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Tunisia - working class revolt

Translation of statement from the organisers of today's march:

Tunisia, the 25th of January 2021

The National Campaign to Support The (on-going) Social Struggles
الحملة الوطنية لإسناد النضالات الإجتماعيّة

The people's program against the elites program

The recent protests in popular (working-class) neighborhoods and impoverished regions of the interior coincide with a new attempt by the ruling bourgeoisie since 2011 and before that, to reorganize its property through a "national dialogue" that brings together the same elites and those who represent their interests from political parties, customary organizations, large landowners, labor unions, associations, and others, either funded by them or close to them. These forces will seek to empty the protests – expressing the resentment of working classes against police repression and impoverishment policies – of their content by talking about transforming the political system, the electoral law, or changing ministries...

We see that the real dividing line is class and it is national, meaning it is concerned with the socio-economic and what constitutes the sovereign and therefore the issue is not a matter of changing some people and polishing the same system with new faces. Accordingly, we propose to develop and discuss a popular program on the basis of separating between forces aligned with the people and that of the bourgeoisie and colonialism and based on the following points:

1- Immediately release all detainees and dismantle the system of police repression by dissolving security force unions, prohibiting all arbitrary practices, abolishing all repressive laws, and creating specialized judiciary institutions specialized for complaints against security officers in order to protect citizens' rights;

2- Approve an unemployment compensation of 400 dinars per month financed from a tax on big wealth and banks, and raise the minimum wage to 600 dinars;

3- Settle the real estate situation, providing ownership certificates for residents of popular neighborhoods, fixing rent prices by government decision, and converting empty buildings of major landlords into collective popular housing;

4- Distribute state-owned land and neglected lands of large investors to agricultural workers without land, unemployed and small farmers, and finance cooperatives through the Central Bank;

5- Cancel all debts of working classes people in micro-credit institutions;

6- Harness private clinics in order to confront the Coronavirus and provide all resources to make health a right for all citizens equally;

7- Compensate popular classes affected by the pandemic, granting them allocations (financed by exceptional taxes on wealth and banks), providing free tests, treatment, vaccinations, prevention facilities for those who need them, and lift the curfew as soon as possible;

8- Form a popular audit committee that includes experts working to inventory the country's natural resources, verifying contracts for exploitation, especially from colonial companies, as well as scrutinize the external debts of the state;

9- Limit the importation of cars and using currency reserves to supply public transportation means and develop a national transportation industry;

10- Revive the national textile industry in order to provide clothing at affordable prices instead of supplying clothes at high costs;

# ThePeoples Program Against the Elite Program

Taken from here (thread):

For anyone who reads French this article about the situation looks better than most.

E2A: DeepL does a reasonable job of translating this: DeepL Translate
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A short article in French on the protests and the "wrong generation".

Pour le site, ces jeunes prônent une rupture avec la gauche “classique” et son discours “orthodoxe”, ainsi qu’avec la société conservatrice dans laquelle ils vivent.
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