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    Lazy Llama

the neoliberal vision of the future


  • White Western organisation run by the likes of Onar takes money in which to set out its vision in say an African country;
  • Muscles in to create a free state, where inevitably only those with capital survive - social and economic inequality actually gets bigger;
  • Western organisation run by the likes of Onar blames any failures on absolutely anything other than the mechanics of capitalism and economic liberalism (stooping to racism if needed);
  • Organisation run by the likes of Onar gets out of country. Onar gets rich, country left in turmoil.

Wait, this has never happened before.
BernieGunther said:
What I'm not sure about is classifying him as a neo-con, the Irving-style Holocaust Denial Lite doesn't quite fit with that and unlike most of the US wingnut right, he isn't as far as I can tell some sort of religious nut trying to re-introduce Old Testament law ... although one of his fans (the one with rape pictures on his site) might have had those kinds of tendencies from some of the stuff he was coming out with.
I agree, Bernie. I revised that now. Is there such a thing as conservative neoliberal?:D
I agree, Bernie. I revised that now. Is there such a thing as conservative neoliberal?:D

Well, I think a big source of confusion since onarchy showed up has been that he isn't any recognisable kind of neoliberal.

The sort of patriot movement/zog fanciers/randites he seems to be getting his ideas from might share a bit of rhetoric with the neo-liberals but they're not at all the same.
Well, I'm not sure "fan" is the right word, but I value the book "The Bell Curve" yes, and I do acknowledge that IQ is a valid biological concept and that there are statistical differences between races (a race can be defined as a mildly inbred group of people and is defined by their common ancestry. E.g. whites are people with mostly ancestors living in Europe ~40.000 years ago, blacks are people with mostly ancestors living in Africa ~90.000 years ago etc.). Acknowledging biological reality, however, is NOT the same as being a racist. .

The problem here, dear boy, is that you're not acknowledging biological reality at all.

Only this morning I was reading a fascinating piece about the latest research on the orgins of human language in that organ of statist collectivism The Economist.

It mentions in passing that, and I quote, 'One of the lines of evidence which show humanity's African origins is that the farther you get from that continent, the less diverse, genetically speaking are'.

The implication of this is that population of Africa are not a 'mildly inbred group of people', and are only defined by their common ancestry to the same extent the rest of us are.

As for the IQ/Race thing as a whole, what people forget is that Africa has always been a harsh environment for people living in it. Such a harsh environment presents persistent cognitive to individuals who wish to survive in it. If, for the sake of argument, we assume that there is indeed a substantial hereditary component in human intelligence, we would have to also admit that in a harsh environment such as that of Africa we would expect natural selection to produce pressures towards enhanced cognitive ability and intelligence among the populations inhabiting that environment.

Oh, and the Bell Curve drew a lot of its material from the journal Mankind Quarterly, which has some very nasty connections with nasty people of the brown-shirted variety.

Your denial of aspects of the holocaust, your citation of The Bell Curve, your "scientific racism".

Ah, yes, this is standard leftist categorical thinking: either you're a commie, a nazi or somewhere slightly in between. Jonah Goldberg is consistently being dismissed as a "wingnut" on this forum, but despite his alleged idiocy and complete bullshit he nevertheless managed to identify with extreme precision the leftist concept of what it means to be rightwing: racism. So if you boil down a concentrated extract of the right you basically end up with pure evil, vicious bigoted little racists. By your contorted and twisted logic you go through the following mental yoga lesson: Onar accepts that intelligence is a real biological phenomenon, ergo he is a racist, ergo he is pure right wing.

The funny thing is that you prove Goldberg's observation without a shred of doubt, because what aspects of my political views are "extreme right wing"? Is it that I am for gays' right to sexual freedom? Or maybe it's that I am for free immigration? Or freedom to use drugs? Or freedom to produce and consume pornography and prostitution? Or, maybe it is the fact that I am an individualist and an expressed anti-racist? Ooops. I forgot, I'm supposed to be a racist because I think intelligence has something to do with the brain. No, sir, my own opinions don't matter because a better-than-thou left-wing elitist Knows Better (tm).
Ah, yes, this is standard leftist categorical thinking: either you're a commie, a nazi or somewhere slightly in between. Jonah Goldberg is consistently being dismissed as a "wingnut" on this forum, but despite his alleged idiocy and complete bullshit he nevertheless managed to identify with extreme precision the leftist concept of what it means to be rightwing: racism. So if you boil down a concentrated extract of the right you basically end up with pure evil, vicious bigoted little racists. By your contorted and twisted logic you go through the following mental yoga lesson: Onar accepts that intelligence is a real biological phenomenon, ergo he is a racist, ergo he is pure right wing.

The funny thing is that you prove Goldberg's observation without a shred of doubt, because what aspects of my political views are "extreme right wing"? Is it that I am for gays' right to sexual freedom? Or maybe it's that I am for free immigration? Or freedom to use drugs? Or freedom to produce and consume pornography and prostitution? Or, maybe it is the fact that I am an individualist and an expressed anti-racist? Ooops. I forgot, I'm supposed to be a racist because I think intelligence has something to do with the brain. No, sir, my own opinions don't matter because a better-than-thou left-wing elitist Knows Better (tm).

Yet you persist in espousing racist ideas and linking to racist sites.

Funny that.
Extreme rightwing conspiraloon anti-Catholic Illuminati US patriot website yes?
Loadsa this sort of thing.

Jesuits: Disarm America To Facilitate a Successful Sino-Soviet-Muslim Invasion »

Here is yet another piece of the deadly web the Jesuits are weaving in preparation for the American Empire’s coming Sino-Soviet-Muslim Invasion.
I don't normally say this, but onarchy really should be forced to produce his references or be banned. I'm tired of his racist blustering now.

Onarchy, produce your references or retract what you have claimed.
I'm against the sexual exploitation of minors, which includes child porn. However, an artist's depiction from fantasy should be legal.

And how are you going to ensure that sexual exploitation of minors doesn't happen, especially given the backdrop of your desire for 'freedom' of porn and prostitution. Freedom for everyone to be both the consumer and the consumed?
Just say the word and I'll do the deed. I would have done it days ago but I was enjoying his flawed argument being intelligently and systematically trashed by youse lot.
Remember the huge controversy surrounding the ballot counting in Florida in the Bush vs Gore presidential election? It was shown that there was systematically more ballots discarded in counties with a large black community than in white dominated counties. This lead to allegations of fraud etc. How about the very simple explanation that voting is a mentally challenging task, which involves reading instructions? If you're a functional illiterate the chance of casting a vote correctly drops significantly. Considering then that 40% of blacks in America are functional illiterates this fact alone could explain the ballot discarding pattern.

Don't ban onarchy, he's not trolling - only answering questions being put to him. If his responses are inadequate or not worthy of engagement then don't engage with them. Simples.
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