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Titanic tourist sub missing

If the hull implodes you'll be squished in to nothing before your brain has time to know anything, so as instantaneous as possible. If they are trapped on something then it will be a lingering death, talk of rescue subs is bobbins, they have to get one there, (there aren't tons of these things just hanging around) and then find it, took 70 years to find the Titanic and that's a fair old lump compared to this thing.

Sounds well shonky anyway, you steer it with an Xbox controller for a start. Rich people spending untold dosh to gawp at a mass gravesite so they can brag and bray to other obscenely rich people about how special they are, struggling to find many fucks to give.

They have to invent expensive things for rich people to spend their money because they have so much of it.

In this instance the value of my flat (which I’ll be paying off all the way up til I retire [and I’m lucky in-so-much as I own not rent]) for a week’s holiday.

As Epona stated I have more sympathy for migrants risking their lives.
I think a submersible mysteriously going missing with people possibly trapped at the site of the world's most famous shipwreck would be big news whether or not the people on board were billionaires most people hadn't heard of or scientists most people hadn't heard of, James Cameron is probably already considering taking a break from Avatar to make the film.

The other two passengers are reportedly UK-based billionaire Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son, a little surprised they allowed him to take a teenager with him on an experimental vessel.
Sounds well shonky anyway, you steer it with an Xbox controller for a start. Rich people spending untold dosh to gawp at a mass gravesite so they can brag and bray to other obscenely rich people about how special they are, struggling to find many fucks to give.
My thoughts exactly. But for the sake of clemency I hope their deaths were quick and painless
This was massive news well before the occupants of the sub were named. The reason being, manned submersibles rarely go missing and this one was diving on the most famous shipwreck on the planet. The fact that it's now been reported that this British rich bloke was on board certainly adds another dimension, but to suggest it's the only, or even main, reason for the interest and recovery effort is nonsense. And one of the other occupants is a Pakistani businessman, which kind of pisses on the white bloke thing.
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This was massive news well before the occupants of the sub were named. The reason being, manned submersibles rarely go missing and this one was diving on the most famous shipwreck on the planet. The fact that it's now been reported that this British rich bloke was on board certainly adds another dimension, but to suggest it's the only, or even main, reason for the interest and recovery effort is nonsense. And one of the other occupants was a Pakistani businessman, which kind of pisses on the white bloke thing.

tbf, when the first report came through that a titanic-visiting tourist sub had gone missing, I, along with most people learned at that point that such a thing existed, and my first thought wasn't that the passengers maybe some Eritrean refugees spending some of their £10 a week they are given to live off whilst their claims are processed...
My thoughts exactly. But for the sake of clemency I hope their deaths were quick and painless

I think a submersible mysteriously going missing with people possibly trapped at the site of the world's most famous shipwreck would be big news whether or not the people on board were billionaires most people hadn't heard of or scientists most people hadn't heard of, James Cameron is probably already considering taking a break from Avatar to make the film.

The other two passengers are reportedly UK-based billionaire Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son, a little surprised they allowed him to take a teenager with him on an experimental vessel.
I agree. I hate the way other tragedies are ignored, but this is something quite different purely because of the Titanic angle. It has nothing to do with the presence of rich white men - at least two of the five aren’t even white, only one seems to be a billionaire, and one is a scientist.

I feel really sorry for the 19 year old. They aren’t too wise. He probably just thought it sounded like fun, and now in the worst case scenario he’s trapped in the wreckage of the Titanic, to suffocate to death with a disaster area just outside the skin of this tin can operated by an x box.
And he presumably wasn't paying. If I was offered a free trip to see one of the most historic and rarely visited sites in the world, I'd have been down there too.
I wouldn’t, not for anything, but I can understand why someone minded to do so would jump at the opportunity. He’s a blameless kid, no matter what your view of his fathers discretionary spending choices.
It looks horrendously claustrophobic and basic inside it, so you pay $250k to them to get in that? And be bolted in there? I’m feeling mild panic just thinking about it. Nope, you’d have to pay ME more than $250k for me to agree to get in there.
Partner keeps suggesting we go in submarines on tours. Not working ones. Old ones that are docked.
I'm not claustrophobic but I am 6 foot tall and broad shouldered so nope not interested in paying for being wedged in a tiny space. British Airways economy seats are bad enough.
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