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Horses on the rampage in Central London.

London horses continue to fight back.

Anyone should have been able to see that the horse was clearly in distress and given it some space (the longer videos of the incident show the horse for some time being approached and petted by people putting its ears back and looking a bit twitchy and upset and it lunged at a few people before landing a hit on someone).
Idiots will be idiots.
Not sure why horses are still being put in this sort of situation in this day and age mind you, I mean as someone who loves horses and used to ride I am not averse to a partnership between human and equine, but putting them in stressful situations for essentially reasons of tourism, photo opportunities, and god knows what ceremonial bollocks it all is supposed to represent, seems to me to be deeply wrong.

Vive la revolution de cheval, and I bow to our soon to be new equine overlords.
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I think collapsed is taking it a bit far - but anyway, wearing a baseball cap, so it's richly deserved...
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