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Garden Leave

It won't be sent through until you're processed as an actual leaver, which will be July.

Start looking for alternative roles. No-one will be at all concerned that you're on garden leave, it happens a fair bit and it often happens once senior people or those in critical roles hand on their notice. So a new place wouldn't be worried.

Make sure the agreement they are sending through has a sample agreed reference attached for your review and approval. Also check if they will cover the cost of a lawyer's review of the document too.

I was definitely not 'senior'! although that was in my job title. we got taken over by a much bigger firm a year ago and they had to intergrate me into a team by law (TUPE?). And it was a very very uneasy fit. To the point where when I threatened legal action they initially offered to pay me my two months and put me on gardening leave but i told them to fuck off, told them I wanted 6 months so they added the extra month ex-gratia and we agreed to call it quits that day. for all our mental health's sake. it was pretty hellish.

2 job interviews lined up though and ive been open about me being on garden leave to them. i just wish i had a fucking garden!
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I was definitely not 'senior'! although that was in my job title. we got taken over by a much bigger firm a year ago and they had to intergrate me into a team by law (TUPE?). And it was a very very uneasy fit. To the point where when I threatened legal action they initially offered to pay me my two months and put me on gardening leave but i told them to fuck off, told them I wanted 6 months so they added the extra month ex-gratia and we agreed to call it quits that day. for all our mental health's sake. it was pretty hellish.

blargh to TUPE.

while it's better than getting an immediate cut in pay and conditions, or a 'fire and rehire' situation, and (in many cases) better than redundancy, it's not the best way to start a relationship with a new employer, and it's usually awkward when different people in one place are on different pay and terms and conditions.

i'm sure there must be some people it works for, but it didn't for me (getting on for 15 years ago now) and it took an uncomfortable year or so to get as far as a redundancy offer - and of course your service with old firm counts as continuous employment for the redundancy payment (or is yours more of what a friend once described as a 'piss off package'?)

in hindsight, getting redundancy instead of being transferred would probably have been better both for me and the employer who ended up with me.

2 job interviews lined up though


hope they go well.

i just wish i had a fucking garden!

find a nearby park or two?
blargh to TUPE.

while it's better than getting an immediate cut in pay and conditions, or a 'fire and rehire' situation, and (in many cases) better than redundancy, it's not the best way to start a relationship with a new employer, and it's usually awkward when different people in one place are on different pay and terms and conditions.

i'm sure there must be some people it works for, but it didn't for me (getting on for 15 years ago now) and it took an uncomfortable year or so to get as far as a redundancy offer - and of course your service with old firm counts as continuous employment for the redundancy payment (or is yours more of what a friend once described as a 'piss off package'?)

in hindsight, getting redundancy instead of being transferred would probably have been better both for me and the employer who ended up with me.


hope they go well.

find a nearby park or two?

I've been to so many leaving dos of people from the company I worked for which was taken over in the last year. I'd estimate about 70% of our former workforce have moved on since the takeover. Just a massive cultural clash. Which was actually mentioned in a sunday times article two weeks ago as an example of disastrous acquisitions. But hey, our founder got £35m out of it personally.

I didn't understand TUPE but if they'd offered me this settlement at the time I probably would have taken it in hindsight. Seriously damaged mental health.
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