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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

600,000 viewers and 8% share on monday night acc. to the Guardian, pretty good for bbc2 at that time
I suspect the big dropout point is around S2 E2-E3 when people who until now were carried along on the cops and robbers idea aren't as impressed with unions and docks.
I wonder how many people will give up at the first couple of episodes? It must have quite a high number of drop outs.

I have, but the second time I got into it more, buit I was just starting my course. Now I am about to begin a 2 week easter hols, so I'm going to make the effort to get back into the Wire big time.
That actually my favourite series.

tbf, what hooked me on that series was when

the various agencies try and push the dead traficked women of on each other. I was sickened and gobsmacked at the idea
Broke my Wire virginity last night, watched the first two eps

Afterwards, I decided to roam around my living-room saying:

it's quite complex
I shall take a while to get into it

It seems a decent show so far, it has cops and dealers and politicians and people, some of them bad I think

3rd best thing on the telly after football and coro

when he wrote the series, DVD Boxed Sets were only just getting going really, he wrote it to be viewed n a weekly basis, had he made it for DVD, he'd have done it differently.

oh, no, i getcha. i read it a bit defensively but i see what he means now. and i wasn't really dissing him with all my heart anyway: i could never diss anyone involved in 6 feet under, one of my fave tv things of all time. (and also, i'm ashamed to admit that he's right about plot overload- i had a 'what the fuck is going on? what is he talking about? how did i miss what he's talking about?' moment last night. something i should have picked up on about 8 episodes ago, or picked up and forgot about.)

who was it who was asking about the michael k smith/ dominic west dvd commentary? the 'smack your bottom' one? i can't find the post in this behemoth of a thread. i watched it last night- its season 2 ep 6. and genuinely lol- some it is too. that's pretty rare isn't it? for a dvd commentary. they're often pretty dull.
It's been utterly dull so far, nothing new or even slightly innovative. The same trite US plod characterisations and themes, white Irish cops, a few rogue cops and black drug dealers in the projects. Is it the 1980's again? Will have to keep watching to see if it gets interesting. The same was said about Hill Street Blues however which wasn't well received at all at first. If The Wire even manages to poke it's neb out from under HSB shadow it might be worth persevering with.

Keep watching, though that was my initial reaction to the first few episodes when I saw them (I hought it compared unfavourable with the great Homicide). I think with hindsight theres more going on but I suspect some of those who were hooked from the start arent as familiar with the American cop show genre as I am ;)

Yes. Watching the first 2 again now make me realise how much more I appreciate them second time around. I, too, dissed the first few episodes in light of my beloved Homicide. Oh how was I wrong :D

Fed, give it some time. It may even take until ep 5 before you start to get hooked. It seems like a hell of an investment to make, but it's worth it.
What is this? It's fookin' good from the start


Did you read my post?

Not everyone thinks so 1st time around. I'm seeing it for the 2nd time and yes, it's excellent from the start. When I watched it 1st time around I didn't think so. It's a perfectly normal reaction. We are not all you.
Not everyone thinks so 1st time around.

I dint not think it was good, I thought the first few episodes weren't particularly innovative in terms of the genre - which they arent particularly (if you've watched enough US cop shows) until you've watched the entire season and can judge it as a whole.
oh, no, i getcha. i read it a bit defensively but i see what he means now. and i wasn't really dissing him with all my heart anyway: i could never diss anyone involved in 6 feet under, one of my fave tv things of all time. (and also, i'm ashamed to admit that he's right about plot overload- i had a 'what the fuck is going on? what is he talking about? how did i miss what he's talking about?' moment last night. something i should have picked up on about 8 episodes ago, or picked up and forgot about.)

who was it who was asking about the michael k smith/ dominic west dvd commentary? the 'smack your bottom' one? i can't find the post in this behemoth of a thread. i watched it last night- its season 2 ep 6. and genuinely lol- some it is too. that's pretty rare isn't it? for a dvd commentary. they're often pretty dull.

The DVD commentary to Conan The Barbarian is awesome
i didn't like it at first but i was rewatching it last night and you definetely don't appreciate how good it is at first

i think mcnulty sort of ruins the first series cos he is such a cliche and not very well acted but a lot of it is about him, he is a pretty crap character up till the middle of series 2 i reckon

i still haven't gotten past series4 tho, they do take a lot of investment
The ghostbusters one is excellent, as I think it's the first time the whole cast are back in a room together and they're having a great time :)

On some of the Spaced ones, they're very obviously stoned and it's quite boring.
the commentary to st elmos fire is very good quality. the irector seems to be under the impression that *its not a shit film*. endlessly amusing.
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