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The Virgin Mary

Were they born from Mary Jesus' mother? Like widows and widowers was a big thing. Not that far-fetched or hard to imagine.
It doesn't say. You are right you can imagine whatever you want to retcon the early writings so they fit in with a dogma made up over a century later, but it's not an idea even hinted at in the canonical texts.
It's amazing how little so-called believers know of the transmission of the Bible.
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Jesus came to me in a dream too. He said you’re a cunt. Sorry, but you can’t argue with Jesus.
If Luke was alive today he'd be running a tattoo parlour; and an Instagram account full of tall stories.
Jesus came to me in a dream too. He said you’re a cunt. Sorry, but you can’t argue with Jesus.
That's a bit unnecessary tbh. You can make a point, even a barbed one, without just insulting someone straight out.
That's a bit unnecessary tbh. You can make a point, even a barbed one, without just insulting someone straight out.
Hey, it’s not my insult. I tried arguing with him, in fact, but he insisted that he was the Son of God and what he says goes.
I see we have a cromwellian solo scripturist here.
The King James Bible was produced under the reign of King James IV/I, not during the rule of Oliver Cromwell.

It is not in “Cromwellian” English (of which there is no such thing), it is in Early Modern English.
Hey, it’s not my insult. I tried arguing with him, in fact, but he insisted that he was the Son of God and what he says goes.
A person of your calibre ought to not be making personal insults of that nature.
The King James Bible was produced under the reign of King James IV/I, not during the rule of Oliver Cromwell.

It is not in “Cromwellian” English (of which there is no such thing), it is in Early Modern English.

A person of your calibre ought to not be making personal insults of that nature.
The implication is a position close to the Protestant sectarians who were a mainstay of the Commonwealth, many took a solo scriptura (?sp) approach, meaning textual literalism rather than that they wrote it.
The implication is a position close to the Protestant sectarians who were a mainstay of the Commonwealth, many took a solo scriptura (?sp) approach, meaning textual literalism rather than that they wrote it.
Ah, I see. Thank you. My post was a typical case of someone who is ignorant about something thinking that they knew better.
It doesn't say. You are right you can imagine whatever you want to retcon the early writings so they fit in with a dogma made up over a century later, but it's not an idea even hinted at in the canonical texts.
A quick google says the Greek for 'brothers' was used also for male relatives and not even blood relatives. That Mary didn't neccessarily have other children.
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A quick google says the Greek for 'brothers' was used also for male relatives and not even blood relatives. That Mary didn't neccesarily have other children.
That the the second most noteworthy thing about Mary was that she was/is an Eternal Virgin tells you that sexual intercourse was/is seen by the church as sinful.
Worth remembering too that the protoevangelium is apocryphal, likely a mid 2nd century creation.
That the the second most noteworthy thing about Mary was that she was/is an Eternal Virgin tells you that sexual intercourse was/is seen by the church as sinful.
Not true. Sexual intercourse in marriage is not sinful.

Mary and Joseph did not partake in it for unique and special reasons
Not true. Sexual intercourse in marriage is not sinful.

Mary and Joseph did not partake in it for unique and special reasons
"Sexual intercourse in marriage is not sinful."
And there is free speech in a dictatorship, as long as you agree with the government.

Sexual pleasure without the possibility of procreation is regarded as sinful the Roman Catholic church, irrespective of whether or not the couple were married in a Roman Catholic church.

The marriages of those married in other churches, or in non-Christian religions, were not recognised. My mother was regarded as a sinner for marrying in a registry office.

The Roman Catholic church once regarded male masturbation as worse than rape, because in the latter case there was a chance of procreation, whereas masturbation was gaining sexual pleasure with no possibility of conception.
I feel I need to put in a good word for Mary. 🙂
Daily...for the past year and a bit ..I have said the Rosary prayer before I sleep. It was a practice I used do as a child..and teenager but I had gotten out of the habit for quite a long time. Then I just was at such a low in my life that was not being helped greatly by meds..they helped but it was temporary. I felt anxiety all the time. I started to say the Rosary...and found that the act of saying it was helping me. This was aside from the emotions that started to well up in me as I went through the various mysteries....
I reached a state quite quickly where felt very calm. Vey much at peace and that I had some purpose.I don't exactly know my purpose....and I don't even know how to describe how it felt.
I would ask that posters not get into any arguments about my post Its personal.. I would ask that my post not be ripped to pieces.
It's just a positive post about someone (Mary) whom I believe in and who has helped me in some way.

Carry on..
God's like Odin, he turns up in disguise, so people see him but don't recognise him. He might be your parcel courier or that annoying bloke taking ages at the bar.
One of my favourite lessons when it was my turn to do "ethics" when I was still teaching secondary was "Is Odin Santa Claus?" that I gave in the run up to Yule.
I suppose that although I have an interest in rhetoric and demagoguery, I think there are more reliable and more interesting ways to study it than some hermeneutical search for what a historical figure may or may not have said in reality. Meanwhile, the far more interesting story is how the mythology came to dominate western society.

A heady combo of token concessions to the pre-Christian pagans and extreme violence.
Happy Birthday to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven

Happy Birthday to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven

Why isn't heaven a republic? Are we not all equal in the sight of god?
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