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The Siege of Kut Al Amara

Hmm I dont know, I am not old enough and not unemployed to be interested in politics and to know about R.Denktas. They say he was a good man. Thats all.

My dad and grandparents brought me up to think Rauf Denktash was a brilliant leader and all round wonderful guy (my Irish grandfather was best mates with him). What do you think about him if anything?
Now I am putting you both in my ignore list. I said I am not good at it. I dont want to discuss.
Don't panic!

But with all these names going on lists and reminiscences about half-forgotten battles, I fear this thread is doomed
Of all the UK message boards this chap ( and it will be a chap) could have picked to come and troll about an Imperial British military defeat he has the bad luck to pick Urban.

It’s like deciding to start a thread about how the original SA80 was crap and putting it on Arse or how John Lewis store closures should count as treason on Mum’s Net…
Please dont derail the topic and I cant deny something that is not exist :rolleyes: you guys cant prove your claims. We invite Westerners to discuss with evidences proofs documents photos in a history council. Lets open the archieves. Ottoman Archieves are open, most of the countries refuse to open their archieves about the subject. They refuse to partipicate to a history council for a real discuss. Because you, your media, your politicians, your historians are LYING ;) If you are really such interested with real criminal cases you should start with your country, your lifetime wont be enough to research and reveal all of them but you will have made a start, at least. Otherwise you will keep satistfying your ego with the lies you tell yourself while biting your fingers with anger. If a history council is established and these claims are discussed in the light of evidence, it will be oficially proven that Armenians committed genocide against Turks. Armenians who fought against the Turks with Roman Empire although they were treated like dogs by Romans, were living a good life in the Ottoman under rule of Turks, they took an active role in many levels of government and society. However, with the outbreak of the world war Armenians took advantage of the lack of the Turkish men who fought on many fronts at the same time and started to slaughter civilians in the cities who were left alone. Then the army hearing this returned home. Crocodile tears of the kaffir is so familiar.

Stupid child, nationalistic rubbish and offensive to deny this. Grow the fuck up
Please dont derail the topic and I cant deny something that is not exist :rolleyes: you guys cant prove your claims. We invite Westerners to discuss with evidences proofs documents photos in a history council. Lets open the archieves. Ottoman Archieves are open, most of the countries refuse to open their archieves about the subject. They refuse to partipicate to a history council for a real discuss. Because you, your media, your politicians, your historians are LYING ;) If you are really such interested with real criminal cases you should start with your country, your lifetime wont be enough to research and reveal all of them but you will have made a start, at least. Otherwise you will keep satistfying your ego with the lies you tell yourself while biting your fingers with anger. If a history council is established and these claims are discussed in the light of evidence, it will be oficially proven that Armenians committed genocide against Turks. Armenians who fought against the Turks with Roman Empire although they were treated like dogs by Romans, were living a good life in the Ottoman under rule of Turks, they took an active role in many levels of government and society. However, with the outbreak of the world war Armenians took advantage of the lack of the Turkish men who fought on many fronts at the same time and started to slaughter civilians in the cities who were left alone. Then the army hearing this returned home. Crocodile tears of the kaffir is so familiar.
Where do you stand on the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre?
Please dont derail the topic and I cant deny something that is not exist :rolleyes: you guys cant prove your claims. We invite Westerners to discuss with evidences proofs documents photos in a history council. Lets open the archieves. Ottoman Archieves are open, most of the countries refuse to open their archieves about the subject. They refuse to partipicate to a history council for a real discuss. Because you, your media, your politicians, your historians are LYING ;) If you are really such interested with real criminal cases you should start with your country, your lifetime wont be enough to research and reveal all of them but you will have made a start, at least. Otherwise you will keep satistfying your ego with the lies you tell yourself while biting your fingers with anger. If a history council is established and these claims are discussed in the light of evidence, it will be oficially proven that Armenians committed genocide against Turks. Armenians who fought against the Turks with Roman Empire although they were treated like dogs by Romans, were living a good life in the Ottoman under rule of Turks, they took an active role in many levels of government and society. However, with the outbreak of the world war Armenians took advantage of the lack of the Turkish men who fought on many fronts at the same time and started to slaughter civilians in the cities who were left alone. Then the army hearing this returned home. Crocodile tears of the kaffir is so familiar.
You really have no idea about Urban if you think that any negative aspect of British Imperial history would not be willingly explored and even amplified. But that goes for all other empires as well, including the Ottoman Turks. Genocidal killings of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians took place at the end of WW1 and afterwards. Persecution of others, Alevis and Kurds, continued later and to this day. You choose to ignore all this because of your own ignorant, nationalist and religious prejudices. 'Crocodile tears of the kaffir?' You're a nasty man.
Please dont derail the topic and I cant deny something that is not exist :rolleyes: you guys cant prove your claims. We invite Westerners to discuss with evidences proofs documents photos in a history council. Lets open the archieves. Ottoman Archieves are open, most of the countries refuse to open their archieves about the subject. They refuse to partipicate to a history council for a real discuss. Because you, your media, your politicians, your historians are LYING ;) If you are really such interested with real criminal cases you should start with your country, your lifetime wont be enough to research and reveal all of them but you will have made a start, at least. Otherwise you will keep satistfying your ego with the lies you tell yourself while biting your fingers with anger. If a history council is established and these claims are discussed in the light of evidence, it will be oficially proven that Armenians committed genocide against Turks. Armenians who fought against the Turks with Roman Empire although they were treated like dogs by Romans, were living a good life in the Ottoman under rule of Turks, they took an active role in many levels of government and society. However, with the outbreak of the world war Armenians took advantage of the lack of the Turkish men who fought on many fronts at the same time and started to slaughter civilians in the cities who were left alone. Then the army hearing this returned home. Crocodile tears of the kaffir is so familiar.
You really are a vile cunt, aren't you? The Armenian genocide is an established historical fact. Apologist arselickers like you are the utter dregs of humanity.
Please dont derail the topic and I cant deny something that is not exist :rolleyes: you guys cant prove your claims. We invite Westerners to discuss with evidences proofs documents photos in a history council. Lets open the archieves. Ottoman Archieves are open, most of the countries refuse to open their archieves about the subject. They refuse to partipicate to a history council for a real discuss. Because you, your media, your politicians, your historians are LYING ;) If you are really such interested with real criminal cases you should start with your country, your lifetime wont be enough to research and reveal all of them but you will have made a start, at least. Otherwise you will keep satistfying your ego with the lies you tell yourself while biting your fingers with anger. If a history council is established and these claims are discussed in the light of evidence, it will be oficially proven that Armenians committed genocide against Turks. Armenians who fought against the Turks with Roman Empire although they were treated like dogs by Romans, were living a good life in the Ottoman under rule of Turks, they took an active role in many levels of government and society. However, with the outbreak of the world war Armenians took advantage of the lack of the Turkish men who fought on many fronts at the same time and started to slaughter civilians in the cities who were left alone. Then the army hearing this returned home. Crocodile tears of the kaffir is so familiar.

I presume you wanted to start a debate at this kind of level: "I'll tell you what, let's get a cheap flight to the Ottoman Empire and have a look. Oh, no we can't because it no longer exists. Because our Empire (together with the French* TBF) destroyed it utterly. Because we were better at the whole imperialist military thing."

Wrong site for that. Though it is obvious that 'your lot' did come a distant second to 'us' in the whole military industrial colonialism thing. Still, you did give us the word 'Kiosk'. So there is that.

*FFS, you even got beaten by French. The French.
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The siege is hardly unknown over here. The late Robert Fisk regularly referred to Tony Blair as Lord Blair of Kut-al-Amara
There was a genocide. The British have done terrible things - in Kenya, South Africa, Ireland, the slave trade, and many more, no denying it. People of all countries that committed atrocities have to face up to the past. Turkish authorities have whitewashed the Armenian genocide at every level so it stays mostly hidden. But they won't be able to hide the truth forever. There have always been brave people speaking out and there always will be.
LoL why do you try so hard to be retarded ?

Now I will google "vile cunt" and meanwhile you know what to do. I will be back.

EDIT: You are ignored, byeee

You really are a vile cunt, aren't you? The Armenian genocide is an established historical fact. Apologist arselickers like you are the utter dregs of humanity.
Western countries are succesfull about replacing the real history with fake one they made up, the main reason for their success is that they have people with the same mentality who believe in them without questioning. They know what kind of story their people would like and they prepare it to order.

The siege is hardly unknown over here. The late Robert Fisk regularly referred to Tony Blair as Lord Blair of Kut-al-Amara
Western countries are succesfull about replacing the real history with fake one they made up, the main reason for their success is that they have people with the same mentality who believe in them without questioning. They know what kind of story their people would like and they prepare it to order.
I'm not sure how your conclusion follows from the article you quote. Doesn't it show precisely that people are questioning the narrative? Or are you saying something else?
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