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The politics of this generation of teens

ska invita

back on the other side
Just saw this tweet from a dodge account but the research seems legit



(No idea of the methodology/questions asked etc)

... That's the US but matches what I'm hearing from a teacher friend in the UK, boys looking up to.... What's the sex traffickers name.... Can't remember, the one who got pawned by greta with the pizza... Andrew Tate,

does seem to be a real trend.
would be interested to hear from parents and anyone working with young people what they're experiencing.
I was going to say that my kids and their friends growing up were progressive, for want of a better word. Woke. But then they were girls.
Well, going by my grandson (20) and his friends, there is little interest in politics at all.

None of them knew who their MSP was, never mind MP. They also didn't know how the system works in Scotland.
My boy is 17 and wouldn't touch sex trafficker Tate with a shitty stick, his mates neither.
The kids are more politically aware than we were at their age, but they're suffering more .
Don't lose hope dude
Same here, mine are 15 and 17 and think Tate is a loser. Younger one told his pal off about thinking otherwise too. All three of mine (there's a nearly 20 year old big sister too) are good left wingers (pro LGBT, understand class issues, hate the Tories etc).
They're all into Kaczynski and that, innit? Surely they need to be asking how many of them identify as based and deleuzepilled, etc?
Ran a residential with my class (y8s) last sept and they all cheered when they heard the queen had died.

From general experience teaching, many kids v socially liberal, tho lots of boys are still quite sexist/homophobic esp with rise of alt right/manosphere influencers. Also the occasional politics nerds who are inevitably some type of authoritarian. Don't think most kids know or use the terms liberal/conservative.
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