I'll take it.
Forgive my whinge. Today has been a bad day. I was made to re-interview for the job I already hold, along with 18 others in my school. I am a specialist maths teacher working with those in pastoral care (aka the naughty kids) and ALN (formerly SEN) pupils. I'm fucking good at what I do. This makes no difference to a school that is failing and has been taken over by a former headmistress who hates Unions and anyone below the rank of an official teacher (I don't count as an official teacher). No senior management were on the interview panel. Just the Head of Governors (the aforementioned Headmistress) plus the deputy SENCO (the actual SENCO has been told to clear his desk by next week) and the Child Protection Officer. I could have sat there and said "Tree, Road, Telegraph Pole, Masturbation" and still had as much chance of retaining my job. It was a farce. My interview, all interviews, lasted 10 minutes. They are restructuring, refusing to talk to Unison (who are shit anyway) and have their minds already made up about the size and shape they want the school to take next year. To give you a clue how shit my school is, 3 out of 4 deputy heads have left this year as well as over half the science department.
I live in West Wales. There is nothing here. I used to dream that unemployment would never be a problem because, for want of a better word, nepotism would always work if qualified enough.
It's never worked for me. It's never going to. I'm 53. I have 3 good A levels, a degree in Politics (yeah, great choice) and fuck all qualifications in sheep farming. I haven't actually been told I've lost my job. But if there is anybody out there willing to take on a huge bet to the opposite (making every cloud etc) then let's swap bank details.
I'm pretty fucked. Pretty fucked off. Bollocks to it all.