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Titanic tourist sub missing

Ones own. Obviously if you have access to other people's urine it could help for more than two days. I suppose if they forced the ceo to do a big wee before killing him it might give them an extra few hours but generally dead people don't pee after the initial relaxing of muscles at death. I suppose if they just killed him without collecting the wee first they could suck it out of his clothing.
Could they just rip his bladder out, and use it like one of those bags of wine? I mean, I think I’d personally knock myself unconscious, but couldn’t anyone minded to try to hang on by drinking a dead man’s urine do that?
I also noticed a graphic that showed the depth in the new money unit of 'Shards' ie a stack of Shard buildings one on top of the other, instead of the old money Blackpool Tower, or Eiffel Tower, or Empire State Building.
London buses, football fields, and Wales - those are the British currency for height and size.
The owner's a Conservative and Brexit supporting cunt who laid off his staff at the start of the pandemic and told them to go and work in Tesco.

The one and only interesting and redeeming and feature of Wetherspoons is that they go to the time, effort and expense of having unique carpets created for each branch.

Reminds me of this:
Another load drowned (in the Atlantic not the Med this time) This is going to get some people wound up especially the bit about the closer Spanish rescue ship (the one in the picture) not going because the Morrocans were on the way and lead to accusations of double standards.
I saw two different reports this morning about how long the oxygen would last. One said 11 am and the other noon.

Not looking good is it? :(
Urine drinking buys you another two days maximum. But that might make the difference.
Just imagining them in there, opening their ziplock bags of stale piss in desperation, then I'm imagining the people who eventually open the capsule discovering the shitshow within. This is the problem with this whole thing, there's no news at all is there? My racing mind makes up something instead and it's horrible. Why can't it think about something more pleasant instead? Oh. Hang on... :rolleyes:
I'm not sure this is correct. Classification is a voluntary process. In theory an insurance company may require it, and that is the origin of classification. For then mother ship, the Canadian government will delegate its regulatory responsibilities to classification societies to issue statutory certification.
Diving systems for profession divers are generally classified or certified, including habitats, compression chambers and bells. The precise regulatory requirements are set by the country where the contract of employment of the diver is, and/or the coastal state in whose territorial water or EEZ the operation takes place (ie 12 miles or 200 miles), and/or the ship (if the dive system is permanently installed). In this case, the dive site is outside Canada's EEZ. If the submersible is not considered to be a part of the ship, it will not come under Canadian regulation as the flag state.
I have dealt with portable dive systems that could more between ships and the dive system was classed. It is messy, as the integration with the mother ship is important in terms of duplicated power supplies and the structural integration etc.
In this case, the sub is probably not considered a permanent part of the ship, and is regarded as a "toy", with less regulation even than a jet ski (which would probably have a CE marking at least under the EU personal watercraft regulations).
There are moves to regulate subsea activity outside of EEZs, mainly associated with seabed mining. I'm not sure how non-territorial water or non-EEZ wrecks are regulated, if at all.
How does the law differ over there? as I mentioned earlier, in UK waters, if you have paying customers onboard your vessel, then no matter how amateurly built the craft is, you are considered a boating business and the regulations and insurance requirements for your vessels and for you and your qualifications are far stricter and if anything happens to your paying customers, you're held fully responsible for their deaths and you'll be charged with corporate manslaughter.
Just imagining them in there, opening their ziplock bags of stale piss in desperation, then I'm imagining the people who eventually open the capsule discovering the shitshow within. This is the problem with this whole thing, there's no news at all is there? My racing mind makes up something instead and it's horrible. Why can't it think about something more pleasant instead? Oh. Hang on... :rolleyes:
Could they just rip his bladder out, and use it like one of those bags of wine? I mean, I think I’d personally knock myself unconscious, but couldn’t anyone minded to try to hang on by drinking a dead man’s urine do that?
Well, you've changed your tune. ;)

Anyway, it’s been strangely useful. Anyone who’d take any kind of pleasure in these people’s predicament is as sociopathic as any Tory is. When push comes to shove, there’s no real difference between that kind of person and the very worst in that party.

It shouldn’t, but then you admit to shedding a tear over a dying kid and his father after getting caught up in an element of their story, and get compared to Margaret Thatcher because said kid and father don’t live on the breadline. So sadly it does seem to need saying.
Well, you've changed your tune. ;)
I haven’t. I’ve been saying things like that throughout, here. I also made a tasteless joke about the toilet before anyone else did. One of my first contributions was that the CEO is an idiot who should be strangled. It’s just that someone else preferred to arrive midway through, and without caring for context, suggest I was basically Margaret Thatcher. My tune hasn’t changed - it might have more verses than yours, but the chorus is consistent.
Who is this guy and can we get him on Urban? [if he's not already here].
Anger is an Energy

Superb - and if you think you've got a sense of what he's saying, watch it till the very last second. :D

Fuck knows how the bloke responds if somebody offers him a crisp... in a toob. :thumbs:
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