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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

It is good that 19force8 ’s sons (who I assume are still fairly young) took a principled stand against fascism via what I assume was the only practical route they were aware of.

Sounds like good parenting to me :)

Perhaps having done this they will have been exposed to more militant avenues by others present. And/or will have been bored shitless by hectoring trots. Who knows?
Personally, I wouldn't have much of a problem blagging a lift with some Swerps if it was the only affordable way to get to a demo I wanted to attend, just as long as I had a nice audio book to listen to for the whole journey :thumbs:

And much as I loathe the SWP, one or two of them in my locality, I actually get along with. Mind you, they have less clout than the ACG in my town. If they were big cheeses here, I'm sure they'd be intolerable.

Also, my late aunty was a long term SWP member and she was lovely... just as long as we didn't talk politics.
Martin Smith is a low life rapist piece of shit and the Socialist Workers Party leadership (whose will that party represents) enabled, allowed and tried to cover up his vile abuse of women. They are a misogynist, anti-feminist, rape apologist organisation and a cult. I stand by that and always will because those are facts. I'm very glad I had the good sense to leave that party and Trotskyism itself in 2005 and move on to anarchism. And the fact that such people as the SWP are counter-protesting the likes of Tommy Robinson is truly fucking absurd and very much a disservice to the anti-capitalist and anti-fascist cause.
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There was almost fisty cuffs at a drinks for comrades with one calling another a rape apologist. I'm not a fan of the SWP but I don't think it's comradely to start these sort of accusations against anyone associated with it.
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I’d question the judgement of people still in the SWP and would urge people not to join it. I think that’s different from a couple of kids getting on their front org bus to go and oppose Yaxley. They are, unfortunately, quite hard to completely avoid.
I’d question the judgement of people still in the SWP and would urge people not to join it. I think that’s different from a couple of kids getting on their front org bus to go and oppose Yaxley. They are, unfortunately, quite hard to completely avoid.
I don't even know what they stand for. They lost me when they started stalking me and I realised my opinions would be taught.
Bristol Live article about it here, apparently SYL not yet confirmed as attending but he has joined For Britain so it sounds quite likely:

It does still feel quite funny that they seem to be having a counter-demo against June 2020 in April 2022. God knows I've fought for my share of lost causes in my time, but the Colston statue in Bristol really does seem to be quite an unlikely thing to rally around right now.
"For Britain will also protest against the destruction of monuments and statues of historical figures, and believes those who engage in such activities should face the full extent of the law, regardless of politics."

But the people who "engaged in those activities" with the Colston statue have now faced the full extent of the law. And been acquitted.
Bristol Live article about it here, apparently SYL not yet confirmed as attending but he has joined For Britain so it sounds quite likely:

It does still feel quite funny that they seem to be having a counter-demo against June 2020 in April 2022. God knows I've fought for my share of lost causes in my time, but the Colston statue in Bristol really does seem to be quite an unlikely thing to rally around right now.

June 2020 was pretty crap on the whole tbf. If they can get it rescinded then good on them. Maybe they can sort out March, April and May as well.
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