I'm DryBaby..
Thanks for the link and it "helps" that the person who provided it doesn't like it.
(The link is enough..you not liking it hardly matters after that does it mate..?)
As for Transvision Vamp /Wendy James in 2012.
By all means visit her numerous fan sites.
Her fan forums.
Her own official website.
Oh hang on..this isn't 7 years ago.
There is none.
There's these though.
(mad they are..the maddest thing ever..probably more than any bloke has ever seen..ever..
WENDY JAMES (Transvision Vamp)..30 years after the Face photo above.
(bet you've never seen these mad videos...have a butchers..)
and this will be up and running at full strength soon.
The Queen Of Cocaine
(Summer 2011 not the front cover of a style magazine from 1991..)
A Mess.
But hey post 22 year old photos if you wanna.
Then go and see her play live.
Any town,city or any venue..and time...you choose..there's plenty to pick from..the lists will be in your papers /websites etc..
There isn't any.
Still if you meets her bring some coke.
She likes that.
DryBaby going since August 2006.
And threads like this have been my bread and butter since then.
(kept my sites alive through thick and thin...every couple of months there is always at least one Trans Vamp "fan" thread..which needs up linking to DryBaby in some form or another...while criticizing it and giving me EXACTLY what I want...mad that innit.? )
It never ceases to amaze me how Wendy"s "fans" help to kill her career every time they open their mouths.
Every single time.
(I know they think they're "helping" but they SO are not...well perhaps me..thus the genius who posted the above "link"..)
No link to any of the official "Wendy James/Transvision Vamp" things I mentioned above huh have you mate..?
"..the maddest thing I ever seen.."
Well I doubt you have "seen" anything mad or otherwise to do with wendy james online since the last one closed down Christmas 2008
I'll have that quote for future reference though if you don't mind..'kay?
Enjoy the thread.
I sure as hell did.
As you guys can no doubt read from the various Trans Vamp/Wendy James "threads" I have screenshots of scattered through my sites.
(Some go back as far as the late 90's...all started...all "helping" Wendy...all dead...helped DryBaby instead..)
See ya
(actually I won't as this is VERY MUCH a one off...but you get the intention dontcha..?..see the screenshots of this on my sites soon too..)
"..the maddest thing I've ever seen.."
Another thread..another day..
Where next..?