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There was a bird in my house just now.

There is a 70s folk horror film made for TV called Robin Redbreast which provides the answer to this. It's not good.
How do you "encourage" a bird to fly out of the window anyway?
just leave it to the invisible hand of the market - snort
Sometimes birds fall down chimnies.

Happens about once a year with us, wrong cowl or something, ends up in the woodburner. If you're squeamish, look away now. Obviously it falls on to the throat plate then works its way to the woodburner door. Except last time, it didn't, so hadn't made a noise by the time I lit the fire. Luckily I don't make fires that go whoosh straightaway. Just noticed the little bugger in time and let him out between the flames. They've become very good at finding the open window. Maybe it's the same bird each time.

And no it wasn't a firecrest. It's nearly always a starling or a blackbird.
If ever a bird gets in, open the largest window or door it has access to, close everything else, turn off lights and draw other curtains if possible, it will fly towards the light and outside.

The procedure for a bat is the same but with opposite lighting, make everywhere apart from the open door or window is as light as possible so it flies towards the dark.

You are welcome. :D
Happens about once a year with us, wrong cowl or something, ends up in the woodburner. If you're squeamish, look away now. Obviously it falls on to the throat plate then works its way to the woodburner door. Except last time, it didn't, so hadn't made a noise by the time I lit the fire. Luckily I don't make fires that go whoosh straightaway. Just noticed the little bugger in time and let him out between the flames. They've become very good at finding the open window. Maybe it's the same bird each time.

And no it wasn't a firecrest. It's nearly always a starling or a blackbird.
Perhaps its a phoenix?
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