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Threatening to leave job


Well-Known Member
For various reasons, my workload has increased into awkward, non enjoyable tasks related to a project doomed to fail. This looks like it will continue into 2023.

At the same time, I see people who attempt to resign, talked out of it and no doubt offered varied incentives to stay.

I am thinking about 'threatening' to leave in January if my current situation doesn't improve quickly.

Has anyone done this? Any tips on how to handle the conversation? Note - I don't have another role to go to and really just want management to realise it has the potential to happen.
Tend to agree with all of the above.

I've no idea what you do, what the jobs market is in that line of work (so how easy it would be to get something else if you did leave), or what your financial circumstances are (so how big a deal it would be if you did have a spell out of work)

I'm fairly out of touch with benefits, but the rule in the 80s was if you quit a job voluntarily (rather than being made redundant) you can't get the dole.

May be worth at least looking for other opportunities before you jump. Threatening to leave is something you should only do very sparingly, and if you can afford to do it if they say yes.
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