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A bar worth travelling to (short haul from UK)

Tbh we're not looking for lots of bars so much as a couple of really nice ones. These are 50th drinks, not 30th ;)

I'll remember that option for a longer trip, but a day's travel isn't really a goer for a weekend
But. Dublin in October can be damp, and it is expensive. May be a trip for the 2 of you rather than a big gang, it can be difficult getting in to pubs when there's a big bunch of you, not because of security, because of space! :D

I'd probably head for Bilbao going off the recommendations so far.
Surprised no one has mentioned Berlin or Barcelona. Would have been up there 10 years ago. Are they out of fashion now?
Surprised no one has mentioned Berlin or Barcelona. Would have been up there 10 years ago. Are they out of fashion now?

I was thinking Berlin but was steering clear of the big ones like Barcelona, Paris, Prague etc. as I think Cloo may be looking for something a bit less tourist heavy. Could be wrong.
I love Berlin but I think that's more of a 'young person looking for something edgy' place - we are old people looking for somewhere fancy! gsv quite liked the idea of Lisbon, so we might float that with people. Looks like we could rent a big airbnb for a decent price between 5 or 6 of us.
I would say Klo bar berlin but its dreadful.The rest of Berlin however... I dont think I have ever got back before dawn on a night out in Berlin
Surprised no one has mentioned Berlin or Barcelona. Would have been up there 10 years ago. Are they out of fashion now?
Berlin is really not what it was. Parts of it have horrifically gentrified, but there's no doubt good things still happening if you know where to look.
Malaga is easy, the airport is easy and you can climb up the castle up the hill and drink at the bar there with the best views ever.

Plus it will be sunny. Unlike Lille or Cork or Bilbao. None of them appeal much in October to me.

Lisbon I personally think is an less optimal choice for a shorter trip and I've been there many many times and know it well. It's big, crowded, not that easy to navigate, airport isn't thattt easy, not cheap any more and flights are usually expensive too. It's better for slightly longer less intense less boozy visits though. Then again it's an amazing city to visit and October is a good month with great weather so YMMV.

Ibiza is also an option if you cant be arsed with Formentera (great idea for a longer trip tho). It has a kinda chill small Barcelona vibe off season I found. October will probably noy be dead and could be lovely. Also a lot cheaper both to fly and to stay.
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gsv took a look at the thread - his current thinking is now Santorini. This had the advantage of various cave-based apartments, which is good for his issues with being worken by early morning light ;)

Thought looking at the larger apartments I noted were fewer bedrooms than beds, which suggests they're more geared up for families, or maybe young people sharing rooms/sleeping in a shared space, rather than a group of most couples
I fucking hated Santorini when i went there! Maybe it was just a bad day - but seemed a tourist hellhole.

I'm in the Brussels/Bruge camp on this! Had a very decent weekend in Brussels there year's ago with some urbanites..

ETA: Porto definitely! Particularly if you fancy drinking some decent wine - and eating fish..

Alternatively just go to Bristol.
Porto - cheap , interesting , supremely enjoyable city , great food (trams !)

Not cheap any more. Its an absolute themepark of a city now too... so overcrowded and touristy and orientated towards foreigners not locals.

In 2010 it really was cool maaaaaan.
gsv took a look at the thread - his current thinking is now Santorini. This had the advantage of various cave-based apartments, which is good for his issues with being worken by early morning light ;)

Thought looking at the larger apartments I noted were fewer bedrooms than beds, which suggests they're more geared up for families, or maybe young people sharing rooms/sleeping in a shared space, rather than a group of most couples
Is gsv specifically ignoring thread suggestions? :D :hmm:
Satorini is a crap idea for summer but could be kinda cool in October. Cheaper and less people. It is def a pricey place though. Not sure youll be able to get accomm for a big group easily though.

Its more a families or romantic destination not a bar place really. There is a wicked bookshop there called Desperate Literature though.
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