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The ongoing climate disaster in China


Changing the facts
As the effects of the climate catastrophe start to clarify we’ll also see more clarity about how each different political region responds to it.

China is huge, with a big range of topography and climate, and the theoretically unifying oversight of the authoritarian government.

They‘ve got certain energy policies that seem very forward thinking and others that are very retrospective.

I’m certainly no expert here, but as per a short discussion in another thread, I do think we need a dedicated China thread in this forum.

For a start:

For background:





Obvs there’s a lot of cross- overs here.
this is merely the orchestra tuning up, we've not even got to the overture yet

I know. going to get a lot worse.

Depressing innit.

But I still say we’re starting to see it clarify.

So if it’s the tuning up, we can now hear each of the different instruments, if we listen for it.
It’s not a bad analogy though Pickman's model

During the tuning uo, some people choose to listen, others prefer to ignore it

(See also sound check. some nights at The Windmill bands line check or sound check in between the sets, just before they go on. There’s a tacit agreement in the crowd that even if they go into an actual song no one will pay attention, it’s relatively private space for the band. Some people like to pay attention tho, you can learn a lot about a band when you watch them sound check)
The CCP have form for environmental disasters. They never learn

May as well add this one too

Drought means their hydro power is becoming unreliable. So I guess that’s driving their insistence on coal plants too.

This will add to the cost of living crisis elsewhere

But there’s also this story, they’re ramping up their expansion in Africa and that includes sourcing clean power form there. It looks like it’s a win-win for all parties involved but I’m skeptical about such claims by default.

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