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Turkey is scrapping visa for UK peoples from next month.

What's in it for Turkey then? More tourists?

I father Britain isn't giving them visa free travel.
To pressure the EU to honour it's part of the deal that they struck a few years back where turkish passport holders get visa free access to the EU and turkey is paid billions of pounds to act as an extended arm of the racist fortress europe EU policy, keeps migrants trying to get to the EU in disgusting camps, accepts all those kicked out of europe, polices the med graveyard, removes those trying to get to the EU as far as they can from EU borders etc
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Amazing that you can go somewhere like this without a visa.
Difficult to see what the advantage is to Turkey. IIRC the visas were about $30 US, on a two and a half grand holiday, not really significant.

To pressure the EU to honour it's part of the deal that they struck a few years back where turkish passport holders get visa free access to the EU and turkey is paid billions of pounds to act as an extended arm of the racist fortress europe EU policy, keeps migrants trying to get to the EU in disgusting camps, accepts all those kicked out of europe, polices the med graveyard, removes those trying to get to the EU as far as they can from EU borders etc
Except it's only you constantly bringing it up in a thread that has nothing specifically to do with musicians. It's almost like you're trying to troll.
Maybe I'm just sick of "My Band". You're acting like a teenager who just discovered that his dick was useful for something other than pissing through and stirring his tea with. Almost every post you make on the whole Brexit thing is about you and 'your band'. It's boring as fuck, and the reason that I and others are starting to take the piss.
"Have you ever toured in a band pre-EU?" How many times have you asked that? Once is enough. Nobody gives a fuck. Stop trying to pretend you're some sort of rock star. It's embarrassing! :facepalm:
It's probably unfashionable to say it, but I reckon the editor does a reasonably good job, all things considered and I'd like to see some of the handful of naysayers start their own sites* that are as consistently essential as urban.

Anyway, fair play to Turkey and its beloved leader for making this happen.

* no I wouldn't
It's probably unfashionable to say it, but I reckon the editor does a reasonably good job, all things considered and I'd like to see some of the handful of naysayers start their own sites* that are as consistently essential as urban.

Anyway, fair play to Turkey and its beloved leader for making this happen.

* no I wouldn't
I like that likes are no longer likes :D
Maybe I'm just sick of "My Band". You're acting like a teenager who just discovered that his dick was useful for something other than pissing through and stirring his tea with. Almost every post you make on the whole Brexit thing is about you and 'your band'. It's boring as fuck, and the reason that I and others are starting to take the piss.
"Have you ever toured in a band pre-EU?" How many times have you asked that? Once is enough. Nobody gives a fuck. Stop trying to pretend you're some sort of rock star. It's embarrassing! :facepalm:
This is a thread about Turkey. You've contributed nothing on topic but tried to trash it from the start with your attempt at trolling and personal attacks. Take a week off.
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