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The Winter King - Arthurian TV drama


Will this be any good? Any book cunts here? It's based on Bernard Cornwell's The Warlord Chronicles.

On IMDB it has a bunch of 1 ratings from people who noticed Merlin is played by a black actor, and a bunch of 10 ratings from people who noticed a bunch of people had rated it 1 because Merlin is played by a black actor. So that's pretty unhelpful.

No idea what streaming thing it is or isn't on.
I haven't read these books but 2 other book series by Bernard Cornwell. The Sharpe series starring everyone's favourite gruesome death dying Yorkshireman Sean Bean and the Saxon Chronicles filmed as the Last Kingdom starring Alexander Dreymon have been made. Both of these are outstanding so the odds of him making it a hat trick are pretty good I would imagine.
As for black Merlin you always get a few don't you. Mrs Q and I watched the live action version of Little Mermaid over the weekend which stirred up the haters due to it starring Halle Bailey (an attractive young lady with a beautiful voice) as Ariel. Apparently black mermaids are not believable whereas red-haired caucasian ones along with singing crabs, fish and seagulls are believable.
Will this be any good? Any book cunts here? It's based on Bernard Cornwell's The Warlord Chronicles.

On IMDB it has a bunch of 1 ratings from people who noticed Merlin is played by a black actor, and a bunch of 10 ratings from people who noticed a bunch of people had rated it 1 because Merlin is played by a black actor. So that's pretty unhelpful.

No idea what streaming thing it is or isn't on.

Then racists will be fucking fuming when they discover Morien

The books were ace, in the middle brow plot driven way Cornwell’s books always are. That’s not a dig BTW I’ve got all of them asd now buy them as he publishes. I liked the Arthur ones so much I’ve re read them, unlike the Sharpe series.

The Uthred TV series ( based on his Alfred / making of England) series started well, although it did drop off. So this could be really good.
The books are Cornwell’s best series IMO, so in theory it should translate into a decent TV series.

I’ll give it a go, but I know someone who has worked on it and they’ve said not to get my hopes up :(
Has anyone watched any more of it?

I might give it a go over the break and see how far I get. It's my favourite series of Cornwell's books, so it'll be a shame if it's completely shit :hmm:
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