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Treasure trove of untouched old toys and games found at toy shop which has been closed for years


kicking against the pricks...

loads of Star Wars!! in packets! :cool:
can't be that old tho if shut in 2009
Not sure how the auction system works, I guess the family just sold the shop as it was without realising, or even looking.

That was my old local toy shop. I used to buy Star Wars figures and tolkeinesque monitors in there !
Not sure how the auction system works, I guess the family just sold the shop as it was without realising, or even looking.

Sounds like some of the stuff was stored elsewhere. 120 pallets is a lot of stuff. Could've been a big shop though I suppose.

That bit at the back has "Frank Beech" on it too, that's a lot of space for stuff, 3 stories of weebles :cool:

That was all storage iirc. At least I don't recall venturing very far in... It was a pretty creepy place tbh....though by then (30 years ago!) it already seemed faded and long past its hey day.
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