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"The Line" - Saudi Arabia plans 100 mile long indoor megacity. [Neom]


I suspect this will be more science fiction than something that actually gets built any time soon but maybe it's a hint of the future. The concept art is pretty cool even allowing for the rather computer game style graphics.

I suspect this will be more science fiction than something that actually gets built any time soon but maybe it's a hint of the future. The concept art is pretty cool even allowing for the rather computer game style graphics.

View attachment 334934

There is nothing cool about the absurd fantasies of a brutal cosseted crayonista, who would have no compunction about having you sawn into lumps of flesh and flushed down a lavatory
We all know that it will rapidly split into an undercity, full of mutants, and the Upper Levels where all the posh people live.

I'm tempted to compare it to any of the numerous mega-cities already in existence. When I visited Chicago, I noticed that the rich literally live in one of the tallest buildings in the world, while homeless people sleep in its shadow.
This came out over a year ago, when it was first announced

Still, lots of over the top renders doesnt actually create much
100 million people will be 100 million corpses if the a/c packs up. Saudi Arabia is likely to be at non-survivable temperatures in the near future. In fact I think fatal wet-bulb temperatures have already been recorded there. They definitely have in the UAE.

Also, I know all these people can commute in an instant to their job in the neighbouring pod, but what will they actually do? Heavy industry is out. Agriculture is out. I know the oil industry needs a lot of lobbyists and PR drones but it doesn't need 100 fucking million of them.
I know the oil industry needs a lot of lobbyists and PR drones but it doesn't need 100 fucking million of them.
You might not need them, but if you do have them you must see the positive side to containing them all within a flimsy metal-and-glass sarcophagus in hostile environmental conditions with the imminent threat of non-survivable temperatures?
You might not need them, but if you do have them you must see the positive side to containing them all within a flimsy metal-and-glass sarcophagus in hostile environmental conditions with the imminent threat of non-survivable temperatures?

Are you tired of spending money on a tomb you'll never get to enjoy? Why not move into one while you're still alive!

Always worried about dying alone? Come to a place where the screams of 99,999,999 other people as they're cooked alive in a solar-powered microwave will guide you gently into the waiting arms of Allah.
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