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Trump comes to town, 13th July 2018 - mass protests expected


Well-Known Member
was a bit surprised / encouraged by bods in my office talking about their mates sharing #RIOT hashtags from Instagram re: the just announced Trump visit on Thurs, declaring we're all taking the day off etc.

Then Lisa Mckenzie / CW slightly kicked my ass on twitter that night when we disagreed re: whether this was all just liberal virtue signalling, had little to do with the realities of the UK, where was the anger re: 150 Labour councils still up to their necks in social cleansing programmes accross the country etc etc.

I'll admit, am already a bit ambivalent re: liberal outrage vs Trump ( as Kanye said this week, 'WTF did Obama do for Chicago in 8 yrs ') , and Mackenzie deffo helped reinforce some misgivings re: potential Trump demos, but on the the other hand, if the people are taking genuinely felt, instinctive opposition to a much despised head of the global ruling class to the streets...which side are you on ?
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I've never felt comfortable enough to join in with the kneejerk anti-Trumpism that even Tory voting BTLers I know eagerly parrot.

I won't be joining these protests.
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I've never felt comfortable enough to join in with the kneejerk anti-Trumpism that even Tory voting BTLers I know eagerly parrot.

I won't be joining these protests.

suns shining, everyone's up for it, talk of Poll Tax style shenans, right wing wankers claiming they're going to come out in support...and you'll still swerve ?
I've never felt comfortable enough to join in with the kneejerk anti-Trumpism that even Tory voting BTLers I know eagerly parrot.

I won't be joining these protests.
PD should distribute a pamphlet offering critical support for our illegalist comrade.
Every woman I know thinks Trump is a cunt and given half a chance they'd stick a, er, stick of dynamite up his arse. But they're probably all whining liberals who moan too much about creepy men grabbing pussies right?

After all, why would anyone protest against a corrupt millionaire who has bought his way to power, paying off those other rich business cunts he's owed favours on the way eh? Especially when Kanye thinks otherwise.

Fucking liberals.
Every woman I know thinks Trump is a cunt and given half a chance they'd stick a, er, stick of dynamite up his arse. But they're probably all whining liberals who moan too much about creepy men grabbing pussies right?

After all, why would anyone protest against a corrupt millionaire who has bought his way to power, paying off those other rich business cunts he's owed favours on the way eh? Especially when Kanye thinks otherwise.

Fucking liberals.

agreed, there's too much 'anti liberal' virtue signalling washing about at the moment in general, folk are ending up painting themselves into some ridiculous ideological corners
When is he going to the UK? I might be able join the protests.
July allegedly. So as mentioned the weather should be nice. Make yourself a packed lunch and take a flask of tea. Apparently everyone who goes gets a 10 pounds from george soros, so wahey.

I might go it depends on my funds and the weather/other commitments. It was better for me when he was allegedly going to be somewhere in the Birmingham region. I still don't think it'll actually happen though, just more talk imo.
I've never felt comfortable enough to join in with the kneejerk anti-Trumpism that even Tory voting BTLers I know eagerly parrot.

I won't be joining these protests.

Thank you! I was trying to bring myself to say something about this and how I think it's (possibly even worse than) a dead end.
The winners will be the SWP front that takes credit for the organisation, shit-politics-activist-do-nothing-but-spectacular-demos, and liberal UK democracy which will bask in the smugness of itself as not as nasty and crass as Trump.
The winners will be the SWP front that takes credit for the organisation, shit-politics-activist-do-nothing-but-spectacular-demos, and liberal UK democracy which will bask in the smugness of itself as not as nasty and crass as Trump.

hard to disagree with any of this - but additional 'what if' scenario : the people get it together, as we occasionally do, and it all gets properly militant/ messy on the day, the Trump circus has to go home with images flashing around the world of chaos + opposition swirling around him (3 months before mid terms ) - his base won't be shifted / affected, the oppo don't need much more convincing, but wldn't necc help his standing amongst the waverers when added to the narrative of 'rolling shitshow 'that surrounds his tenure internally.

Plus UK wise : vibrant, militant, IRL / participatory direct action on a big scale might be a useful/ positive addition to the virtual / soc media (non) activism so many of us consume day to day
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Yeah, in some ways I agree that useful political outcomes (in the immediate aftermath) are possible.

But we're lacking a base for this support or activity to then feed into on a day-to-day organizing and agitating level. And on some level I think the format of extra-parliamentary/radical left wing politics are kept in this position by much of the dynamics that surround things like this mobilization against Trump's visit.

The left is actually good at mounting large demos 'against things'. It's what comes after this, and then feeds back into other things that it's so completely lacking in, and without a cultural/political change to sort that out then this kind of thing is just pretty much pointless (but maybe fun) at best and damaging at worst imo.
How about a protest of thousands merely turning their backs on him and remaining silent? A lot less effort and one that may show up better on the international media. I was about to stockpile my Piss in bottles but, thinking about it, perhaps a public denial of attention may be a TV friendly way to show a lack of approval. :)
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