piss out of!

And this place does the best steak I have ever eaten!


went out for a meal last night. girl wanted to meet me down Broadway Market. I'd only ever been there a couple of times before and remembered not taking to it but what the fuck, change of scene and all that. Plus she's stunning and only over from Paris for the week.

anyway, meal was very nice but afterwards we went to a couple of pubs. Both of which were full of thee most smug, self-satisfied looking cunts I think i have ever clapped eyes on (though one of them, the 'something & Mutton' was by far the worse of the two)

Just utterly revolting specimens: hideous 'english rose' looking women in abercrombie & fitch clobber and gucci loafers and wankers with oakley shades untop of their gormless heads.

Total wank city central. Anyone have the misfortune to know the area? I hereby nominate it as my most hated place to go out at night. :mad:

I used to live right on London Fields and by Broadway Market 3 years ago. I like the fields but yes market / people were quite wanky :D
Created by Hackney Council

Broadway Market as it is now was created by Hackney Council. They sold of a shed load of properties down the road to three property developers. One was a Russian who were sold nine properties for under a quarter of a million pound instead of a social housing trust called Notting Hill Housing Trust. The purpose was clearly to make the place upmarket, bring in revenue to the area and reintroduce an overpriced market.

There was as the name suggests a market years ago and I met one old man down there who used to sell rabbits on the street. It is full of artists, and is the classic scenario of having a cheap area made trendy by fashionista's who then dominate the place, prices go up, the original people who live there can't afford it, and the place becomes a white middle class zone.

Is it wank-central? It is certainly full of people with temporary haircuts, carrying babies and dogs for rent as they parade in their second-hand fur. The market can be ok, though expensive, and the history of the place, and the disgusting way the council treated the people of Broadway Market is lost on most of the current residents. History is like so 5-minutes ago.

Still, the battle is lost there now, the street is taken over by parasitical estate agents who offered nothing but rising house prices to dodgy russian and other property developers. The council will say job done, having left a wake of paranoia and infighting amongst the old residents. The area with the lido, the park, the market per se is not that bad, the rest of it is ugly.
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