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The Point, Cardiff Bay - CLOSED!!!


kicking against the pricks...
:( what a shame shame SHAME
great venue, nice staff and range of nights/bands

just got this from a mailing list
the point said:
To all customers, promoters, fans, bands and supporters of The Point Cardiff Bay

It is with deep regret that we announce the closure of the venue today. On 27th February 2009 the Director of the Point Cardiff Bay Limited signed the appropriate notices to call a meeting of creditors pursuant to S98 Insolvency Act 1986.

A number of factors have contributed to this situation. Many of you will be aware that during 2008 we began receiving noise complaints from one or two neighbours that had moved into the new apartments that have been built next to the venue. After some difficult negotiations with the Cardiff City Council we undertook a huge amount of work to soundproof the venue in an attempt to secure its future. While that has largely been successful, the burden of the debt that we took on, together with greater restrictions in our banking facilities and more difficult trading conditions in the last few months, as well as the loss of revenue whilst the refurbishment works were undertaken, has meant we are unable to meet our current liabilities and have been left with no option but to seek voluntary liquidation.

Many people have put their heart and soul in turning the Point into the magical venue that it is and we have received huge and loyal support over the years from fans and bands alike. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for that support. It is a very sad day for us and for the live music scene in Cardiff.

If you have bought tickets for shows in advance, we must advise you to seek compensation from your credit card company. If you are a supplier to the Point, there will be further news about a creditors meeting in due course.

Please forward any enquiries to Lisa Alford at Purnells Insolvency Practitioners on 01633 214712.
feel sorry for the staff!

in other shit news for Cardiff's music scene the toucan is not going to go in the staff club due to licensing restrictions on times etc.

Fucking cunting poncey yuppie neighbours and a pox on the greedy developers who built right next to the venue.
Fucking cunting poncey yuppie neighbours and a pox on the greedy developers who built right next to the venue.

Too right!

Council should never have given planning permission for residential development so close to a live music venue.

But they're in the Developers' pockets, of course....:mad:
:( what a shame shame SHAME
great venue, nice staff and range of nights/bands

just got this from a mailing list

feel sorry for the staff!

in other shit news for Cardiff's music scene the toucan is not going to go in the staff club due to licensing restrictions on times etc.


Exactly. Just heard about the reversal of the Toucan licence yesterday. Really shit news, especially when you measure up how much support Simon had vs how many complaints there were.


Get the feeling that there were things going on behind the scenes to scupper the Toucan plan, though...

Yeah, Cardiff, full of vibrant, diverse culture. As long as it is pissed up dance clubs and shit house music :(
Yeah, Cardiff, full of vibrant, diverse culture. As long as it is pissed up dance clubs and shit house music :(

I know - it beggars belief - the Council haven't got a fucking clue.

Oh I forgot, they'll probably pay somebody who last had a hit in 1982 about 20 grand to play at their "big shit" weekend - to show what generous patrons of live music they are..:rolleyes:
Yeah, Cardiff, full of vibrant, diverse culture. As long as it is pissed up dance clubs and shit house music :(

cardiff is a fucking cesspit.it's like the council are proud of seeing cardiff on all those late night itv - coppers arrest drunks programmes.

cardiff city - i shit it.
Double pisser. I never knew about the Toucan. What are they going to do with the Point and Staff Club buildings? Surely not more f*cking flats. :confused:
WTF that fucking sucks! I was planning on going there at some point, never been but it always sounded like a decent club with some good nights on! Fuck those bay-side flat-flotsam, don't buy a flat near a fucking club if you don't like noise!

Boooo! :(
This is fucking bullshit man. :mad: Every one of my favourite venues in Cardiff gets shut down/goes bust.

Honestly, is there anything left worth going down the Bay for? It's just a massive corporate shit-hole now.

thanks for that, very well written
want to quote this long bit as it makes some crucial points, and if this starts to happen to clwb then i hope it will kick right off :mad:
my bold
blog quoted above said:
It's another blow for Cardiff's live music scene. Some of the shows can relocate - we had many tribute bands who should find a home at The Globe, and some of the shows that might only top 200 sales can house in Clwb Ifor Bach or Barfly or Buffalo perhaps, so long as there's schedule gaps. But many other 200+ shows aren't big enough to make the jump to the University, and in trying to help a few agents or promoters move their shows today, they have had no option but to go to other cities. These are touring bands or new bands or international bands who, now, can't play Cardiff. That's a big blow for the live audience in Cardiff and for the music scene in Wales, but the impact will go further - without diverse entertainment options people won't relocate here for work (many people move to Cardiff because of it's musical heritage and it's live music choice), and whilst Wales sells itself on Duffy's Brit and Grammy's success, then all those who trade on that success outside of the music industry (tourism, capital of culture bids and the like) should be worried about the Welsh capital's ability to nuture that future talent. When Wales wins gold at Olympic cycling we build velodromes and inject money into cycling. For over a decade Wales has produced international class musical acts - from the Manics in the mid 90s to Duffy today, but there's been no equal input to help contemporary music.

The story of The Point follows a story earlier in the week when The Toucan Club (another live music venue which programmes and specialises in world music) had its planning application for a late licence turned down, and therefore cannot open; and comes at the same time that Clwb Ifor Bach, the city's strongest independent live music venue, with a capacity of 200, face threat of closure as a planning application looks set to go through to build a backpackers hostel on an adjoining building (fast forward to the backpacker hostel opening, the clientelle complaining about the noise, a noise complaint being served, and Clwb already recognises that it couldn't afford to carry out the soundproofing work which would be required.).
Clwb Ifor Bach, the city's strongest independent live music venue, with a capacity of 200, face threat of closure as a planning application looks set to go through to build a backpackers hostel on an adjoining building

So, in a city awash with spare hotel capacity what EXACTLY do the Council think backpackers are coming to see, when they seem intent on closing down everything that makes Cardiff UNIQUE? :confused:

If they want a fucking hostel so desperately, then make the developers pay for the soundproofing themselves so that their backpackers can get their beauty sleep.
So, in a city awash with spare hotel capacity what EXACTLY do the Council think backpackers are coming to see, when they seem intent on closing down everything that makes Cardiff UNIQUE? :confused:

If they want a fucking hostel so desperately, then make the developers pay for the soundproofing themselves so that their backpackers can get their beauty sleep.

Yeah, I don't understand this planning process. How is it that the existing business, i.e. the Clwb in this case, doesn't have the right to object to something new coming along that will prejudice its trade. Yet as soon as Johnny-come-lately new business opens up, it has the right to object to something that has been there for years? This seems a bit arse-about-tit, if you'll forgive my terminology.
That's terrible news. A triple whammy for me on this thread with the unwelcome update on the Toucan and the threat to Clwb Ifor. FFS, Cardiff is fast becoming a desert for music and live performance that diverges even slightly from the shitty house or big name band norm.

On a slightly more selfish note, bought me ticket for The Beat on my debit card, so won't be seeing them or, seemingly, getting compensation, either:(
That sucks.

They'd better not try that with Ifor Bach as I can see riots kicking off if they try to fuck up that venue. Its like a cultural historic landmark now to many.
"I say! I've just moved in to the Bay because the estate agent said that it was an exciting, thriving and vibrant area to live in, but it's too bally noisy at night. Could you please arrange to have all the exciting, thriving and vibrant parts closed down so I can get my beauty sleep? Thanks awfully."

Fucking yuppie pricks.
Next they'll be moaning about this decomposing shell of a building and asking why something can't be done with it as its making the area look shoddy and affecting their property price :mad:
Next they'll be moaning about this decomposing shell of a building and asking why something can't be done with it as its making the area look shoddy and affecting their property price :mad:

Heh. I think their property prices are going for a burton regardless of the state of decomposition of the Point, TBH.
What's amazing is the millions that have been poured into neoliberal regeneration that does nothing to improve the city, Loads spent on luxury apartments in Butetown while the Loudon Square area is one of the poorest in Wales, and the whole St David 2 that personally I think will contribute little to the town centre except another step on the road to a clone town, given the recession it is likely that it will be a disaster.

I always thought it would be great to have a 'Our City is Not For Sale' or 'Another Cardiff is Possible' style campaign bringing together all these different issues - Toucan, The Point, closure of old pubs, Bute Park, urban regeneration, public spaces, culture, music etc - under one banner to articulate an alternative vision of what the city could be: rather than a plethora of single-issue often nimbyist campaigns.. You could involve trade unions, political and community groups, musicians, artists, writers, academics etc. etc.
I always thought it would be great to have a 'Our City is Not For Sale' or 'Another Cardiff is Possible' style campaign bringing together all these different issues - Toucan, The Point, closure of old pubs, Bute Park, urban regeneration, public spaces, culture, music etc - under one banner to articulate an alternative vision of what the city could be: rather than a plethora of single-issue often nimbyist campaigns.. You could involve trade unions, political and community groups, musicians, artists, writers, academics etc. etc.

When you put it like that it really shows the wider picture of the slow, inexorable sucking out of the life force of a city. I think you're right, an orchestrated campaign to save the city that people love in all it's multifaceted glory could well strike a chord. Interesting.
When you put it like that it really shows the wider picture of the slow, inexorable sucking out of the life force of a city. I think you're right, an orchestrated campaign to save the city that people love in all it's multifaceted glory could well strike a chord. Interesting.

In Nottingham we lost quite a few of our little treasures when the money started moving in, rather than vice versa.

Obviously it's shit either way, but at the arse end of a boom you might have more chance of getting someone to give a shit.
Town planners not realising that regeneration is more than slinging up high priced housing.

There has to be somewhere for these high wages earners to go when they leave their housing and that modern plastic McPubs isn't the answer. People want more.
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