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Ugggh...Broadway market - wank city central

It is a bit crap round there, The Dove is nice though but a bit expensive and a slightly odd mix of Belgian/Thai food iirc.
A good rival for Broadway market in the WCC scale is Colombia Rd in Hackney, esp Royal Oak. complete and utter wall to wall cuntz where all blokes looks like that arsehole fashion bloke with a quiff and the women look like total idiots as well

Interesting you say that. One of my best mates lives on Columbia Rd so i'm out thetre quite a lot. yes, on sundays there is a fairly high wank ratio. but believe me, NOTHING compared to Broadway market.

Similarily, The Royal Oak is a wank's joint but to be fair, most of the clientele there are just upper middle class types who probably pay just a bit too much attention to the Observer Colour Supplement. These people may be irksome for the ease by which they glide through life, like a lubricated colonoscopic camera, but at the end of the day there's no great pretence or artifice about them, so i don't find them as repugnant as the Broadway Market types.

Honestly, spending a night drinking down there gives you a new perspective on 'wankers' in the same way that I imagine spending a week living in the subterranean encampments in Delhi's sewers would force one to reassess one's view on 'below par housing'.
Funny as fuck how people on here are totally judging people by how they look. Lots of the people that drink round there are artists.

Well, from my anthropological experience, generally if someone LOOKS like a sphincter polyp they are a sphincter polyp.

just as if someone describes themself as an 'artist' quite clearly they are a cunt of the utmost and irredeemable pedigree. In fact i expect if someone lives/drinks around broadway market and woukld refer to themself as a 'artist' they are probably off the radar as far as wanker-dom can be measured and thus represent a veritable never ending black hole of cuntery to which there is no measure.

quality ;) Beer in the evening is the best chronicler of our times.

The place is a travesty now, you couldn't chuck a brick without hiting a middle-class trendy who's showing their parents up from Devon the chirpy cockernee coster-mongers on Columbia Road. They make me sick, and pull your jeans up, cretins.

The actual saturday broadway market is a bit of a nightmare now, like how over priced are these olives, can i afford £4 for a loaf bread ad infinitum, the crowd is interesting rather than annoying though, very international.
the sort of people who drink in the dove & cat and mutton will be the sort of people who will drink in what replaces the foul foundry :mad:
"There was even a woman with a dog in a bag":D

(This is actually becoming a more and more common sight round that neck of the woods - the other Saturday as I walked through London Fields I saw three individuals with tiny dogs in bags - two of them were cycling particularly daft looking bicycles - I was most amused :D)

I saw a man the other day with two dogs in a bag - matching tiny Dachshunds poking out at either end of a sports bag, like a canine pushme-pullyou.
It is a bit crap round there, The Dove is nice though but a bit expensive and a slightly odd mix of Belgian/Thai food iirc.

No actually its not, somebody, I don't care who, has breathed life into it.

I've lived in East London since 1997 and in 1997 Broadway market was boarded up and dead. Its a proper east end market with marked out pitches and its essentially pedestrianised, but at that time it had had no stalls since the early 80's. What shops there were, struggled to exist with 1/2 empty shelves.

Finally, after over 35 years of total neglect, somebody did something to it that means people actually go there and you tell me that its shit?

I know what I prefer.
Yeah it's pretty awful :( I live near by..I've always loved London Fields but the market has turned it a lot more wanky..On a Saturday you can't get any food for under 3 quid.It's a market for godsake!
Yeah it's pretty awful :( I live near by..I've always loved London Fields but the market has turned it a lot more wanky..On a Saturday you can't get any food for under 3 quid.It's a market for godsake!


There was NO MARKET before that farmers market, so its turned from a street with tumble weed blown down it to one that has nice food on it. If you want cheap food go to Bethnal green or Brick lane markets, its not like they are miles away.
No actually its not, somebody, I don't care who, has breathed life into it.

I've lived in East London since 1997 and in 1997 Broadway market was boarded up and dead. Its a proper east end market with marked out pitches and its essentially pedestrianised, but at that time it had had no stalls since the early 80's. What shops there were, struggled to exist with 1/2 empty shelves.

Finally, after over 35 years of total neglect, somebody did something to it that means people actually go there and you tell me that its shit?

I know what I prefer.

Double edged sword..

I first moved there (just off Broadway Market) a couple of years after you, and in all honesty I preferred it then. The Dove existed back then and you could get a seat in the place, the Pie & Mash shop was always open along with the Chippy, the place may have had the feeling it had seen it's last days but I enjoyed getting the paper and sitting in the caff with a cup of tea.

The last time I was around there (2006) I couldn't wait to leave, awful.

Columbia Road had gone the same way, couldn't get moved for west end plonkers everywhere, as for the Royal Oak, that used to be an amusing night out in there...
ive been local to the area(living just across mare street from b'way market)for 5 years..

ive never been in the cat and mutton..for some reason i just knew it wouldnt be my sort of scene in there but TBH i rarely go in a pub unless its to see a gig and cat and mutton doesnt put on gigs..

i have been the dove a few times cos friends wanted to have a local drink(never on a sat, day or night)and found it a nice, pretty quiet pub, i like the strawberry beer..

i can see sunrays points..ive been pretty low income all my life but i dont hate ALL gentricifation on principle..SOME can help an area.a lively area is better than a desolate deserted street.its just very bad if the new businesses are only welcoming to posh types..and if long standing old businesses like spirits shop are forced out.

im long term unemployed so havent really tried out any resturants on the street except the turkish one at the bottom when it was under a different name i think cilcea (that one is cheapish, some of the other are pretty pricey i think)and yes i do consider myself an artist(not sure what others think tho:p:D)

i have noticed more of these sort of jumpers tied around their necks obviously rich south ken/chelsea types hanging around the area but im pretty sure its mostly a weekend thing..?
also i think that 80s "preppie look" thing is just in fashion now(among certain people)i wouldnt waer it myself but if its working for them:p

i'm not sure i would want to spend an evening in a pub packed soley with these types chico....but i dont they are worth getting angry at(unless they do/say something directly to you)why let them get to you?

if you come to the area on a w/e night again maybe try the dolphin on mare street(near well st)very near to b'way market..it has the rep of being party central with djs and very unpretentious and it has a late license too.
ive not been but i have the hunch its pretty rough and ready, sounds a good antidote to the cat maybe?

has anyone been in the dolphin..? curious to get opinions..
the only localish pub ive been in recently is the victoria on the other side of the park(yes cos they have gigs sometimes)VERY nice for a music pub esp..
No actually its not, somebody, I don't care who, has breathed life into it.

I've lived in East London since 1997 and in 1997 Broadway market was boarded up and dead. Its a proper east end market with marked out pitches and its essentially pedestrianised, but at that time it had had no stalls since the early 80's. What shops there were, struggled to exist with 1/2 empty shelves.

Finally, after over 35 years of total neglect, somebody did something to it that means people actually go there and you tell me that its shit?

I know what I prefer.
I only moved in a couple of years ago so can't compare to what is was - maybe it is better than how it was before, but I still don't think overpriced and wanky is A GOOD THING.
There are plenty of markets in the area to get cheap stuff. Bethnal Green road and brick lane market on a Sunday. I suppose it depends on your definition of over priced? There are some nice shops there selling nice stuff. Nice stuff costs more, at least your getting something for you money.

Over priced is my local shop, he charges 80p for a tin of beans, but its 100m from my door, so I pay it, even though Tescos is 10min walk down the road.
I can't think of any shops on Broadway Market that sell anything worth buying other the off-licence or the post office

Are you talking about the shop that only sells vinyl album sleeves? *snigger*
I can't think of any shops on Broadway Market that sell anything worth buying other the off-licence or the post office

Are you talking about the shop that only sells vinyl album sleeves? *snigger*

there is that hardware shop, the butchers, i think theres a school uniform shop, and all the general store type places. the vinyl picture frame place has closed down finally! as has the place the sold paintings of local road signs.
there is that hardware shop, the butchers, i think theres a school uniform shop, and all the general store type places. the vinyl picture frame place has closed down finally! as has the place the sold paintings of local road signs.

Has Stephen Selby's place shut down? Or is that another shop selling art you are writing about?

There was NO MARKET before that farmers market, so its turned from a street with tumble weed blown down it to one that has nice food on it. If you want cheap food go to Bethnal green or Brick lane markets, its not like they are miles away.

You're talking shit. I grew up a few streets away and there was definitely a market there when I was growing up in the 80s.
i was at a barbecue with my courierenger mates on london fields last night and it was indeed a shower of utter cunts from the field right the way down the market. someone actually said "shouldn't you lot be at the foundry?" :hmm::eek:
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