I have seen some of the youtubes of Fox's content and it has been quite gaulling, The same people that were largely on board with Mr Trump and his desperate attempts to usurp democracy a couple of years ago. Canada IS a different country though, and it is to its credit Parliament continued to function during all of this, and for the most part those who protested non violent (certainly by International standards).Among other things, the protesters wanted the health mandates dropped. Health mandates are a provincial matter. The protesters should have been pressuring their respective provincial governments. Trudeau is federal and has no power to order the provinces to remove their mandates.
Claiming that local authorities have dropped some of the mandates is true. The hospital numbers are going down, so some restrictions are being dropped. The provinces would have been reducing the mandates regardless whether the protesters were occupying the city or not.
Alberta tried to appease the protesters blocking the Canada/US border crossings, but this had little effect on the protesters. They vowed to stay until ALL mandates through out the country were dropped.
You say that the local police force should have been able to handle it. That is not the case, they do not have enough officers. All the local police could do was to try to keep things peaceful. The combined police forces number over 2000.
You are right about the smelly trucks - the trucks had their engines running night and day. And, it was very smelly. The good people of Ottawa deserve to have cleaner air than what they were being subjected to.
From your BBC link
Foreign-influenced activities - over half of the money being fed into the protesters were from the States - mostly republicans. Even Trump was calling on Canadians to overthrow the government.
Threats or use of acts of serious violence for political, religious or ideological objectives - yeah, there was many instances of that one too. But this response is getting long, so I shall leave it to you to find examples of when this was happening.
The protests though, did put a foot on the throat of Canada, I can only hope with it removed Mr Trudeau is more williing to take on board their viewpoint