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Titanic tourist sub missing

I’d absolutely rather be blown to smithereens immediately.

However, if this thing has failed, that‘s likely what happened. I think the pressure down there means it’s not quick, it’s instantaneous. Presumably though, you’d still have that split second moment of horror as you heard the crack.
I kind of hate these people but can imagine this bit all too easily and it's horrible.
I'm pretty sure that any competent adult would be cognizant of the risks involved in choosing to engage in such an activity. They put themselves in that position, so I'm hardly broken up about them, but conversely it feels needlessly spiteful to be crowing over their predicament, whatever it may turn out to be.
Fuck me this thread is a toxic bundle of fun isn’t it. Admittedly being under the sea and mildly claustrophobic. This is an exquisite nightmare scenario. But some of you probably need to stay off the Internet more.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone - but look at the news coverage about this and the effort and money being expended on trying to rescue a small handful of rich white people, when weekly there is a death toll of people fleeing oppression in unsafe situations at sea.

It's not that I want anyone to have this sort of end, it's the juxtaposition of those two things. These few lives aren't worth more than all those lost regularly at sea.

They don't deserve more effort or tears than refugees (who we should be trying harder to help). Yet it is played out in the media thus, and some people clearly think these lives are worth more. They aren't.

In 2021, over 3,000 people died or were reported missing at sea trying to cross the Mediterranean - so some perspective here please.
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But that’s why the coverage is so heavy. Because it’s so unusual. Submarines don’t go missing every day (when was the last one, the Kursk? That was all over the news for days too). Ships do sink every day. It’s tragic. But in terms of ‘news’ it’s not really the presence of an anonymous billionaire of any particular race that’s driving this level of coverage. It’s very disturbing to see anyone making light of such horrible potential deaths, joking that these people should be left to their fate, or taking any kind of pleasure in the weird and wonderful ways that people can die. It’s monstrous actually. No less than it would be if someone was doing the same about the people missing on last weeks Greek shipwreck.
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But that’s why the coverage is so heavy. Because it’s so unusual. Submarines don’t go missing every day (when was the last one, the Kursk? That was all over the news for days too). Ships do sink every day. It’s tragic. But in terms of ‘news’ it’s not really the presence of an anonymous billionaire of any particular race that’s driving this level of coverage.
I'm sorry you can try to justify it like that all you want, but it is because it is a handful of wealthy white blokes that it has made the news on this occasion.

There are loads of other tragic tales that could be made into news stories, but our media drives the cart so to speak - I am not in any way blaming you or holding you responsible for the coverage or for being interested, but it is what it is, and that is that we should be more interested in these lives than any others.
Also if it's just the fascination with submarines, here is a list of submarine incidents and accidents (might be a bit short on hints and allegations though, in case anyone gets that more lighthearted reference!)

So the Kursk wasn't the most recent one by any means, it was just the last one that was highlighted in our news.

Basically - our media is biased, they will show you what they want you to get upset about or emotionally involved in.
I'm sorry you can try to justify it like that all you want, but it is because it is a handful of wealthy white blokes that it has made the news on this occasion.

There are loads of other tragic tales that could be made into news stories, but our media drives the cart so to speak - I am not in any way blaming you or holding you responsible for the coverage or for being interested, but it is what it is, and that is that we should be more interested in these lives than any others.
I’m not justifying it - I have nothing to justify. I’m not more interested in these lives than others. You’ve misread what I said.
I actually don't have the spoons for this.

Have a nice day everyone :)
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Yeah except - itwas you replying to me, not the other way round :D

Much love and have a good day :)

Your reply here makes no sense. It’s not something I came up with. I was simply responding to you, politely. Without grinning emojis and sarcastic loving wishes.

Your reply here makes no sense. It’s not something I came up with. I was simply responding to you, politely. Without grinning emojis and sarcastic loving wishes.

Look seriously I am just trying to fit in, I'm not being sarcastic it's just the best way I have learned despite having massive issues with communication to let people know that my intentions are good.

I know someone is likely to pop up any minute saying "oh Epona, why can't you just be more normal" - I'm doing my best OK and if I have a disagreement with someone it doesn't mean it has to be a massive thing or that I bear any ill will.

It's actually really hurtful that you said that :(
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Poor billionaires on their 250k cruise of a graveyard.
The presence of a billionaire hardly anyone has ever heard of before is still not really why it’s big news. The Titanic angle is why. It carries its own momentum in pop culture.
Look seriously I am just trying to fit in, I'm not being sarcastic it's just the best way I have learned despite having massive issues with communication to let people know that my intentions are good.

I know someone is likely to pop up any minute saying "oh Epona, why can't you just me more normal" - I'm doing my best OK and if I have a disagreement with someone it doesn't mean it has to be a massive thing or that I mean any ill will.
Fitting in is overrated. Trying to fit in with anyone who would write off anyone’s life with any kind of satisfaction, or wish them elaborate harm, is even more overrated.
I'm not writing off anyone's life and I certainly don't feel any satisfaction about it (and painting my responses in that way is quite frankly vile), I just want to see equal weight given in the media and efforts to rescue people regarding the lives lost amongst refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean in small boats.

I'm a little bit worried that you've taken this so personally.

I'm fascinated by the Titanic (it is actually one of my ASD obsessions) but I'm not paying 250k to go down there in an unsafe unregulated submersible vehicle like some sort of pratt and then expecting to be rescued when surprise surprise it all goes tits up.
I'm not writing off anyone's life, I just want to see equal weight given in the media and efforts to rescue people regarding the lives lost amongst refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean in small boats.

I'm a little bit worried that you've taken this so personally.

I'm fascinated by the Titanic but I'm not paying 250k to go down there in an unsafe unregulated submersible vehicle like some sort of pratt and then expecting to be rescued.
I’m not talking about you - I replied to your post, disagreeing with your assessment of why this has become big news, setting off this increasingly strange chain of exchanges. I’m talking about this thread generally, and what’s been said in it. I’m a little worried that you’ve taken this so personally. I have taken nothing personally. I said in my first post that I wouldn’t go near the thing - you couldn’t pay me to go there, so I’ve no vested interest in championing anyone who would pay for the pleasure.
I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about this thread. I’m a little worried that you’ve taken this so personally. I have taken nothing personally. I said in my first post that I wouldn’t go near the thing - you couldn’t pay me to go there.

I hope we can just put this down to a misunderstanding or agree to disagree, because I think we usually get on OK? No harm was intended towards you, just the media focus on this particular thing.
I hope we can just put this down to a misunderstanding or agree to disagree, because I think we usually get on OK? No harm was intended towards you, just the media focus on this particular thing.
Which is the only thing I said to you. There was no harm intended towards you. I don’t share your assessment of why there’s the level of coverage there is in this particular instance.

The rest of your post, sure, no problem. Yes, we do generally get on. We disagree on this, but that’s not the end of the world.
If the hull implodes you'll be squished in to nothing before your brain has time to know anything, so as instantaneous as possible. If they are trapped on something then it will be a lingering death, talk of rescue subs is bobbins, they have to get one there, (there aren't tons of these things just hanging around) and then find it, took 70 years to find the Titanic and that's a fair old lump compared to this thing.

Sounds well shonky anyway, you steer it with an Xbox controller for a start. Rich people spending untold dosh to gawp at a mass gravesite so they can brag and bray to other obscenely rich people about how special they are, struggling to find many fucks to give.
I'm sorry you can try to justify it like that all you want, but it is because it is a handful of wealthy white blokes that it has made the news on this occasion.

There are loads of other tragic tales that could be made into news stories, but our media drives the cart so to speak - I am not in any way blaming you or holding you responsible for the coverage or for being interested, but it is what it is, and that is that we should be more interested in these lives than any others.
No, it's made the news because it's an unusual event. And, it's made the UK news because one of those missing is British. Such unusual scenarios often make the news, regardless of whether or not those involved are rich white men - think of the South American miners who were trapped when a shaft collapsed, or the Thai kids in a flooded cave.
No, it's made the news because it's an unusual event. And, it's made the UK news because one of those missing is British. Such unusual scenarios often make the news, regardless of whether or not those involved are rich white men - think of the South American miners who were trapped when a shaft collapsed, or the Thai kids in a flooded cave.
And it involves the Titanic. Huge media interest, always.
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