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A bar worth travelling to (short haul from UK)

Brussels - train in 2 hours. Would recommend Dali's Bar and Delirium Cafe which are ace. There's shit loads of other options.
Belgium, but probably not Brussels.
In Basque Country San Sebastian is fun, but Bilbao more culturally/politically interesting. If you like real ales you'll find micro-breweries and their little pubs popping up all over Germany and CzechRep.
You don't think flying a round trip of nearly 2,000km for a boozy weekend is a tad excessive in these times?
I was responding to the request from the start of the thread. Take your complaint to them. I'm not the holiday police.
What a bunch of kill joys, like taking a short haul flight once or twice a year makes one iota of difference to climate change.

50th bday is a special occasion too.
In the future humankind will only dream of being 50
.Thats just a load of bullshit though isnt it. People will be around in thousands and tens of thousands of years however bad the climate gets. 67 thousand years ago there was the biggest volcanic eruption in human history that caused like 10 years of nuclear black winters. And still some people survived.

And this thready is for travel advice not sanctimonious comments by doom laden liberals. Not everyone wants to go on Eurostar or indeed to Belgium/NL/ Northern France. Or indeed can afford to spend 300 quid on a return trip. Short haul flights arent THAT bad for the environmental either.
.Thats just a load of bullshit though isnt it. People will be around in thousands and tens of thousands of years however bad the climate gets. 67 thousand years ago there was the biggest volcanic eruption in human history that caused like 10 years of nuclear black winters. And still some people survived.

And this thready is for travel advice not sanctimonious comments by doom laden liberals. Not everyone wants to go on Eurostar or indeed to Belgium/NL/ Northern France. Or indeed can afford to spend 300 quid on a return trip. Short haul flights arent THAT bad for the environmental either.

Everything, everything is going to be alright
We have to collectively fly less, but that means having policies that penalise frequent flying rather than guilt tripping individuals about particular holidays. But even so, flying off somewhere just to go to a nice bar for a night and back again feels quite distasteful given where we are in the climate crisis. So many cool cities in the UK let alone those in nearby countries.
What a bunch of kill joys, like taking a short haul flight once or twice a year makes one iota of difference to climate change.

50th bday is a special occasion too.
I've not said that no-one should take short-hall flights (I do myself sometimes), but there's something about different about this situation, because the individuals are not just deciding whether to fly themselves but whether to send a bunch of other people on short haul flights too. Even if it's only five people, that's ten flights in total. And there are other options available.

Presumably you would agree that people's lifestyles are going to have to radically change over the next 30 years in order to stop killing the planet. We can wait for the government to force it on us, and to some extent that collective decision-making is the important thing, but isn't there some individual responsibility somewhere to admit that we've got to change the way we're living? I'm not saying the line has to be drawn at this trip :D but where does the line get drawn?
I've not said that no-one should take short-hall flights (I do myself sometimes), but there's something about different about this situation, because the individuals are not just deciding whether to fly themselves but whether to send a bunch of other people on short haul flights too. Even if it's only five people, that's ten flights in total. And there are other options available.

Presumably you would agree that people's lifestyles are going to have to radically change over the next 30 years in order to stop killing the planet. We can wait for the government to force it on us, and to some extent that collective decision-making is the important thing, but isn't there some individual responsibility somewhere to admit that we've got to change the way we're living? I'm not saying the line has to be drawn at this trip :D but where does the line get drawn?
On the next thread where somebody dares to ask a similar question.
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