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The redevelopment of Loughborough House, Loughborough Junction

it seems that the decision was made long ago that they aren't worth protecting

Indeed. A poor decision in my opinion, and probably one they don't want to embarass themselves with reviewing, another reason they'll probably want to wave it through even if the developer can't provide convincing evidence that work started before the expiry date. As discussed upthread the officer's report justifying the decision was dreadful. It's just a shame no-one picked up on this when the application was submitted back in 2008.
Indeed. A poor decision in my opinion, and probably one they don't want to embarass themselves with reviewing, another reason they'll probably want to wave it through even if the developer can't provide convincing evidence that work started before the expiry date. As discussed upthread the officer's report justifying the decision was dreadful. It's just a shame no-one picked up on this when the application was submitted back in 2008.
You are right. They will blindly back up any decision they made in the past. That said, I'm not convinced that the building was of particular merit. More just that what replaced it should have been at least of a decent standard.
It's less about "merit" (I agree it's no particular masterpiece) than that it is/was a distinctive and unusual building in the context, and one that many people recognise(d) as part of the townscape of the central part of LJ. Consideration of this was absent from the planning officer's report.
Perhaps they are deliberately going for the en vogue weeping building look?

Went by it today, looking even worse now. I don't have a camera worth anything at the moment so couldn't take a pic.
I suspect The Chuckle Brothers have been contracted to complete the works.
Fucking hell.
It looks like that school was north of the western railway lines (near the rail substation?).
A "Loughborough College" is shown in that location on a map from 1898 -- see:

View attachment 64543
I saw that college on the map after my original post. I found the head master Charles Hole at Loughborough House, Cold Harbour lane in the 1871 census, he was listed as Headmaster and Curate. I think the previous entry was Chandos Terrace and the other side of him was in the 200 odd range of coldharbour lane...this all from memory, will have to go back to it. I saw Loughborough College on another years census as 117 Coldharbour Lane...which puzzled me looking at its position on that map. Its something I plan to look at again, as wondering whether the ad is for the college but his home was the house....maybe? Think there was a wife listed, about 6 of their children, plus 4 young boarders who were all boys and a couple of servants.
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So, after a bit of a hiatus, work appears to be back on site this morning with a delivery of timber beams (presumably for the roof extension).

What an eyesore.
So, after a bit of a hiatus, work appears to be back on site this morning with a delivery of timber beams (presumably for the roof extension).

What an eyesore.
I think I'm getting converted to euthanasia (for buildings whose integrity is terminally compromised)
So, after a bit of a hiatus, work appears to be back on site this morning with a delivery of timber beams (presumably for the roof extension).

What an eyesore.
The roof extension is framed out already i think. The beams might be floor joists as they are altering the floor levels inside to match the adjacent building.
If it was my article the title would be "Lambeth town planners allow destruction of local landmark".
They seem dedicated to the bland in all the new developments they approve. Allowing these quaintly original features (the sort of thing that adds a little local character) to be obliterated seems par for the course with 21st century Lambeth council.
And yet if you put in a householder application for small scale domestic alterations, the default position is usually to reject any change to the existing building on the grounds that it's an alteration. Rightly in some cases, spuriously in others.

I can't reconcile that with what they've allowed here. It's tempting to think they just reckoned "meh it's Loughborough junction, who cares what happens there".
They seem dedicated to the bland in all the new developments they approve. Allowing these quaintly original features (the sort of thing that adds a little local character) to be obliterated seems par for the course with 21st century Lambeth council.
CH1 - can you recall whether 202 Coldharbour Lane was on the Brixton Society's "long list" of buildings to go onto the Lambeth Local List back in 2010? I hadn't thought any got turned down? That would have given a bit of extra protection.

List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest (Local List)
CH1 - can you recall whether 202 Coldharbour Lane was on the Brixton Society's "long list" of buildings to go onto the Lambeth Local List back in 2010? I hadn't thought any got turned down? That would have given a bit of extra protection.

List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest (Local List)
To answer the question definitively, no it was not on the Brixton Society list. The list was submitted in 2010 and including supporting info came to 10 pages.
BTW I see the Duke of Wellington has since come a cropper, and Hambrook House is also on its way out.
Address: Sandhurst Court, Acre Lane, SW2
Address: Sunlight Laundry, Acre Lane, SW2
Address: Duke of Wellington PH, Acre Lane, SW2
Address: c/o Bellefields Road & Stockwell Avenue, SW9 (mural)
Address: Royal Mail Sorting Office, Blenheim Gardens, SW2
Address: Pillar Box, Brixton Hill, SW2
Address: The Fridge, Brixton Hill, SW2
Address: Hambrook House, Brixton Hill, SW2
Address: 101-103 Brixton Hill, SW2
Address: former Tram Shed, Brixton Hill, SW2
Address: Child Guidance Clinic, Brixton Water Lane, SW2
Address: Stockwell Deep Shelter, junction of Clapham Road SW9 and South Lambeth Road, SW8
Address: Carlton Mansions, Coldharbour Lane, SW9
Address: Clifton Mansions, Coldharbour Lane, SW9
Address: 356 & 358 Coldharbour Lane, SW9
Address: The Sun & Doves PH, Coldharbour Lane, SE5
Address: Denmark Place Baptist Church, Coldharbour Lane, SE5
Address: 47-49 Coldharbour Lane, SE5
Address: former Denmark PH, Denmark Road, SE5
Address: Duke of Edinburgh PH, Ferndale Road, SW4
Address: c/o Glenelg and Strathleven Roads, SW2 (mural)
Address: Slade Gardens Adventure Playground, adjacent to Lorn Road, SW9 (mural)
Address: Guinness Trust Estate, Loughborough Park, SW9
Address: former Carter Pattison yard, Mandrell Road/ Mauleverer Road, SW2 (mural)
Address: 155 Norwood Road, SE24
Address: 24 Porden Road, SW2
Address: Porden Road, SW2
Address: Old St.Jude’s School, Railton Road, SE24
Address: 166 Tulse Hill, SW2
I notice an article has appeared on the LJAG website.


They seem to think the 2008 permission expired in 2011 rather than 2014 (hadn't we established it was a 5 rather than 3 year validity?).

It's over 7 weeks now since the enforcement officer told me he was expecting a valid LD application "within the next 21 days" and that I would be notified when it was recieved. I have heard not a thing from him since.

(The LJAG article is a litte misguided in talking about the "narrow slit windows" by the way. The current state of the front facade is an intermediate stage - they have blocked up the bits of the old windows that are to become walls but haven't knocked out the new window openings yet. The new openings will be at a different level to the old ones.)
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