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The Work Programme: Voluntary?

Paul 2017

New Member
My girlfriend is about to be sent on the Work Programme in Leeds.

Most people seem to think it's mandatory, but I think that that is just what people are lead to think by the Job Centre . As far as I can tell, the legislation makes it voluntary for everyone.

I'd love to know other people's view on this. As far as I can tell the Job Centre can mandate you to attend an Information Session at a WP Provider. Yes.

After you have the info, you attend a Follow Up meeting at the Job Centre. You then say, after considering all the information, I've decided this will be of no help to me. The adviser may pressure you into signing a new Claimant Commitment agreeing to attend the WP, but you politely decline.

At most, you may possibly face a short sanction for failing to take an opportunity, which you can appeal. But that's the end of it.

Am I reading this wrong? What's your experience?
Hello and welcome. :)

I *think* it's voluntary, BUT I would hate to give incorrect information and I can't really get my head into it all right now*. There ARE people here who know a lot, but, you know, Friday night etc. I really hope you can get info on this. Meanwhile, these people are pretty good: Unemployment Movement: Topics in Work Programmes (1/8)

* partly worry about getting it wrong and partly freezing with terror as soon as think of it at all, and you probably know what I mean there. :(
For most people the work programme is mandatory, but for others its voluntary.
The CAB says:
Who has to take part in the Work Programme
You will have to take part in the Work Programme if:
  • you are aged 18-24 and have claimed Jobseeker's Allowance for 9 months
  • you are aged 25 or over and have claimed Jobseeker's Allowance for 12 months
  • you are seriously disadvantaged in the labour market, for example because a disability has made it hard to find work. When you qualify and whether you can choose to take part depend on where you live and what your circumstances are
  • you have recently claimed Incapacity Benefit, after claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for 3 months
  • you are claiming income-related Employment and Support Allowance, are in the work-related activity group, and are expected to be fit for work within 12 months.
Who can choose to take part in the Work Programme
You can volunteer to take part in the Work Programme at any time if:
  • you are claiming Employment and Support Allowance
  • you get Pension Credit
  • in England, you get Income Support or Incapacity Benefit
When you get sent to a workfare provider, its worth baring in mind (from Boycott Workfare):
Fact: Not all ‘work experience’ on the Work Programme is mandatory.
Fact: The only personal data you need to share with a Work Programme provider (such as A4e) is your referral letter and signing on book.
Fact: You don’t have to sign any Work Programme provider documents or forms.
Fact: Your CV is personal data and you don’t have to give them a copy to keep.
Fact: A written Mandatory Activity Notification must be given if they want to make anything sanctionable or to keep or see personal info they do not already hold.
Fact: The Job Centre can postpone starting the Work Programme for 90 days if you have a job interview, or are expecting to work soon, or are a survivor of domestic violence. If you are a survivor of domestic violence, you can get this period extended (see point 48 of this guidance).
Fact: If you are on another Job Centre scheme, more than 6 months pregnant or a survivor of domestic violence you do not have to do the Work Programme (see point 48 of this guidance).​
There's more about which work placements on the Work Programme are voluntary and which are mandatory on that boycott workfare page.

Hope that helps a bit.
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