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Thread about spiders (not for the arachnophobic!)

When I was little this always seemed to be a time of year when loads of spiders take refugee in the house from the colder weather outside. It doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to, but something about the weather this summer seems to have resulted in a bumper spider crop. The bush outside my front door looks like something you'd find a picture of in a Winnie the Witch book, it's so infested. They look like zebra spiders but I thought they didn't spin webs, so either they're something else or they're squatting.

And when I put my trousers on this morning a spider (prob just a common house spider, but a damn big one...) popped out of them and legged it under the bed.
I rescued a chunky spider from the reception area/waiting room of my GP surgery yesterday. It was busy trundling along the edge of the wall directly below the reception desk. I crouched down and coaxed it into my hands, talking to it as you do, and carried it outside as it ran up my arm. Some 'phobes freaked out a bit, especially at it running up my arm. :D
When I was little this always seemed to be a time of year when loads of spiders take refugee in the house from the colder weather outside. It doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to, but something about the weather this summer seems to have resulted in a bumper spider crop. The bush outside my front door looks like something you'd find a picture of in a Winnie the Witch book, it's so infested. They look like zebra spiders but I thought they didn't spin webs, so either they're something else or they're squatting.

And when I put my trousers on this morning a spider (prob just a common house spider, but a damn big one...) popped out of them and legged it under the bed.

Always a good idea to give clothes a shake before putting them on. I do really love the tegs that come in here every autumn, don't want one up my trouser leg though :D

I just sat on one of those spiders that I failed to catch and put outside, poor old thing got right squashed. I think it might have bitten me, on my buttock of all places. It's a bit painful, but I think I'll live.
It's actually really quite painful. :mad:

I've never been bitten by a spider, so don't know what would work to help. But would anti-histamines and anti-sting cream work to reduce the swelling and pain? Germolene contains a mild anaesthetic so that might help. :)
I've never been bitten by a spider, so don't know what would work to help. But would anti-histamines and anti-sting cream work to reduce the swelling and pain? Germolene contains a mild anaesthetic so that might help. :)

Sod that, I've just spent an entertaining and rather contortionist 10 minutes trying to take a photo of my own spider-bitten backside. Arse selfie :D

*Edit: and then I stop for a moment and think "if this is what passes for normal now, what has the world become?" Then I tried another shot from a different angle.
Always a good idea to give clothes a shake before putting them on. I do really love the tegs that come in here every autumn, don't want one up my trouser leg though :D

Nah, I'm pretty un-bothered by spiders - as long as they don't jump off walls at me: that's a bit freaky.

I stayed in a house over-run by these (harmless, but creepy and bloody fast) little blighters in Italy a while ago though:

Not like :(

I can't wait to get to France to see if they have the same weeds and insects - though Brittany probably won't be that different.

When I stayed in the south in the mid 70s there were some amazing things flying around.

Not exactly epic sized, but I caught these two buggers the other night. Both had their running spikes on.
(Apologies for the dirty nails but I had only just got in from gardening.)
I keep walking around the side of the garage face first into a massive web. The spider must be getting really annoyed with me now.
I've got Bathroom Spider back. :cool:

He lives peacefully on his web, hung in the corner between the loo and shower. I say good morning and night to him every day, and worry about him if he's not there. :oops: :D
Nah, I'm pretty un-bothered by spiders - as long as they don't jump off walls at me: that's a bit freaky.

I stayed in a house over-run by these (harmless, but creepy and bloody fast) little blighters in Italy a while ago though:

Not like :(

What the fuck is that?

Also, albionism - one of my favourite moments in Oz was walking across a gas station forecourt to find a couple of guys peering at a squashed thing on the tarmac, all legs and feelers. Even given the effects of being squashed, this thing must have been really big, like rat size. So I lean over and go, "Christ, what was it?" and this guy looks up at me with a squint and drawls "No fucking idea mate, but it was fucking huge". :D
Definitely not a false widow - it has an interesting pattern on its back though - whereas most of the ones I reckon are false widows, don't.

I knew a lady who got what she thought was a wasp sting on her mouth while sleeping. She went to the doctor to be told that it was a spider bite. Her lips swelled up completely changing her appearance for several days. That I conclude would have been a Segestria Florentina.
What the fuck is that?

Also, albionism - one of my favourite moments in Oz was walking across a gas station forecourt to find a couple of guys peering at a squashed thing on the tarmac, all legs and feelers. Even given the effects of being squashed, this thing must have been really big, like rat size. So I lean over and go, "Christ, what was it?" and this guy looks up at me with a squint and drawls "No fucking idea mate, but it was fucking huge". :D
We need rat-sized spiders in the UK. That would be ace. :cool:
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