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The Trip -- new Coogan/Brydon vehicle

I don't know, I liked the first series, but this time all the impressions are just annoying. It's just not working for me. Something's missing. (Watched 3 episodes so far, maybe it will get better)
thanks for the tips guys!

I just watched all 5 :oops:
yeah, a bit different than the first, for the first 10 mins or so I felt a bit sulky because it was so polished and I wanted the gritty feeling of the first series back, also Coogan and Brydon seemed to have a hard time finding their stride, but once it got going it really took off. :thumbs:
Also Italy's just so gorgeous.
The casual sexism of this series and lack of any female characters with minds and wit of their own has really started to grate on my nerves though.
Also, Alanis Morrisette? The Abba thing was great in the last one... but here I almost feel like this is used to show what a common, uninteresting woman Brydon's wife is, so that we'll perhaps excuse him for cheating on her :facepalm:
I thought the opposite, that the wife is justifiably tired of him with his daft voices and gallivanting around while she's slogging along.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I really like the way they portray themselves as difficult, vain and fearful of age....agree that the conquests are a bit tedious.

And yes, that part of the world is absolutely stunning!
no, it was a kumquat alright

Saw some of one episode the other week. Two unfunny self indulgent twats battle for screentime by being unfunny self indulgent twats. It was rubbish.
Last Friday's episode left me gasping at the gorgeous scenery and had me drooling over the lovely food that was being served.
Steve and Rob were very much minor players in this last episode. :)
It does look really beautiful. My mate's going around some if the places visited this summer, I knew she wouldn't enjoy the comedy but told her to watch just to see where she's going....and the food she obviously won't be eating.

I wonder how it really works with the bill? I mean is the observer picking up the tab, how much have the Italian tourist office put in etc
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Last Friday's episode left me gasping at the gorgeous scenery and had me drooling over the lovely food that was being served.
Steve and Rob were very much minor players in this last episode. :)
The programme I saw really; really needed to shift attention to the food/scenery. :)
It does look really beautiful. My mate's going around some if the places visited this summer, I knew she wouldn't enjoy the comedy but told her to watch just to see where she's going....and the food she obviously won't be eating.

I wonder how it really works with the bill? I mean is the observer picking up the tab, how much have the Italian tourist office put in etc
It's fiction.
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