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The word Paki only became viewed as racist in the 60's. Before it was used as an abbreviation to the obvious.

It doesn't matter that you might not intend the word to be offensive, it just is so as such should never be uttered. Pikey definitely is. Jock, I'm unsure of...
I had a paper round growing up, not so very far from here. My corner shop was taken over by an Indian family who had two daughters, one of whom was my age. They were the first in the area really (not very far from here). The crap they put up with was appalling. Mind you, the Dad wasn't too keen on them being friends with me either. Me and her got on great. :D I wonder where she is now. I clearly remember her saying to me that people were ignorant because they weren't Pakistani but Indian. Loads of people called it the paki shop and there was a lot of grumbling when the old lady who owned it sold it to them - but we all knew, even then, that it wasn't right to call it that. Incredible to think that anyone would use that term now almost 30 years later.
Excuse me now I am getting sensitive...jock, brummie, scouser, pikey etc. are not racist. I don't go around saying p@Ki shop or talking about Ch1nky's so please leave that alone.

I'll keep my south london colloquialisms to myself and depart..I'm a pikey myself though lol.
The word Paki only became viewed as racist in the 60's. Before it was used as an abbreviation to the obvious.

A friend of mine said it's used in Australia without being seen as offensive.

If I'm honest, anything can be offensive. I've red a bit about South African Apartheid and they tried to use the most biological terms possible but it is some of the most offensive language I have ever read.

I used the word ' Jocks ' to a Scottish friend when Scotland were playing football and he took it very badly. Another time I made several references to ' The Scotch' in an attempt to wind him up but he didn't bite.
Excuse me now I am getting sensitive...jock, brummie, scouser, pikey etc. are not racist. I don't go around saying p@Ki shop or talking about Ch1nky's so please leave that alone.

I'll keep my south london colloquialisms to myself and depart..I'm a pikey myself though lol.

P*key is a derogatory term. Just bc you don't mind it doesn't mean others won't find it off. It's up to you what you say but don't be surprised if people call you out on it.

P*ki convo wasn't directed at you, I don't think, so you *are* being sensitive.
I had a paper round growing up, not so very far from here. My corner shop was taken over by an Indian family who had two daughters, one of whom was my age. They were the first in the area really (not very far from here). The crap they put up with was appalling. Mind you, the Dad wasn't too keen on them being friends with me either. Me and her got on great. :D I wonder where she is now. I clearly remember her saying to me that people were ignorant because they weren't Pakistani but Indian. Loads of people called it the paki shop and there was a lot of grumbling when the old lady who owned it sold it to them - but we all knew, even then, that it wasn't right to call it that. Incredible to think that anyone would use that term now almost 30 years later.
That's funny I have the same story but the other way around! My parents had a corner shop and chippie in Wiltshire. There was the odd problem with locals and racism but it never got out of hand. My parents were really accepted by most customers and I was encouraged to play with the kids in the area. I was the only brown kid there but had some of the best times of my childhood.

I was only young though so my memory might be scant with regards to the day to day. I'll have to ask my Dad.
That's funny I have the same story but the other way around! My parents had a corner shop and chippie in Wiltshire. There was the odd problem with locals and racism but it never got out of hand. My parents were really accepted by most customers and I was encouraged to play with the kids in the area. I was the only brown kid there but had some of the best times of my childhood.

I was only young though so my memory might be scant with regards to the day to day. I'll have to ask my Dad.

Snap. But supermarkets and video library. I watched a lot of horror films as a kid :D
P*key is a derogatory term. Just bc you don't mind it doesn't mean others won't find it off. It's up to you what you say but don't be surprised if people call you out on it.

P*ki convo wasn't directed at you, I don't think, so you *are* being sensitive.
No Poptyping is right, the example of the use of the word Paki was given to explain why the word pikey is viewed as racist. Chill.
Have you seen Anita and me :)

no.. but i know the name - is it a film or a tv programme or something? I can imagine the content.

We used to say we were going to the park and jump on a routemaster, not pay, and piss about in central london together. We were a bad influence on each other. I do clearly remember being in her flat once when her parents were out and some arseholes outside shouting abuse and being threatening - throwing shit at the windows. It was quite scary - I'd obviously never experienced anything like it and was so far out of my depth. She took it in her stride. She was also very very pretty which caused even more problems. Her Dad was a violent arsehole though both to her and her sister and their Mum.

eta.. tripping right down memory lane now, but the previous shopkeeper used to make us tea on a Sat morning when we'd all go back after our rounds - and give us sweets from the shop. My new friend's mum would make these massive pots of chai - only we didn't really know what it was, it was just this weird sweet tea to us.

oh and double eta... the new shop had porn in it and we also watched it upstairs when the parents weren't about... :D
It's a book and a film.

Sounds like you had a lovely friendship with her :)

yeah, it was fun. One day when she was at (her pretty rough, mixed) school and for some reason I wasn't (at my Catholic girls' convent), she persuaded me to go to school with her and pretend I was a student there - which I did and got away with. That was a bit mad. It was a bit tinged with sadness though - there was a LOT of tension between her and her father and they had very different ideas about her future.
gaijingirl it's actually got some really sad bits in the film. An interesting portrayal of friendship. I don't think the issues in it are unique to cross racial friendships (cross racial? - I think I made that up) but prob as much as a reflection of early teenage friendship generally with a bit of race and class stuff in the mix.
yeah, it was fun. One day when she was at (her pretty rough, mixed) school and for some reason I wasn't (at my Catholic girls' convent), she persuaded me to go to school with her and pretend I was a student there - which I did and got away with. That was a bit mad. It was a bit tinged with sadness though - there was a LOT of tension between her and her father and they had very different ideas about her future.

Do you know what happened to her?
and he hated me - thought I was a bad influence, which was ironic because I don't think my parents were overjoyed at our friendship either for similar reasons.
Do you know what happened to her?

no - they moved away and cut all ties. They had loads of family in the East End and I think they went there - I never heard from her again. She has a super super common name, so although i've tried to track her down, I don't suppose I'll be able to and I doubt her name is the same anymore anyway.
I grew up in Belfast where diversity is differing sets of white Christians. And they're prepared to kill and die over it. Arseholes will find anything to fight and intimidate over. It seemed to be one of the least racist places because there were so few non white people, they integrated fine, no intimidation. But since there has been bit of immigration the wankers have learned fairly quickly how to make the lives of black people, Polish etc a misery as well.
no - they moved away and cut all ties. They had loads of family in the East End and I think they went there - I never heard from her again. She has a super super common name, so although i've tried to track her down, I don't suppose I'll be able to and I doubt her name is the same anymore anyway.

That's a shame. She won't have forgotten you tho x
no - they moved away and cut all ties. They had loads of family in the East End and I think they went there - I never heard from her again. She has a super super common name, so although i've tried to track her down, I don't suppose I'll be able to and I doubt her name is the same anymore anyway.
You can still search her on Facebook under the name you knew her by. When people get married they have the option to add their maiden/bachelor name so old school friends etc can find them...
You can still search her on Facebook under the name you knew her by. When people get married they have the option to add their maiden/bachelor name so old school friends etc can find them...

yes, I have done that but no luck. It would be a bit needle/haystack.. think of the most common Indian surname of all and then both her and her sister had almost exactly the same first name - which to be fair, i don't know is that common. I've not come across it so much since (although a FB search suggests it is).
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