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The UK banking system

zArk said:
you are entitled to your slander.

If you are accusing me of talking shite.. then please PROVE it.

Can't you read? Where did I use the 'If' word?

Since there are three factual errors in the first sentence of your very first post I'm not sure that I've enough time left on this planet to counter the turgid drivel you are spouting.

But you and I both know you're on a wind up. ;)
A Dashing Blade said:
Can't you read? Where did I use the 'If' word?

Since there are three factual errors in the first sentence of your very first post I'm not sure that I've enough time left on this planet to counter the turgid drivel you are spouting.

But you and I both know you're on a wind up. ;)

ok, you are clearly a flamer.

it isnt difficult to post what i wrote, challenge me and prove me wrong
zArk said:
ok, you are clearly a flamer.
No, just someone who can smell b*****t from half a mile away. :D
(and I make it seven factual error in the first para of your original post)
A Dashing Blade said:
No, just someone who can smell b*****t from half a mile away. :D
(and I make it seven factual error in the first para of your original post)

it isnt difficult to post what i wrote, challenge me and prove me wrong
nino_savatte said:
Jones and Rense often use politicians and their words to legitimate their bizarre theories. I'm not fooled.


why not just put your fingers in your ears and say

"lalalalalal i am not listening"
zArk said:

why not just put your fingers in your ears and say

"lalalalalal i am not listening"

zArk - pot and kettle etc. There are many, many, questions to your original post on this thread that you have failed to answer in any coherent way whatsoever so ease up on the patronising bs - particularly to someone who's had the good grace to stay with you thus far ;)
zArk said:
it isnt difficult to post what i wrote, challenge me and prove me wrong

Andy The Don, newharper, Pingu, Jelly, White Lotus and nino_savatte (apols if I've missed anyone out) have already done that.

Don't you thinhk that you're getting into irregular verb territory here?
I am perfectly sane (and have the certificate to prove it).
You are a bit strange.
They are all barking mad.
Jelly said:
zArk - pot and kettle etc. There are many, many, questions to your original post on this thread that you have failed to answer in any coherent way whatsoever so ease up on the patronising bs - particularly to someone who's had the good grace to stay with you thus far ;)


please appreciate i have been told that the Bank of England is public when it is not. it is a private corporation. so i replied to those posts

during these posts, i was questioned about 'depression', 'fascism', MoD and teaching the kids, us martial law, uk being in debt to a corporation, validity of alex jones etc etc

how can i keep up. it is impossible.

I mention Alex Jones and Cynthia McKinney and then receive multiple posts about joe vaills and rense.

I then ask about Cynthia McKinney and get the weirdest response.

I got some poster calling me a liar and bullshite artist but will not post anything i wrote to challenge me.

so what gives? i am in the wrong with

"lalallalalalal i am not listening"

heh, ok, i geddit
ok, have been having a cig and a think;

UK law says;

if you accuse someone of a crime, you must produce proof otherwise the accused is innocent. The accuser must then stand trial for false accusation

yet we are told;

if you accuse someone of a crime, they are guilty until proven innocent.

the law has been twisted
zArk said:

please appreciate i have been told that the Bank of England is public when it is not. it is a private corporation. so i replied to those posts

Ok so who makes a profit from the BoE and what kind of profit is it?
Who makes appointments to the BoE?
Who does the BoE answer to/have to supply books to etc?

The fact is that, on the surface, the Govt are in charge of the BoE and, on the surface, the British public elect the Govt so, apparently, we are in charge of the BoE.

Redefine your idea of 'Private'.
If you mean 'Is Run for the Benefit of a Minority Interest and in pursuit of that Minority Interest's aims and Objectives' then you'd get more support.

zArk said:
during these posts, i was questioned about 'depression',
'fascism', MoD and teaching the kids, us martial law, uk being in debt to a corporation, validity of alex jones etc etc

Your definition of 'depression' is also grey. Whilst it is true that economic conditions exist that could easily kick off a depression the fact is that spiralling debt and BoE control over interest rates have prevented the general populace from experiencing a 'depression'.

zArk said:
I mention Alex Jones and Cynthia McKinney and then receive multiple posts about joe vaills and rense.

I then ask about Cynthia McKinney and get the weirdest response.

People are entitled to the opinion that Alex Jones is barking mad. It doesn't follow that said posters are 'refusing to listen' or 'ignoring the truth'. Wrt McKinney - her position is very interesting but, again, she has been misquoted so much and so often that who knows what to believe. Anyway - and i say this in the assumption that you are new to these boards and not simply taking the piss - the whole 911 debate is pointless here cos it's been done to death by people for whom the word 'conspiraloon' is seriously inadequate.

zArk said:
I got some poster calling me a liar and bullshite artist but will not post anything i wrote to challenge me.

It's a BB - get over it.

zArk said:
so what gives? i am in the wrong with

"lalallalalalal i am not listening"

heh, ok, i geddit
Jelly said:
Ok so who makes a profit from the BoE and what kind of profit is it?
Who makes appointments to the BoE?
Who does the BoE answer to/have to supply books to etc?

The fact is that, on the surface, the Govt are in charge of the BoE and, on the surface, the British public elect the Govt so, apparently, we are in charge of the BoE.

Redefine your idea of 'Private'.
If you mean 'Is Run for the Benefit of a Minority Interest and in pursuit of that Minority Interest's aims and Objectives' then you'd get more support.

Your definition of 'depression' is also grey. Whilst it is true that economic conditions exist that could easily kick off a depression the fact is that spiralling debt and BoE control over interest rates have prevented the general populace from experiencing a 'depression'.

People are entitled to the opinion that Alex Jones is barking mad. It doesn't follow that said posters are 'refusing to listen' or 'ignoring the truth'. Wrt McKinney - her position is very interesting but, again, she has been misquoted so much and so often that who knows what to believe. Anyway - and i say this in the assumption that you are new to these boards and not simply taking the piss - the whole 911 debate is pointless here cos it's been done to death by people for whom the word 'conspiraloon' is seriously inadequate.

It's a BB - get over it.

arghghghghghgh my entire reply has just been lost into the ether. agrhrghr
Jelly said:
Ok so who makes a profit from the BoE and what kind of profit is it?
Who makes appointments to the BoE?
Who does the BoE answer to/have to supply books to etc?
The fact is that, on the surface, the Govt are in charge of the BoE and, on the surface, the British public elect the Govt so, apparently, we are in charge of the BoE.

1997 the BoE was made independant
Profits in what sense? the bank profits from the system by existing.
The bank governors are appointed by the Government so they are unelected officials in charge of the economy. The bank is a corporation, an individual that produces money so it doesnt fall into Trading Standards and it doesnt fall into any ethical or moral arguments as it produces nothing but money from thin air.

Redefine your idea of 'Private'.
If you mean 'Is Run for the Benefit of a Minority Interest and in pursuit of that Minority Interest's aims and Objectives' then you'd get more support.
No i dont mean that at all. The idea that some shadowy cabal of people (13 families etc etc) are controlling everything is not what i am saying. The bank is my concern, its function and position. It is classed as an individual and is the doorkeeper of this system we call reality. Based upon the premise of adding value to paper it reproduces the real in order to validate itself. Baudrillard was clear with his exposure of this system, called simulacrae.
No-body benefits from this system except for the system itself as it constantly has its existance affirmed.
The problem with a private banking system (whether controlled by the Monarchy - private investors - catholic church ) is that is it an interest debt system. We are effectively slaves to this debt and it can never be repaid.
A publicly owned banking system wouldnt allow the tables to be turned but it would neutralise debt through the treasurey.

Your definition of 'depression' is also grey. Whilst it is true that economic conditions exist that could easily kick off a depression the fact is that spiralling debt and BoE control over interest rates have prevented the general populace from experiencing a 'depression'.

granted yet with record bankruptcy, 130,000 council staff sacked nov 2004, pension funds being eaten up by the national debt, business' warning that staff cuts are due in 2nd quarter 2006 due to energy prices, i would be hestitant to deny we are in a depression just because the BoE havent raised interest rates.

People are entitled to the opinion that Alex Jones is barking mad. It doesn't follow that said posters are 'refusing to listen' or 'ignoring the truth'. Wrt McKinney - her position is very interesting but, again, she has been misquoted so much and so often that who knows what to believe. Anyway - and i say this in the assumption that you are new to these boards and not simply taking the piss - the whole 911 debate is pointless here cos it's been done to death by people for whom the word 'conspiraloon' is seriously inadequate.

very true, all i did was mention Alex Jones, Cynthia and Ron as sources of Martial Law in the US but i was thrown back Rense and Vaills. I then asked of the validity of Mckinney and was told she was edited [paraphrased] by Jones.
I never mentioned 911, and neither did she in the interview.

It's a BB - get over it.
heh, thats lucid with regard to your above quote.
nino_savatte said:
I detect the presence of lizardssssssssssssssssssssss............... :D

nino, i have already stated how Lizards come into it.

Icke is a free-thinker and attributes Lizards as god figures.

In teh current state of the banking system, it can be described as a luciferian system.
In the hands of the christian church, as a god system

the top level of the heirarchical structure can be anything you want it to be, just find an angle.

I do not follow the heirarchical method, instead i describe a system that is fluid, reactionary and horizontal/vertical any which way it wishes. There are too many antagonistic theories out there, which constantly re-iterate its us against them.
Your improving Zark
Only two errors in the first two lines

"1997 the BoE was made independant" . . . independant to set base rates as it sees fit to accomadate Govenment ie the Treasurys inflationary goals.

Profits in what sense? the bank profits from the system by existing." . . . How about profits in the sense that most people would understand in the context of this "discussion" ie financial ones.

As to the rest of it . . . I refer you to nino_savatte's answer.

Actually, my personal favorite is "pension funds being eaten up by the national debt" but maybe we should leave that till tomorrow.
Mr Blade;

How about profits in the sense that most people would understand in the context of this "discussion" ie financial ones.

that example would be flawed in principle, that of 'use value'.

sign value underpins the the structure and as such makes a mockery of financial arguements.

'People' can understand what i talk about. I am a person. Additionally there are much better writers who can put this issue, in the way you prefer, better than me such as John Pilger.

I must make this entirely crystal;

identity is everything.

identity of the bank
identity of people
identity of me
Pingu said:
wow hes kept this up all day?

kudos... most would have packed up at lunchtime

thats exactly what the missus says to me all the time,

speaking of whom, i gotta go
A Dashing Blade said:
You're using randomly generated words arn't you? ;)

breathes in, breathes out

1. national debt £1.5 trillion
2. this needs to be paid back
3. it cannot because it is interest-debt
4. this means that everything in the UK is owned by the BoE
5. this is why public services are being privatised - to attempt to pay off the debt
6. this debt is buoyed by a world economic system
7. this world economic system is produced by the World Bank
8. the world bank is another private bank
9. everything is owned by the private bank
10. the government has secured the debt with trade, industry and the uk public
11. we are owned by the world bank, through the BoE
12. a total control network is being implanted, as we are the property of the banks
13. National ID Card system is very expensive but it doesnt matter because the bank will just print the money to pay for it
14. car trackers, controlling energy, pay-as-you-bin system, food control, id cards are all part of this control network.

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations], The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for, and are now moving to, implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."

- Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner

So either believe in this system as if it is real or emancipate yourselves by understanding that this entire social system is based upon myth. Economies, human rights, privacy, ownership, capitalism, capital are all fake and will be used, through your belief in them, to enslave you completely.

If you believe in the economy and the rule of law that emerges out of it then just think about;
the £1.5 trillion owed to the BoE
How this impacts upon property ownership and the contract of the loan that includes you as collateral.
Then apply that to ID Cards, pensions disappearing, track and trace surveillance society, sale of welfare state and privatisation of public services. Who is gaining out of this?
zArk said:
Christians are bringing this to the forefront. The economy is based upon negative sign value, the daemonic – satanic.
A positive value economy owned by the catholic church, is perceived as the ‘christian way’.
So we are back with a dialetic system. The new world order, in an economic sense. Drawn back into the simulation by belief in the value of money/gold/silver.
The simulation will reproduce the real in order to validate itself.
The famous all seeing eye on the Dollar bill is separated from the pyramid and admitted by researchers as the top level of the illuminati but no-one knows who is holding that position. Well, that position is, in the negative economy – lucifer.. in the positive value economy, God.
The separation, the gap, is bridged through belief.

Lizards are just put in place of God or the Devil ( more specifically Yota - in the illuminati belief).

Anything can replace this position mentioned. Anything.

are you mates with phil dwyer?
So, we're all owned by the World Bank. But money is an illusion .... ? :confused:

You gotta admit, this is one of our more entertaining fruitloops. :D
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