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The UK banking system

nino_savatte said:
I often hear on the business reports on the news how we "should go out an spend more". It's baffling.

Yes and no. Our whole economic system is based on the idea of constant expansion. Basically we'd better get out to the asteroids pdq or we're screwed :D
Pingu said:

all your money belong to us..

barclays...nat west... fucking noobs BoE clan is fuckin leet and pwns all...


well, with gold reserves of £3 billion and nothing else as collateral what secures the £1.5 trillion debt?

The UK public.

Why national id card, total surveillance society? They are controlling their property, in order to reclaim their debt.


what an illusion.
zArk said:
well, with gold reserves of £3 billion and nothing else as collateral what secures the £1.5 trillion debt?

The UK public.

Why national id card, total surveillance society? They are controlling their property, in order to reclaim their debt.


what an illusion.

ok i know i am feeding you here but

the gold standard was abolished in 1931

actually this is quite amusing troll which if you pick out the nuggets burried deep in the bullshit could have the basis for a proper discussion

can we keep it?
zArk said:
ermmm thats called an investor! Dear me, you dont understand Corporate structure at all do you.

Patronising attitudes do not help.
Go stand in the corner until you can recite the key points of Adam Smith's 'An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations'.
(with dunce cap of course)
Jelly said:
Ohhhhhhh - spoilsport - :p
Just cos my 11 yr-old gets a few things wrong when talking about the state of the world doesn't make me halt the conversation there and then and tell him to go read some more books before he's 'qualified' to have a debate with me. If he gets the spirit of things halfway there then we can still have fun.

Lets gloss over a few misunderstandings and get to the nub of this eh? :D
Hey, I have one around that age too and yes we talk about the state of the world. But if I give him new information, he does take that on board.

Okay, we'll let you play with him a bit ... *keeps half an ear open for the small damp squeak that will tell me you're finished*

<edited to add: yikes, we've just been beamed into Philosophy! I'd better scarper! :eek: >
zArk said:
not saying remove banks. i am saying that a PRIVATE national banking system has created this. A PUBLIC national banking system would change the economy, meaning interest-free loans and a stable economy.

And we would have jelly for tea every Sunday...? You are Fong and I claim my £ 5. :rolleyes:

Since TobyJug the trolls here really have gone down in quality...
zArk said:
well, with gold reserves of £3 billion and nothing else as collateral what secures the £1.5 trillion debt?

The UK public.

Why national id card, total surveillance society? They are controlling their property, in order to reclaim their debt.


what an illusion.

My telly, sofa, washing machine etc are very, very real. Borrowed money. My contribution to the national debt :raises glass:
White Lotus said:
Hey, I have one around that age too and yes we talk about the state of the world. But if I give him new information, he does take that on board.

True, very true... he is a little (ehem) more open to ideas. Perhaps i should have cited my obstinate, self-assured, uber confident four yr-old instead?

White Lotus said:
Okay, we'll let you play with him a bit ... *keeps half an ear open for the small damp squeak that will tell me you're finished*

Yeah, it will won't it. These things are always, ultimately, disappointing and end in a whimper more often than a bang :(
ok, so this has shifted into the philosophy/theory section.


This entire simulacrae is based upon sign value

The entire sociological and philosophical field (except baudrillard) based their theories upon 'use value'

Marx, Hegal, Lacan all guilty of misappropriating a basis principle.

Once it is accepted that the economy is fake due to being based upon 'sign value' we can re-evaluate the entire philosophical/sociological/culutral basis to emerge with something 'real'.

Politics, labour, tory, liberal, fascism, ideology, communism, capitalism, culture, religions are all based and created through a system that has as its base 'sign value'. They re-produce real effects in order to validiate themselves. This re-production is more real than real, it is the hyper-real, the simulacrae.

Ouside this simulacrae exists the real world, a wasteland.

The majority of the social sciences and humanities cannot extend myth, control and power to money so that it becomes internalised and therefore nothing more than a concept because this means the death of the author, the death of the known individual, the death of yourself as you know.

I can hold this position from the simple example of economics and money and futhermore from the Lacanian Mirror Phase. The image of yourself is only an image. It isnt you. It is another self, the social self and the self that will refuse the real, as it means the death of itself. This position extends throughout all social theories, re-evaluating them without discrediting them. They al hold true within the image, what Baudrillard calls the Simulacrum, Deleuze calls the BodyWithoutOrgans, what Foucault can never elucidate, the source of epistemes
Jelly said:
My telly, sofa, washing machine etc are very, very real. Borrowed money. My contribution to the national debt :raises glass:

jELLY i have just replied above

the simulation (the economy) reproduces itself as more real than the real.

yes, your tv is real but it is created out of a system that is based upon sign value.
Jelly said:
Yes and no. Our whole economic system is based on the idea of constant expansion. Basically we'd better get out to the asteroids pdq or we're screwed :D

Quite and one cannot spend money they don't have. So they are faced with a choice: obtain the goods on credit (provided they have a good rating) or steal the goods. But then we have the fetish character of the goods themselves....but that's another story.
zArk said:
the economy is moving into an Industrial -Military complex.

No it's not.

We are moving away from manufacturing into service industries and more reliant on foreign primary and secondary industrial bases. This is why global capital, and the ownership and protection thereof, is increasingly fundamental to our quality of life.

The industrial/military complex is a constant, has always been a constant. Gunship diplomacy, colonial exploitation, empire etc etc. These days we just call it by different names; war on terror whatever.
Jelly said:
No it's not.

We are moving away from manufacturing into service industries and more reliant on foreign primary and secondary industrial bases. This is why global capital, and the ownership and protection thereof, is increasingly fundamental to our quality of life.

The industrial/military complex is a constant, has always been a constant. Gunship diplomacy, colonial exploitation, empire etc etc. These days we just call it by different names; war on terror whatever.

Ah but the defence industries in this country are not as powerful as they are in the US, where they have the power to buy votes in Congress.
White Lotus said:
And what about the lizards then? :D

Christians are bringing this to the forefront. The economy is based upon negative sign value, the daemonic – satanic.
A positive value economy owned by the catholic church, is perceived as the ‘christian way’.
So we are back with a dialetic system. The new world order, in an economic sense. Drawn back into the simulation by belief in the value of money/gold/silver.
The simulation will reproduce the real in order to validate itself.
The famous all seeing eye on the Dollar bill is separated from the pyramid and admitted by researchers as the top level of the illuminati but no-one knows who is holding that position. Well, that position is, in the negative economy – lucifer.. in the positive value economy, God.
The separation, the gap, is bridged through belief.

Lizards are just put in place of God or the Devil ( more specifically Yota - in the illuminati belief).

Anything can replace this position mentioned. Anything.
zArk said:
Christians are bringing this to the forefront. The economy is based upon negative sign value, the daemonic – satanic.
A positive value economy owned by the catholic church, is perceived as the ‘christian way’.
So we are back with a dialetic system. The new world order, in an economic sense. Drawn back into the simulation by belief in the value of money/gold/silver.
The simulation will reproduce the real in order to validate itself.
The famous all seeing eye on the Dollar bill is separated from the pyramid and admitted by researchers as the top level of the illuminati but no-one knows who is holding that position. Well, that position is, in the negative economy – lucifer.. in the positive value economy, God.
The separation, the gap, is bridged through belief.

Lizards are just put in place of God or the Devil ( more specifically Yota - in the illuminati belief).

Anything can replace this position mentioned. Anything.
Awww, you're just doing C&Ps from random conspiraloon websites now. Spoilsport!
zArk said:
jELLY i have just replied above

the simulation (the economy) reproduces itself as more real than the real. yes, your tv is real but it is created out of a system that is based upon sign value.

So please reply to this:

Jelly said:
So 'the real' is simply a measure of my time versus yours and the value i put on both. The only 'real' tradeable commodity existing between two (or more) parties under contract or agreement?

If this is not agreeable to you then please define 'the real' without reference to some dead philosopher.
zArk said:
Christians are bringing this to the forefront. The economy is based upon negative sign value, the daemonic – satanic.
A positive value economy owned by the catholic church, is perceived as the ‘christian way’.
So we are back with a dialetic system. The new world order, in an economic sense. Drawn back into the simulation by belief in the value of money/gold/silver.
The simulation will reproduce the real in order to validate itself.
The famous all seeing eye on the Dollar bill is separated from the pyramid and admitted by researchers as the top level of the illuminati but no-one knows who is holding that position. Well, that position is, in the negative economy – lucifer.. in the positive value economy, God.
The separation, the gap, is bridged through belief.

Lizards are just put in place of God or the Devil ( more specifically Yota - in the illuminati belief).

Anything can replace this position mentioned. Anything.

Fantastic - i knew we'd get somewhere eventually :D
What is the 'real'?

It is a starting position beyond belief, beyond sign value. A position that is a free domain. It is everything that this world represents and reproduces through belief.

You mention 'time' but which time do you refer to? Gregorian or another? This is another reproduction of the real as more than the real. There is no future, no past, no beginning or end.
jæd said:
Tell the Editor that...! I can predict you are going to an ex-Zark... :rolleyes: :p

sounds like a fun forum.

post in the general forum

get shifted into philosophy section

then get told editor can wipe me off

hmmm nice
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