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Titanic tourist sub missing

And making up stupid shit like How do they make a cash transfer when they're at the bottom of the ocean :facepalm: yes that's exactly what she said.

You can always tell when someone has no convincing argument when they invent strawman stuff like that.
If anyone still has a lingering 'billionaires are people too' thing going on, they should read this. Yep, there was no doubt a (mercifully short?) period of terror and there are grieving families for the titanic lot, but every other dimension of both stories shows a world of inequality, obsessions with the lives of the rich and a fucked up media.

If anyone still has a lingering 'billionaires are people too' thing going on, they should read this. Yep, there was no doubt a (mercifully short?) period of terror and there are grieving families for the titanic lot, but every other dimension of both stories shows a world of inequality, obsessions with the lives of the rich and a fucked up media.

They won't have known anything (on the period of terror aspect). Human response is on the order of around 1/4 second. Critical failure of the hull was likely milliseconds... I was watching a something earlier (Scott Manley for all the Kerbal nerds) and he put it quite well; 'you go instantly from biology to physics'.

What I think paints a starker picture here is that it's increasingly clear that the US military and some other actors were fully aware that a critical failure was a near certainty... They had picked up on the implosion, and noted it at the time. Also iirc the support vessel heard it. There's still some justification for a search I suppose in that you can't be sure what causes a specific noise... But as I understand it the wreckage was discovered pretty much as soon as the French rocked up with decent kit and dropped an ROV where they'd been descending. That said we are talking about different things... The vessels involved in the sub search aren't based in the mediterranean. The deaths of migrants are entirely about political will, and the policies of local coastguard.
They won't have known anything (on the period of terror aspect). Human response is on the order of around 1/4 second. Critical failure of the hull was likely milliseconds... I was watching a something earlier (Scott Manley for all the Kerbal nerds) and he put it quite well; 'you go instantly from biology to physics'.

What I think paints a starker picture here is that it's increasingly clear that the US military and some other actors were fully aware that a critical failure was a near certainty... They had picked up on the implosion, and noted it at the time. Also iirc the support vessel heard it. There's still some justification for a search I suppose in that you can't be sure what causes a specific noise... But as I understand it the wreckage was discovered pretty much as soon as the French rocked up with decent kit and dropped an ROV where they'd been descending. That said we are talking about different things... The vessels involved in the sub search aren't based in the mediterranean. The deaths of migrants are entirely about political will, and the policies of local coastguard.

So it WAS NATO’s fault…
They won't have known anything (on the period of terror aspect). Human response is on the order of around 1/4 second. Critical failure of the hull was likely milliseconds... I was watching a something earlier (Scott Manley for all the Kerbal nerds) and he put it quite well; 'you go instantly from biology to physics'.

What I think paints a starker picture here is that it's increasingly clear that the US military and some other actors were fully aware that a critical failure was a near certainty... They had picked up on the implosion, and noted it at the time. Also iirc the support vessel heard it. There's still some justification for a search I suppose in that you can't be sure what causes a specific noise... But as I understand it the wreckage was discovered pretty much as soon as the French rocked up with decent kit and dropped an ROV where they'd been descending. That said we are talking about different things... The vessels involved in the sub search aren't based in the mediterranean. The deaths of migrants are entirely about political will, and the policies of local coastguard.

Interesting thread here that explores this in greater depth.

And making up stupid shit like How do they make a cash transfer when they're at the bottom of the ocean :facepalm: yes that's exactly what she said.

You can always tell when someone has no convincing argument when they invent strawman stuff like that.

Swarbrick the knob does that kind of thing all the time tbh, he's one of the worst presenters on LBC for lazy reactive bollocks (and that's up against some fairly stiff competition)

Five men in a tiny submarine is more Roger Corman.
This BBC article is interesting:

So it appears the CEO piloted the sub on every journey it made, using a game controller. To me that says the guy had issues with delegation and control. Hope the keyman insurance will pay out.

But there's some interesting snippets about the approach to engineering design - the non-standard design, the use of non-standard materials but at the same time the use of off the shelf components in unintended ways.

To me this all speaks of an attitude 'you can't tell me what to do' and a desire to get a working design no matter the cost or safety.

If the hull imploded but not on the first trip this thing every did, it suggests some kind of fatigue failure.
This BBC article is interesting:

So it appears the CEO piloted the sub on every journey it made, using a game controller. To me that says the guy had issues with delegation and control. Hope the keyman insurance will pay out.

But there's some interesting snippets about the approach to engineering design - the non-standard design, the use of non-standard materials but at the same time the use of off the shelf components in unintended ways.

To me this all speaks of an attitude 'you can't tell me what to do' and a desire to get a working design no matter the cost or safety.

If the hull imploded but not on the first trip this thing every did, it suggests some kind of fatigue failure.
i would imagine the hull had creaked and groaned its way through previous trips and he probably told himself that wiki materials suggested carbon fibre was strong and that was enough reassurance for a psychotic free market elf and safety gorn mad mind set. innovator my arse.
Some quite impressive whataboutery from that arse of a presenter. Essentially, arguing that if rich explorers have to put some kind of bond up front to cover/contribute to the rescue cost of their foolishness, everybody taking to the park lake will have to do the same.
I wonder what he's paid? Quite a lot i imagine.
And making up stupid shit like How do they make a cash transfer when they're at the bottom of the ocean :facepalm: yes that's exactly what she said.
1. By text as that's how they communicated with the sub.

2. Leave your American express gold card with someone in the ship for use in emergencies.

Some quite impressive whataboutery from that arse of a presenter. Essentially, arguing that if rich explorers have to put some kind of bond up front to cover/contribute to the rescue cost of their foolishness, everybody taking to the park lake will have to do the same.
Great idea for a business though

You could call it , oh i don't know ....insurance
I'm hoping with this Joy Stick sub saga and the continuing embarrassment that is Elon Musk that people will see that their rulers are actual in the main thick cunts like the rest of us. They might loose some of their shine.
Wonder how the people who actually lost folk in the titanic in their family line feel about some hyper "go-getting" rich cunts gawping at their graves in the name of "exploration"? I'm old fashioned, I believe that things like graves deserve respect.
There won't be any remains to gawp at at that pressure. :(
I mean, a fucking games controller? That's his idea of innovation? This is a deep sea submersible vehicle, there's plenty of firms he could have worked with on a custom design if he really wanted it to be special and unique. It's not a fucking go cart.

I sincerely hope that all the families involved sue the bejesus out of Oceangate, the CEO was arrogant and reckless and as a direct result oeople are dead.
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