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The redevelopment of Loughborough House, Loughborough Junction

What a joke. The whole thing. The state the building has been allowed to get into - and the lash-up emerging now.
It doesn't look safe on top to be. How about Health & Safety anybody?

The problem there (and pretty much for the last twenty-odd years) is that the HSE barely has enough inspectors to inspect a thiird of large building sites at any one time, let alone "bread and butter" sites like Loughborough Hse, so developments like that that get ignored, unless something unfeasibly egregious gets reported. :(
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Is it part of a gentrification fightback to slap a favela extension on top any non fkd up building in LJ ?

Maybe they should recycle some rusty corrugated iron from the Flaxman Rd lean-to / urinal?
There is not a single saving grace about any of this. Disgraceful.
I think I might do another feature on B Buzz on this, in the vain hope that someone, somewhere with some level of control over this shit project may start to give a fuck.
I think I might do another feature on B Buzz on this, in the vain hope that someone, somewhere with some level of control over this shit project may start to give a fuck.

Maybe the council want to keep things looking crap to keep down rents and keep out yuppies and chains.
Maybe the council want to keep things looking crap to keep down rents and keep out yuppies and chains.
I am late to this argument (whatever it is) but I can assure you that Lambeth Council planning department's most pressing priority is to avoid expense of any kind.

The tactic is to keep their heads down at all times. That is assuming they even take note of what is going on.

Apart from that since when has aesthetics been a planning issue?
That new picture is much clearer. Still, I'll reserve judgement for when it's finished
I don't understand what they are doing. They seem to have left some of the pitched roof structure intact.


A week since i emailed the case officer to ask if they had done anything and still no reply.
Quoting CH1, #45 above:
How does all this mesh in with the Loughbrough Junction Plan - as launched by Lambeth Council and LJAG at the LJAG AGM last year?
"Station Yard" as proposed in this plan requires the demolition and clearance of both Loughborough House and Loughborough Hall ....
Were LJAG & Lambeth Officer's brains in gear when they cooked this up? ....
Seems that no-one bothered to contact or interview the owners of the Loughborough Hall (i.e. Celestial Church of Christ) or Loughborough House (who might be the same - given the lack of complaints about the orginal planning application and subsequent works). End Quote.

It has been coming to light lately that LJAG and its consultants consulted almost nobody (residents or property owners) about proposals in the Plan before they published it last year!
Has there been any news from the planning officer about Loughborough House yet?

Maybe I will try and get hold of him next week.

Work seems to have been at a halt for a while now.

I noticed today that if you look from the pavement upwards through the big windows over the "Loughborough House" inscription, you can see the sky at the edges above. Although the half deconstructed pitched roof is sort of still there there are big gaps along by the side walls where the rain will come straight through. And it's October.
Pitched roof now entirely gone as far as i can see.

Still no reply from planning officer despite 2 emails now.

This is what I don't get abut Lambeth: the inability to reply to emails. Are they:

Instructed to ignore them?


The station gets "enhanced" staffing in the new order of Thameslink - from first to last train - will have a member on duty. It certainly has picked up on what was a "lost" inner suburban station of 20 years ago.
Where do you send the coplaint to - is there a general Lambeth complaint email address?
In the case of enforcement I would normally email the person who had not responded to date advising them that I regretfully intend to raise an official complaint in the next 7 days due to the lack of communication.It is pitiful but that often does the job.

If I do not get a response, I email them again copying in the main department email address e.g. enforcement@.. and also the main Lambeth complaints address complaints@lambeth.gov.uk .

Make sure the subject contains the words Please register a Stage One Complaint. As well as the details of your complaint ask for a reference number.

They have 20 days to respond. Then it goes to stage two. http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/elections...-guide#exceptions-to-the-complaints-procedure
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