Plastic Paddy
Had they not been there to cause it, it wouldn't have happened, ffs.
So you're comparing a US led attempt to rescue, presumably still living, tourists from a stricken vessel, with Greek coastguard incompetence?
Had they not been there to cause it, it wouldn't have happened, ffs.
Had they not been there to cause it, it wouldn't have happened, ffs.
So you're comparing a US led attempt to rescue, presumably still living, tourists from a stricken vessel, with Greek coastguard incompetence?
I've emailed the Palace with Urbans thoughts on the matter
Yeah, exactly what I wrote
Right. That must make sense to someone.
You didn't write it, but it's what you're doing. Almost every post you've made suggests precisely that.
people die all the time but if you're rich and doing it in an incredibly stupid way, the King wants to know about it.
I've emailed the Palace with Urbans thoughts on the matter
Oh right, so you're reading some old bollocks in to my posts to suit your views, carry on then.
I'm only reading the bollocks that you're posting, dude!
Greek coastguard caused it, but you can't deny they were there early on.
^^^ I presume you meant to type some extra words in this so it makes sense. Their is no debate they were there early on. The issue to
You can't deny there were police nearby when Ian Tomlinson was murdered either.
I can’t see what Ian Tomlinson’s tragic death and the pain suffered by his friends and family has to do with either the Mediterranean or Atlantic maritime incidents?
I'm currently at a 3.7, though I haven't worked out what the scale is yet.I think we should have a new thread where we explore the matrix of the worth of a life through the tone of the person's skin Vs the lightness of their purse, Vs the social good of their activities.
I'm sure that would bring out the best of Urban.
Oh fiddlesticks, one has been outed...Has Chucky got an account on Urban then?
I didn't want to ring him in case he was in a meetingdoes the guy not have a phone?
people die all the time but if you're rich and doing it in an incredibly stupid way, the King wants to know about it.
Exactly. Anything involving the Titanic creates interest. And creating parallels with that disaster will magnify the interest. And this is ongoing. It has suspense and horror and intrigue and is still unfolding.yes - also tiny submarine 3 miles down visiting the most famous shipwreck of all time - it's holly wood shit. but i do understand the choice of extent of coverage, rescue efforts etc. but no matter how you look at it, it's an interesting story in and of itself.
agree entirely. the logic of "we didn't care about the migrants means therefore we shouldn't care about this" doesn't compute tbh. it's like saying "you didn't care about the migrants so therefore you shouldn't care about going to watch a film." we don't live in a morally equal flat and consistant universe (and who would want to? - would soon get boring).Exactly. Anything involving the Titanic creates interest. And creating parallels with that disaster will magnify the interest. And this is ongoing. It has suspense and horror and intrigue and is still unfolding.
The migrant tragedies have usually already happened by the time we hear of them. That removes an important part of the draw, especially in an era of rolling news.
Obviously human life is human life and we should give it all equal weight. And the desperation of people fleeing poverty, war and oppression should provoke more empathy, politically, than billionaire thrill seekers taking ridiculous risks for their bucket lists, but I really don’t think it’s an either/or. Yes the migrant tragedies deserve more attention and empathy and efforts to resolve them than they get, but being (unwillingly) fascinated/repelled by the horror of the submersible doesn’t mean I place it higher in my political priorities. It’s a different kind of story. Like the Thai cave, the Chilean miners, and so on. We can’t help but be drawn to such unfolding human dramas.
Yes, there is a difference. It’s one I noted by calling them “billionaire thrill seekers taking ridiculous risks for their bucket lists”.there is a difference though, with regards to the Thai cave kids and the Chilean miners, in terms of social status, which is relevant. The chilean miners were working to earn a living in unsafe conditions. The Thai cave kids were victims of very unfortunate weather events and the lack of caution of the responsible adult. It's easy to understand why it's much easier to "root for" them compared to the billionaires on their voyeuristic disaster tourism to an underwater graveyard
It’s a different kind of story. Like the Thai cave, the Chilean miners, and so on. We can’t help but be drawn to such unfolding human dramas.
Good.Regardless of whether or not these guys get rescued this is probably the last tourist excursion down to the Titanic. I can't see any more trips without a massive improvement in sub technology especially safety features.
That's going to be a while and apparently the Titanic is rotting away like there is no tomorrow.
Regardless of whether or not these guys get rescued this is probably the last tourist excursion down to the Titanic. I can't see any more trips without a massive improvement in sub technology especially safety features.
That's going to be a while and apparently the Titanic is rotting away like there is no tomorrow.
I agree. And actually that’s part of the fascination in this case: what made these people get in that thing? All the coverage, including the comments on here, have addressed that angle. One of the most compelling mysteries in humanity is “what were they thinking?”.It's a class thing based on hubris and yes, agency.
Many people wonder that about their activities on Saturday night on Sunday morningI agree. And actually that’s part of the fascination in this case: what made these people get in that thing? All the coverage, including the comments on here, have addressed that angle. One of the most compelling mysteries in humanity is “what we’re they thinking?”.
Indeed. It’s a universal question, and one that frequently has no satisfactory answer. That’s part of its fascination.Many people wonder that about their activities on Saturday night on Sunday morning
Or it could open up a whole new market. Go and see the mini sub and the Titanic. Two for one.